𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬

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"𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓?!" missy exclaimed as maggie had just informed her about hers and malakais interaction last night.

"dude! i dont want the whole of fucking australia to know about it! shush!" maggie exclaimed, clasping her hand over missys mouth in defene.

"im sorry, im just so shocked." missy whispered.

"i know. i know. me too! i just- everytime i look at that boy i want to kiss him. every time." maggie vented.

"did you hook up?"

"no! jesus, what do you think i am?" maggie grimaced, running a hand over her forhead.

"sorry. what are you gonna do now? are you guys like a thing?"

"i think so? yeah? i dont know."

"are you going to mardi gras together?"

"i dont know. should i ask him?" maggie contemplated.

"yes! definetely. you have to grab the bull by the horns maggs." missy insisted, enthusiastically grabbing her hand.

"okay, okay, okay. i just dont want things to move too fast." maggie bit her lip, overthinking the situation already.

"maggs, stop overthinking this." missy assured her.

"sorry. you know i cant help it though."

"i know." missy smiled weakly.

the two sat in silence for a bit, missy was snacking on her oreo bites whilst maggie was eating a fruit salad.

missy turned to the girl with a smirk, "was it a good kiss though?"

maggie pursed her lips, thinking back to last night and butterflies broke out in her stomach, "yeah it was."

missy squealed, grabbing the girls arm and shaking it with excitememnt and maggie giggled at how happy this information made her bestfriend.

"how far did you go? did you do tongue?" miss inquired.

"little bit of tongue yeah. we didnt go that far thought. i just got on his lap and we made out for a while." maggie cheekily grinned, her cheeks reddening in embarrassment as she spoke.

"you slutty slutty girl." missy teased her, poking her in the arm as she chewed on one of her oreo bites.

"i know." maggie responded, although suddenly feeling a tap on her shoulder making her turn around.

it was cash, and he looked extremely concerned.

"hey cashy whats up?"

"can you do me a favour maggs? please?"

"whats the favour?"

cash took a breather, glancing around the school to make sure nobody was listening.

"swing by my house tonight. you remember the address right?" cash inquired, his breathing more rapid than usual.

"yeah. yeah i do. are you sure your okay cash? you look really-" missy cut her off.

"freaked out." missy spoke, looking cash up and down with a concerned expression.

"nah im fine. im good. just swing by mine tonight maggs, if u can?"

"yeah sure. what time?"

"any time. as quick as possible." cash uttered before walking off quickly, glancing at everyone around him and keeping his head down suspiciously.

missy and maggie turned back to eachother, both of them confused as fuck. missy uttered, "wonder whats up his arse." she remarked, going back to her oreo bites.

𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑, 𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑 | 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now