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𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐘 and maggie made her way home fast, her mum wasnt home as she was out with her grandmother for the day so the girl quickly jumped in the shower as nerves racked through her body.

she was anxious. very anxious. her and malakai had hung out before but it had never officialy been labeled as a date. and now it was. and it was a little scary.

she got ready fast to block out all of her overthinking. that evening she had decided to wear some denim shorts, baby blue and white sneakers and a baby blue long sleeved crop top.

she put in an extreme effort, curling her blonde hair and tying it up into a half up half down style. she then put on some concealer, mascara, blush and a little bit of lipgloss.

she blitzed herself in perfume, before realising the time and that she was late. she had texted malakai that she was on her way, and eventually set off towards the arcade  where they were meeting.

as she eventually made her way towards the arcade after a good 15 minutes of walking, she spotted malakai leaning against the wall outside of the building.

his expression lit up as he saw her, and he approached her quickly.

"hiya." he uttered with a cheeky grin on his lips.

"hiya." she responded, tucking a hair behind her ear as the boy glanced over her appearance.

"you look beautiful." he smiled, bending down to quickly kiss her cheek before the two began tp head inside and malakai took her hand in his.

"so do you." she giggled, looking up at him blissfully.

"i look beautiful?" he raised an eyebrow, smirking playfully

"of course. you always do." she hummed, swinging his hand gently as the two made their way inside the arcade.

"thats rich." malakai charmed her, glancing around the arcade curiously.

maggie giggled, digging into her back pocket and pulling out a red lollipop to snack on. "so, you gonna show me your moves tonight or what?"

malakai froze, looking down at her as his cheeks heated up slightly, "uh- what do you- i mean yeah if you want me to-"

maggie perked an eyebrow, cutting him off, "i mean on the basketball toss. calm yourself." she patted his chest comfortingly as she felt him exhale with relief, breaking into a smile.

"oh, yeah. im gonna humble you so hard." he spoke confidently.

maggie rolled her eyes, "come on then. what are you waiting for?" she asked, pulling his arm gently towards where the basketball station was.

the two walked on over to it and malakai slipped two dollars into the money slot in order for the machine to start working, and three basketballs slipped from a drawer either side of the machine as two baskets sat infront of them as the aim of it was to toss the basketballs through them and rally up who got the most scores.

"so how come you picked basketball? most boys like football but you dont really seem interested in the concept." maggie spoke as the machine counted down from a minute giving them some time so converse.

"i guess basketballs just my passion. i've always been good at it." malakai shrugged, turning to the blonde with admiring eyes.

"ive always been good at it." she mocked him with a cheeky grin on her face.

"fuck off." he chuckled, watching as the timer counted down.

𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑, 𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑 | 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now