12.over it

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"This is not how you make a bed." Colby complained.
"Sorry it isn't perfect princess." I rolled my eyes.
"You got that right. It's definitely far from perfect." She remarked.
"You know what." I said sweeping her up onto my shoulder.
"Shawn! Put me down." She yelped. I carried her further up the steps into her bedroom.
"Shawn! Put me down!" She yelled again.
"If you say so." I said flopping her onto her perfectly made bed. "Now you're beds messed up."
She grabbed a pillow and hit me, "You're an ass."
I grabbed a pillow and swung back. "And you're a perfectionist."
She swung again and I swung back. Then it turned into an ultimate pillow war. I ran down the stairs into the living room,she followed suit. I tried to escape, but this damn labyrinth of a house trapped me. Colby used that to her advantage and pounced on me.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Colby asked through the passenger side of the car.
I have been with Colby for four days. Being here help me figure out some things that have been weighing on my . This whole time I've tried my best not to think about Andre and focusing on Colby makes that a whole lot easier, but I know in reality I gotta go home and face the music.
"Yes Colby, for the hundredth time. I can go home." I said exhaustedly. "I'm a big boy, I can handle myself princess."
She smirked. "Okay drive safe. And don't do anything I wouldn't do."
I smiled and sped off.
I can't promise that princess.
I arrived at my house shortly after. I just sat there debating whether to go in or not. I decided to say a prayer instead.
Dear lord,
Help me to control myself and control my mouth. Help my temper stay calm. And god with all my might help me not to strangle him to death. Amen.
I got out of the car and unlocked the front door. Andre's car was here so I knew he was here.
I stepped into the house and quietly shut the door.
"Shawn." Andre said stepping out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a robe.
I prepared myself for a mouthful, but surprisingly he just embraced me. I didn't hug back.
He stepped back, "I don't know what to say. I didn't think you were coming home."
"It's my house." I deadpanned.
"It's our house." He corrected. "And where were you, I was worried sick."
I walked into the kitchen to get a water, and Andre followed. "You didn't answer me Shawn."
I sighed,"I don't have to Andre."
"And why is that?" He asked in annoyance.
"Because I don't think it's any of your business."
"None of my business!" He exclaimed.
"Yup." I replied nonchalantly.
He was livid now, "You know what I'm just come out and ask. Shawn are you cheating on me."
I clenched my jaw. "No. Are you cheating on me?"
"How could you ask that? I wasn't the one gone for four days, coming back home with no explanations." He seethed.
"It doesn't take four days to cheat, now answer my question. Are you cheating Andre?" I asked again.
He looked me in the eye, and gritted his teeth. "No."
I believe him. There's a pit inside my stomach turning for trusting a stranger. But my mind still tells me something's not right. I know Andre and I know for sure, he would never look me straight in my eyes and lie to me. Right?
I sat in silence. Just watching him. His robe was opened enough for me to see his bare chest all the way down to his pelvic bone. His hair was messy and damp, hanging in curls to his shoulder instead of its usual pull back into a curly ponytail style. I wanted him, no I needed him, right now.
I got out of my chair and approached Andre, but he took a step back. "No shawn, that's all we ever do now, fight and have sex. I'm..."
I shut him up with a kiss, wrapping my arms around his torso, undoing the rest of his robe and bringing him closer. I started rubbing on him. I broke away from the kiss. "It's kinda hard to think of good comebacks when your standing here like this."
He smirked and pulled me back into the kiss. I pushed him up against the wall, rubbing on his body. He started rubbing on me. I pinned his hands above his hands. "No, no, The next few hours are about you."
He raised his eyebrow, "Hours?"
I didn't answer him but dropped to my knees.
"But Shawn you never..."
I interrupted him by taking him in my mouth.
Four hours and five orgasms later, Andre was knocked out. I was exhausted too, but something still was weighing heavy on my chest, and it wasn't just Andre's head. I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake him. Grabbing my phone I walked out onto the porch and dialed Ronnie's number.
"Hello." He answered.
"Ronnie, this is Shawn."
I could see his smirk through the phone. "Well, well, let me guess preacher's boy, you finally went home. He started an argument you flipped it, he lied to your face, and then you had horrible sex, you believed his lie but in a way you believe me too, so you called me up to get a date and a time he'll be at my house having the time of his life."
"How did you know I wasn't at home?"
"Who do you think was entertaining him while you were playing house with that woman."
I cleached my jaw. "Date and time."
"Saturday around 2:30 I'll keep the door unlocked for you."
"Thanks." I said bitterly.
"My pleasure preacher's boy."
With that I hung up the phone.
Saturday could not come soon enough. I waited all week. This week has just been perfect for Andre. I've done every thing. I've cooked, I've cleaned, I've had so much sex , I think I'm incapable of getting an erection ever again.
Today is the day I find out the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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