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"𝐒𝐎𝐎, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐔𝐘 is cute." missy teased her bestfriend as the two sat together at lunch.

maggie glared at her, knowing where this conversation was leading.

"what are you giving me the stink eye for! i know you fancy him." missy giggled, chucking a chip at the girls face.

"miss, ive known him for less than a day!" maggie exclaimed lowly.

"so? you fall inlove quick. you forget how well i know you." missy spoke, chewing on her french fries.

"okay. maybe, i think hes cute. but i dont like him and im not inlove so if you dont want me to shove those fries up your arse i suggest you shush." maggie smiled innocently, watching her bestfriends unimpressed expression.

"fine. i'll drop it." missy pouted, looking back down at her chips.

"have you spoken to tash?" maggie inquired, knowing that missy still was mad at tasha for the whole map situation.

"nope." the brunette across from her replied, popping the 'p'

"miss, you have to talk to her at some point." maggie informed her, making missy roll her eyes in return.

"ugh, but slapping her would be so much more fun." missy smirked.

maggie scolded her, "yes it would but i know you secretly dont wanna do that miss."

"then clearly you dont know me as much as i know you." her bestfriend smiled, booping her on her nose with her pointer finger.

"whatever. oh by the way, what are you wearing to the graveyard tonight? i cant decide." maggie asked, making missy's teasing smile grow even more.

"why? you trynna impress your new love bunny?" missy teased, referring to malakai.

"shut up man." maggie groaned although couldnt prevent the blush that crept onto her face.

"remember the night we went to the festival? and you wore that black spaghetti strap dress with the white puffer coat and the black boots?" missy ranted, dipping her fry into some ketchup.

"wear that?" maggie inquired.

"yeah." missy nodded.

the blonde girl perked an eyebrow, looking around. "speaking of the festival, harpers gone completely mia since then. has she spoken to you? obviously her and amerie had that big fight this morning but theres no reason why."

"nah, harps is just annoyed at amerie for some reason. shes all good with the rest of us though. i just keep wondering why shes gone full on slim shady all of a sudden." missy mused.

"there might not be a reason, she might've just had a woman empowerment moment." maggie explained, her gaze setting on ant across the yard.

"ant!" maggie yelled, grinning as she waved him over.

the boy scurried over to them, his signature cheeky smile slapped across his face.

"hey maggs. hey missy." he spoke, sitting down next to them and taking a fry from missy's plate.

"hey dickhead." maggie giggled, draping an arm around him.

"you guys going to the cemetery after school tomorrow?" he inquired.

"yep. we are. is dusty still getting the drinks?" missy nodded, squinting her eyes in the sunlight.

"yeah. i told him to get your special, maggs." ant followed.

maggie didnt like straight alchahol, or anything with too much of a kick. her 'special' was raspberry vodka mixed with lemonade, a 10/10 recommendation for all.

𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑, 𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑 | 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now