Chapter 3: James

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After Jules ran off to get some work done, I stayed at the cafe for a few more minutes until the employees started giving me pitiful looks. I left and went straight home, thinking about Jules the whole way back. These days the way she laughed, talked, walked, generally existed was the only thing that occupied my thoughts. Her and only her. It felt nice to finally tell her and get it off my chest but another problem came up, would she feel the same way or not?

I thought what it would be like if I was walking her back to her apartment instead of walking to my own alone. The whole way I fantasized about making her mine and being with her from sunrise to sunset. This went on for about twenty minutes until I finally took off my shoes, staring at the mess of a bedroom in front of me. Disgusting, but I could deal with it for the sake of my laziness. I immediately took out my phone and sent Jules a text, just to make sure she was okay.
It had now been an hour since I sent the text, she hadn't responded yet but I just assumed she was busy. That assumption was made 20 minutes ago, and I was getting impatient so I decided to call her. It rang and rang yet she didn't pick up. I didn't doubt the fact that she was just fine and knew how to take care of herself but I couldn't stop myself from worrying. My heart told me to go over and check up on her but I knew if I did at this time and so abruptly, she wouldn't be too pleased.

I tried my best to lay back and watch some TV, clearing my mind the best I could. Regardless, no matter how hard I tried, stuck in the back of my mind there was one thing and one thing only.

Did she feel the same way or not?

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