Chapter 2

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I woke up covered in silk blankets and sunlight. I looked around suddenly, confused as to where I was, before remembering the events of last night. I jumped out of bed and looked down at my wrists, expecting iron chains, but was surprised to see nothing there.

I walked around the room, towards the window, and saw nothing other than plains of grass. I walked to the other side of the room, towards the door, and tried to open it, but it was locked. I blinked back tears of frustration and sat back down on the bed. I was doomed. I was going to be the ruin of Ravka and everything beyond it. The scream I released wasn't stifled this time.

I unleash my rage on the room. I tore up the bedsheets, the curtains, and anything I could find, hoping the Darkling saw it all. I threw the glasses on the table across the room, flinging them at the walls, watching each one shatter, like my heart. I threw the last glass right at the window and watched the glass and window break and lay in pieces on the floor.

My heart leaped. It couldn't be this easy, I can't escape like this! I wasted no time. I stuck my head out the window frame, careful not to cut myself on any of the sharp edges, and jumped out. I landed on soft grass but still didn't see any guards. I didn't stop to wonder. I ran. I ran up the little hill towards the forest surrounding wherever the hell I was but I was stopped dead in my tracks.

The Darkling was seated on his horse surrounded by his many nichevo'ya, as if he was waiting for me. "Alina! Glad to see you could make it," he said, a smirk playing on his lips. The disgust on my face didn't need to be faked. I looked around me and saw the nichevo'ya all around me and the Darkling. I crossed my arms.

"How long have you been waiting for? Have nothing better to do?" I said, trying to catch him off guard. He didn't take the bait. I shifted on my feet a little, getting ready to sprint downhill, away from him.

"We needed you here so we could see how strong your powers were, Alina," He said, gesturing to his nichevo'ya. I opened my mouth, hoping to sound damning, but instead, a laugh bubbled out of my mouth.

"You're going to let me use my power? On your stupid shadow soldiers?" I couldn't stop laughing. The Darkling only smiled.

"Don't worry, I have safeguards in place just in case you do overpower them." His nichevo'ya pulled something out from behind itself and I almost collapsed. It was Tamar who was still alive, but badly hurt, with bruises almost everywhere. The nichevo'ya threw her on the grass, where she was just a heap of weakened limbs. I ran to her and hugged her close.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," I whispered in her ear. She was barely breathing. Her left eye was swollen shut and a few teeth were knocked out. "What have you done to her?" I yelled at him. "She's practically dead!" I laid Tamar carefully on the grass, tears rolling down my face. I stood and faced him. His cold quartz eyes loomed into my own. "What do you want me to do to get you to help her?" I asked, almost spitting at the ground. He smiled again, this time showing teeth, and said,

"I want to see what you do best. Kill. This time it won't count on your conscience, right?" He grinned at me and gestured to his nichevo'ya, "Go ahead, no one will stop you." I gritted my teeth and raised my hands, ready to fight. He jumped down from his horse and walked towards me.

"Let's see what you can do, Alina," He said, before clapping his hands and plunging me into darkness.

A few hours later, I was back in my room, this time with chains on my wrists. They were tight enough so that I couldn't summon light, but loose enough to keep the blood flowing throughout my body. My room was exactly as it was before I came. The window was repaired, the glasses were back on the table, and the bed was remade, softer than before.

I sat on my bed and groaned. What the hell was I going to do? I can't do this. The Darkling unleashed his nichevo'ya on me, just to see how strong I was. I wasn't going to show him my true potential, at least that's what I tried to do, but the Darkling knew me and challenged me with so many of them that I was forced to up my game as well.

I managed to kill a good amount of them before one of them grabbed me from the middle and lifted me over its head. I tried to use the cut on it, but it was holding me too tight for me to even move.

The nichevo'ya just took me to the Darkling and dropped me on the ground. "I wasn't expecting you to do so well honestly, I'm surprised and a bit proud as well," He said, knowing how much those words would wound me. I turned around and kneeled before Tamar, holding her close.

"Stop messing with me and help her," I snarled. "I don't care about what you feel or your damn emotions, just help her!" His smile darkened and was wiped away.

"And if I don't?" He asked, staring at me. "What would you do then?"

"I would kill you," I said. "And I'm not asking." I glared at him.

"What difference is it if she's alive or dead to me?"

"I...I..." All of my words disappeared, the things I wanted to spit back at him gone. Tamar was alive only for one reason, and that reason is me. She's alive so the Darkling can use me like his little puppet. And it was damn working. It hurt just to think about it.

I needed to think of better solutions that the Darkling would never see coming. Only if I had a team. I lay in bed thinking about Genya, Tamar, Toyla, David, Nikolai, and everyone else who helped me, even Zoya. I wish Mal were here, someone I could talk to and bicker with. Someone I could fall into, cry into. Someone who would care for me no matter what happens. I miss him, I miss all of them. 

I failed them and they're suffering. 

And it's all because of my stupidity. 

I not only doomed myself, but everyone else around me.


I lost.


OMGGGG THIS CHAPTER SLAYS SO HARD!!! I did change a few things from the original, but it's still basically the same. I updated pretty early because someone commented - thank you for that btw 😁 - and so here is this chapter 

Oh I spilt this chapter in half because it was so long so I'm gonna make this chapter 2 and the next either chapter 3 or chapter 2 (continued) 

What do you guys think I should do? Also what do you think of my story so far? Ngl I've always hated Alina, so if you hate her too, SAMEE 

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed! (If you liked this story, check out my red queen fanfic, Burning Flames!! It's super good ☺️)

- Sheepi

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