1.Preacher's Boy

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You think im the doing of the devil. You dont know me.

From 6 o'clock in the morning to 11:59 at night I am the lords vessel, I am a lead singer in church choir, I am the future of that church, but most importantly I am the preacher's one and only son. I have big shoes to fill, but like I said you don't know me. My father doesn't know me, my mother doesn't know me, but I know me. I know from 12 o'clock sharp to 5:59, I am myself. I am gay.
"So when you gone do it." Andre, my boyfriend of two years asked intertwining our hands.
I pulled him closer to me, "Do what?" He laid his head on my chest. Even after two amazing years with Andre, he still made my heart flutter. His touch still sent shivers down my spine. I still loved the fresh cut lemon grass scent on his skin and clothes. His big hazel eyes still made my knees wobble when stared into mine. Above everything, I loved his soft lips, that sent sparks through my body every time we kissed. I mean sex was pretty great too, but I could live a lifetime on his kisses.
"Come out to your parents." He said looking me straight in the eyes.
"How bout first we figure out when I'm gone do you." I suggested seductively.
He frowned, "I'm serious Shawn."
"I am too." I laughed. He untangled himself from me clearly not amused.
I sighed, "We've been through this. You know how my parents are, I will come out to them when I feel the time is right. I can't be the preacher's gay son, that'll make the church look like a joke. I can't do that to my father. He worked hard to get to where he is now, and I can't let me being gay destroy that."
Andre looked at me sympathetically, "Oh baby, when are gonna realize that by letting your father be happy your ruining your own happiness." I shifted up, knowing that he was about to go into a speech. "We've been together two years, but you still wait until midnight to sneak out the house to come see me. I don't want to keep having to be your dirty little secret. I told my parents about you, and they're actually looking forward to meeting you. How am I supposed to do that when you only act like a boyfriend after midnight. I feel like a fucking backwards Cinderella. How do I explain that shit to my family. They're gonna think your fucking embarrassed of me. I mean I don't even know anymore, are you embarrassed of me?" he raged using unnecessary hand motions.
"Baby, how could you ask me that, of course I'm not embarrassed of you. If I was I wouldn't risk sneaking out every night to come and see you. Do you not love me enough anymore to wait?" I countered
"No, no, no, no! You are not about to flip this around on me and play the victim. You know how much I hate it when you do that, I'm not about to be the..." His voice rose, so I cut him off before he could start another rant.
"Babe, babe," I whispered pulling him back into me, "I'm sorry, I didn't try to make into the bad guy. If it makes you happy I will make time to meet your parents." I submitted.
"Promise?" he asked laying his head back on my chest.
"Yeah,what day?" I promised halfheartedly.
He clapped with excitement, "Tuesday at 7 sound good?"
"I have bible study."
"Thursday night?" He asked
"Passing out plates to the people."
"Street ministry."
"Damn your whole life is in that church." He pouted
I laughed, "Yep, but lucky for you I am totally free this Saturday from 4-7."
"Saturday it is." he said kissing the tip of my nose. A spark went through my entire body making me give a Cheshire grin.
I got up and stretched, causing me to yawn.
I looked at the time, "I'm gonna head home, babe."
He looked in a shocked expression, "What? No sex? It's only 3:25."
I smirked at his bluntness.
"I'm a little tired tonight." I said grabbing my things.
"Whatever Shawn, just lock up on your way out." He grumbled
"Hey," I called leaning down for a kiss, "I love you."
"I love you too," he smirked.

I got home at 3:40. I laid in bed thinking 'what the hell did I get myself into? What would I tell my parents. God knows I hate lying to them, but what can I do. Shit, Shawn, you really fucked this up. You can't break your promise but your parents start asking questions, your ass is fucked. What if a last second church thing pops up? I decided to stop worrying and get at least a few hours of sleep. God knows I need it.

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