13.Conspired against

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This last week with Shawn was amazing.Like too amazing. It's almost if he's trying to cover up something. I mean first he's gone for four days, then he's the perfect boyfriend. It makes me suspicious. And I know that sounds ironic, the cheater suspicious, but Shawn has been creeping around, deleting messages and call logs. It makes me wonder, why is he really being so good to me.
I pulled up to Ronnie's house. I know what you're thinking, but I didn't come to have sex, I came to end this. I knocked on the door.
He opened the door slightly, "Hey you're early."
"Yeah, I said trying to look behind him, I came to talk."

He opened up the door. The floor was covered in roses. Candles were set out but not lit.
"Did you do this for me?" I asked amazed.
"I didn't get to finish, but yeah." He grumped.
"Ron, I'm very grateful but I came because I..."
He sighed loudly, "You know I'm really getting tired of this. But I'm guessing this is the last time, because, you found me and preacher's boy discussions, you had an argument about it. And you think the only way to salvage your relationship, is by break things off with me. But we both know that's impossible."
Ronnie was usually a great guesser but in this case he was dead wrong. "Discussions?" I questioned.
His face changed. "Hey you want a soda. I got your favorite." He changed the subject.
"What discussions Ronnie?" I asked again.
He looked outside, "It looks a little cloudy, you think we might finally get some rain."
"Does Shawn know about us?" I asked and got no response. "Oh my fucking god! He was deleting your messages! You told him! cómo pude ser tan estúpido! You two conspired against me! I trusted you! And you told him! You promised me..."
"I find it so fucking hilarious that you want to talk about promises and trust. I have given you everything. All I wanted was love, Andre. And when you gave it to me, I was determined not to let it go. So yeah, I told preacher's boy, because I thought he was the only thing that stood inbetween my chances with you." He ranted.
"Well you know how many chances you have now? Zero." I ran out the door making sure to slamm it.
Dammit, dammit, dammit.
He knows! It all makes sense. Dammit!
I drove as fast as I could to Shawn's job. Wasting no time I walked in and found shawn wiping off a table.
"Shawn we need to talk." I urged.
He gave me a strange look. "Well whatever it is, has to wait a few more minutes until I'm off of work."
"Okay." Was all I said.
20 minutes past and shawn finally got off work. "Ok let's go home."
He hopped in his car and followed me home.
Shawn's pov
I laughed, "Andre stop pacing and tell me what's going on."
He stopped pacing. "Shawn I know you know."
"I know about what?" I asked like I was clueless
He took a deep. "I know you know about. Me and... Ronnie."
My smile faded a little. "Yeah I know. So you're finally admitting it?"
Andre completely broke down. "Shawn, I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. please. I'm so sorry. I broke things off completely. I'm just so sorry."
"Andre stop crying." I commanded. "I can barely understand a word your saying."
He sobs grew louder. "I... I... Can't. I love you. I'm sorry please don't leave me."
"Andre. Andre. Andre!" I yelled to get him to stop blubbering. He stopped but he still sniffled, with little whimpers.
"Calm down. I'm not mad at you." I said picking him up off the ground.
He sniffled. "Your not?"
I sat him down on the couch beside me. "No. I mean I was confused and hurt when this dude came up to me telling me all about our relationship. But I realized something. I was never there. For three years I kept you in the closet. I hurt you for three years. The day you met my parents, you had the biggest smile I've ever seen. And it hurts that I couldn't put that smile on your face every single day. So no I'm not mad that you found someone who could."
Andre bit his lip holding back tears. "Shawn you do make me smile like that, every single day. Every time I wake up to you in my bed. Every time I see ur face. Every time see that Cheshire grin. I love you, Shawn."
I smiled. "Those four days I was away I was figuring out some things and I realized that I love you and I will always love you. But..."
"No. No. No. No buts please." A tear fell down his cheek.
I wiped it away. "Andre I'm in love with somebody else. And it would be unfair to you to continue this."
Andre held his head in his hands. I moved over and held him. He buried his face in my shirt and cried. I couldn't help but to cry a little too.
Colby's POV.
Last night my best friend flew in from my home town. I'm so excited that she's here. I've been kinda lonely and home sick, so its good to have a piece of home come and visit me.
"Dari you take forever getting dressed." I complained through the bathroom door.
She opened it causing me to stumble a little bit. "Hell, it took me twenty minutes just to find the bathroom."
I laughed, "Are you ready?"
"Yes, girl. I need to get my buzz on." She said doing a little dance.
I shook my head, "Same old Dari."
"Oh but I see you've changed, and maybe for the better." She mused.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I said checking my appearance in the mirror.
She rolled her eyes, "I'm talking about the way dress now, your hair, how you check your reflection every five minutes, how you take twenty minutes applying and reapplying your make up. You never did that before, and that's what I envied most about you. I mean I didn't think self conscious was in your vocabulary, but now I'm starting to realize you might be a human after all."
"Damn you've been here for a day and you already notice all that?" I asked trying to find my keys.
"Yep, I'm your best friend, its my job. And I think four months with Mr.right has done you some good. Where is he by the way, I want to meet prince charming."
I rolled my eyes this time, "I don't know I haven't seen him in a week, he's probably somewhere hugged up with his boyfriend." I took a deep sigh, still searching for my keys.
"You never know, he might just show up at your door and claim his undying love for you."
I was starting to get frustrated."Dari. Stop being a cheese ball and go look in the car for my keys."
"There probably upstairs but okay." She went to go search the car and I went upstairs.
"Colby!" Dari shouted up the stairs.
I darted down. "You've found them alre..." My sentence was cut short by the sight of Shawn. I crossed my arms. "Shawn what are you..." Bam! Out of nowhere Shawn's lips crash into mine. I was shocked at first but quickly recovered, syncing my lips with his.
He pulled away to take a breath. "I've been waiting to do that since I first kissed you."
My thoughts were swirling, but one thing weighed heavy on my mind, "What about Andre."
"I called things off." He answer.
"Oh I get it." I said taking a step away. "You're hurt Shawn, go home."
I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm, "I didn't end things with Shawn because he was unfaithful, I broke things off because I'm in love with you."
Dari sqealed, "I so called it."
Shawn shot her a confused look.
"Just ignore her." I said kissing him again.

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