Chapter 2: Jules

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I was in shock, speechless. Honestly should have seen it coming but I was too caught up in being over the moon at the fact I had a friend like him that the idea of James liking me didn't even cross my mind. I'm not sure if the next sentence that left my mouth disappointed him or the opposite.
"I'm...going to need some time to think about it. It's hard for me to make a decision right away."
A smile appeared on his face as he feebly nodded.
"I hope you understand, I'm sorry"
"There's no need to apologize. It's fine, I get it"
"yeah I don't expect you to jump up and say yes immediately"

He immediately whispered "jump up and onto my lap". Most likely that phrase was meant for only him to hear but he's never been a great whisperer. After getting over the brief wave of shock from his neoteric sentence, I found the courage to speak again.

"Okay, okay that's great. I'm really glad you understand."
"Of course" I'm not sure if it was just me or his smile started to seem a bit sad. Nonetheless, it was there which was definitely a boost to my confidence.

Once again, as if the universe hates when silence falls amongst us, my phone rang at the very moment we stopped talking. Before this day, it never occurred to me how loud a ringtone could really be. Finally, I got ahold of the little metal box and Lo and behold, it was my boss. Andrew Lachlan.

I considered myself to be a very calm and collected person almost all the time, but when it came to Andrew I could never control my anger. Saying I despised him would be an understatement. I faced the urge to strangle him until he coughed blood right into my hands everytime I even thought of him. In simple words, he was an absolute asshole.

I had to quickly excuse myself before sprinting out of the building. Why? Because I was worried that Andrews presence even through the phone would ruin the immaculate vibe of the gorgeous cafe for me.

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