Chapter 3

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I sit up abruptly. 

If the Darkling had Mal and the others, he would surely use them against me. Hope fluttered in my chest, a small yet dangerous thing. They could do this. They could get me out. I laid back down and dragged my palms down my face, my manacles clinking against each other. I tilted my head towards the window and stared at the slowly setting sun. Sometimes I wish I didn't have this power. 

If I had any other power, what would my life be like? I wouldn't be here for sure, and I would have had the life with Mal I always wanted, right? I continue watching out the window. No. I would be the Darkling's servant, always squashed beneath his boot. I would be his faithful soldier till my end. It's better to defy him than follow his commands.

A knock on my door startled me. I didn't move. I sat up quickly and looked around for a weapon. The glasses on the side table would have to do. I snatched one up and aimed it at the door, ready to hurl it at someone's skull. The door opened and footsteps echoed around my room. As I saw who it was, I shrank back in terror. The Darkling closed the door gently and smiled once he saw me. "Enjoying yourself?" He asked. 

I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling. "Seriously? You're asking me this?" I held up my silver iron chains and clanked them together to sell the point. He took a step closer and I instinctively moved back. 

"If I wanted to hurt you, Alina, you wouldn't be here in a comfortable room." 

"Where are the others?" I shot at him bitterly. I needed to know at least where they were for this excuse of a plan to work. I thought that he would do something to me, maybe use the cut on me, but he wasn't moving, he just looked at me. "Get out," I paused, hoping for a reaction, but he still watched me with his cold, dead eyes. "Get out right now," I threatened, raising the glass higher. The Darkling just smirked. He opened his arms as if hugging a lost friend and said, 

"Alright, go for it! I'm ready, are you?" I narrowed my eyes and threw the glass, his words forgotten. The glass exploded behind him on the wall, a few inches away from him. Shock passed momentarily on the Darkling's face but was covered with another sneer so fast I thought I imagined it. 

"I guess you do have some courage in you. Don't worry, it won't do you any good." He responded. "Your team is safe." At that, my eyebrows raised and hope bloomed in my heart. Why did he answer my question? Is it true? I can't trust him. "Your team is safe," He repeated. "For now," 

I turned around so abruptly that I almost tripped. "What do you mean for now?" He looked pleased with himself. 

"I have scouts everywhere looking for your tracker and your friends. Yesterday we found this," He said, holding up a piece of fabric. The hope that I felt shattered immediately. The fabric he was holding was from the shirt Mal was wearing. My hand automatically reached out for it, but the Darkling raised it out of my reach.

 "It's the trackers, isn't it?" I dropped my hand and turned around, not able to face him. "What life do you think you can have with him? He's nothing compared to you and your power. He's just another otkazat'sya,"

"He's more than what you'll ever be. He might not be as powerful, but he has a stronger heart than you'll ever have." 

"Don't worry Alina, your tracker will find the Firebird for us, but after that, his head will be mounted on your very wall," I realized that only I knew Mal was the third amplifier. The Darkling didn't know, meaning I had a chance to escape.

Disgust was written on his face as he turned his back and walked away. He wanted this, not to check up on me, but to get more information. I hate myself for thinking I could beat him. The Darkling was always one step ahead.

After I knew I was alone, I collapsed on the bed. The Darkling didn't know about Mal, meaning that he would kill Mal after he found the firebird. But if I told him about it, he would kill Mal anyway. What the hell was I going to do?

Look, idk what I'm writing tbh, but we're going with it. This fanfic is more of a side story, so don't be expecting much. I'll update if y'all want me to, but idk if I will be motivated to write this one... 😅😅

Thanks for reading! 

- sheepi

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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