Chapter 5: James

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I held back a big yawn as I watched a 34 slide PowerPoint presentation regarding a loan request from a 67 year old who wanted to start her own business selling custom crocheted goods. This was the downside of working at a bank, it could be really boring most of the time. I quickly started zoning out and my thoughts immediately drifted to a certain brunette who completely ignored my calls and texts last night. I still hadn't gotten any response from her.

After being occupied by thoughts of my potential girlfriend if I still had a chance, I shifted my focus back to meeting and glanced at the clock above. It determined how long I had until I lost my mind. The next thing I knew, we were back at our own offices staring at the piles of papers on the hard wooden surfaces. Ignoring them, I opened my phone to an unread message from Jules. Finally. Although I was hoping for a message with a reply to the question that still hung in the air but beggars can't be choosers.

Jules: There's a 40% sale going on at like half of the shops in the mall. Down for a shopping spree?

The low chuckle that came out of me after reading her text was almost inaudible. If there was anyone that could go shopping with their best friend after he just confessed his feelings to them yet they were still unsure of how they felt, it was Jules. I just hope while looking at clothes that are nearly half off she tells me how she feels about this situation we have going on.

James: Always, I'll pick you up after work. 5:00?
Jules: Perfect, I'm off today so I'll take a nap until then :)
Jules: Have to be fully energized to survive sale season
James: Haha definitely. Wear your running shoes I say
Jules: hahaha done

Well, at least she was taking to me like normal, that was a good sign. Maybe at the very least we could continue to be friends and never discuss that day again. Although if she wanted something more than that, I would 100% ready.

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