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(Sooo I've never worked at airport.. only as a passenger. So sorry in advance if things are wrong. But I love traveling and 9-1-1!! So ta da thought try both! But also know I'm Buddie endgame but I do love BuckTommy sooo as of now I don't know how I'll end this story.. so like turbulence in a plane.. it's gonna be a bumpy ride.... And enjoy!!)

~Buck's POV~

I only live five minutes from Los Angeles International Airport, LAX is what your plane ticket will say. I've been working there since I moved here when I turned 20. I had many jobs in my life but being flight attendant is definitely my favorite. I meet so many different people, try different foods, and get to see the world one plane ride at a time. Today we had news coming from our Captain Nash, or Bobby if he knows you. He doesn't like the formal title. In a way if wasn't a work place I'd definitely call him dad. He's more of a dad than my dad ever was.

Getting out of my Jeep I parked it in the employee parking and left to go inside LAX. My shift is five days on and two days off. Sometimes if it is an international trip can be a whole week and then can be off the other week when we get back to LA. I don't go out much when I'm off work since even on days off I'm usually hanging around the airport. We have everything here so why else would you want to go somewhere? Sure LA has stuff to see but I saw all that already when I moved here. Now working at airport Bobby flies us anywhere and everywhere.

Clocking in I went to the coffee stand first. My sister Maddie greeted me. She worked opening hours for the coffee house. "Hey Maddie." "Morning Buck. Sleep okay?" I nodded and she already had my coffee ready. I paid her and took the cup and sighed happily. She always asked to make sure I slept okay before I had my trips. She thought of being flight attendant but she hated flying. We grew up in Pennsylvania so the only plane ride she did was to here. She even surprised me using my shower and I went to get in thinking it was my date from the night before. Yet the screams we both had and bleaching my eyes out (not really) was enough for me to now know to knock. Yet she has her own place now with another flight attendant.
"Chimney here you go."
I heard Maddie say and speaking of the devil. Howie, or as we all call him Chimney. It's funny story he got the nickname because—
"Thanks love."
I made gross face not that I was mad but at the love they had. I was jealous that I couldn't find that.
"Welcome. And did you sleep okay?"
"Yeah having you to cuddle was so nice. I'm gonna miss it these next five days."
"Well you both be safe and text as soon as you land."
"Will do."
Chimney said and then smiled at me.
"Ready Buckaroo to see what Bobby has to tell us?"
I nodded and waved bye to my sister as we walked to the TSA for employees. Yes we even have to go through it. Yet ours is faster since we have to get on plane to help all our customers.
"Hi boys."
I smiled at Athena, she was the head TSA officer. She use to be a cop but joined TSA after both her kids left for college. She is even married to Bobby.
"Morning Athena."

After we left TSA we walked to the office building where Bobby was having this meeting. He was talking to someone but Bobby was blocking who it was. When Bobby laughed at a joke the guy said I sat down in front row of the chairs placed out around the room. Chimney sat by Hen, his best friend, she's been here as long as I can remember. She was.. is the first black, lesbian, and use to be EMT flight attendant. I did small wave at her and she waved back. I felt like I was in a school and Bobby was the principal. When he backed up now I had view of the guy I almost dropped my coffee. Who is that? And why are his eyes so pretty?
"So everyone.. I have news."
I didn't look at Bobby as he talked until I cleared my throat to look away from the guy standing next to Bobby.
"Everyone this is Tommy Kinard."
"Hi everyone."
Even his voice is pretty. I drank some of my coffee as Bobby talked again.
"This year I'm officially retiring. So I've hired Tommy here as the new pilot for our crew. He was in the army and has been flying since ...?"
"Since I turned fourteen when I could start getting my flight license."
"Yes right."
That earned chuckles around the room but my throat felt dry.
"So everyone please introduce yourself so we can show Tommy we are like one big family here. Then you guys can get to your first planes for today. I will be flying today but only as co captain since Tommy will be the captain today."

Everyone went around the room and then when it was my turn I stood up. I felt his eyes on me and I smiled trying to sound confident.
"H-hi I'm Evan.. but everyone calls me Buck. Umm I like watching action movies and flying around the world."
I sat back down right when I heard Tommy speak.
"Nice to meet you Evan."
I won't confirm or deny what that did to my heart when I heard Evan. Only my sister calls me that or my parents but hearing him say it .. wow. It sounded nice.

Now on the plane I was helping a customer with their luggage in the over head bin.
"Thank you dear."
I smiled and she sat down with what looked like her granddaughter. She had curly grey hair and I realized when I got older my hair would also be curly and grey.
I walked down the aisle to see if anyone needed anything else as the doors were shut already. I stopped at 20 A seat and saw him. I smiled as he was just taking off his black leather jacket with red roses on the shoulders. I was going to walk past like I didn't see him but he must of heard footsteps since he looked up.
Okay and he calls me that on occasion but I like when he says it too.
He was by himself, like before. He always had the row to himself.
"How are you today?"
I smiled and did small shrug.
"Good got my coffee and ready to help in anyway I can."
"That's great Buck. Coffee is always a good idea."
"I know right that's what I say."
Someone was walking down and I moved closer to Eddie and I smelled Eddie's cologne. I closed my eyes liking the smell.
"So umm where you going this week?"
I asked when I stood up away from leaning close to him.
"New York. My friend TK is there with his boyfriend, and also my friend Carlos and NOH8 Campaign is going to be there."
"Oh that's fun. Well you'll have to tell me how it goes."
"Of course."
I looked and saw Chimney and I nodded.
"Have a good flight and if you need anything.."
"Yep hit the button. Thanks Buck."
"Anytime remember I got your back."
"And I got yours."
I chuckled at what Eddie said. He was a regular as he was a model for all different magazines. So I saw him the most. That's the thing about being a flight attendant at an international airport. You meet so many people and some so much they become regulars.

I followed Chimney as he took the middle row, Hen took the back row, and I was at the front row near the pilots and Eddie, he always sat in 20 A, a first class seat. We began going over the safety booklet just in case an emergency was to happen.

I saw Eddie smiling as he looked at the booklet but kept looking at me too. Each time he flew he would read it over as I gave directions on what to do. I made sure to look at everyone not just Eddie but I felt eyes on me in the front and even behind me. As I put the booklet back I saw Tommy smiling. He went back inside the pilots cabin and shut the doors.

I sat in my seat and buckled my seat belt as the plane began taking off the runway. In that moment I realized as an out bisexual at thirty I had not one but two love a first flight, with Eddie and now Tommy. Both big not allowed in the world of being a flight attendant. Don't get with passengers and don't get with pilots.

(So ta da here we go!! Hope you like it! And again like I said I've always loved Buddie but now BuckTommy are cute too so who knows how this one will end. If you don't like this story that's okay go read and enjoy one you will. Thanks for reading though. Where should the boys travel??)

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