5.Cinderella Dude.

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After driving around and clearing my mind. I decided to go to a club. I bought a couple of shots. I was just watching people dance when I noticed a lady in the corner. She wasn't giving anyone the time of day. Declining drink after drink, dance after dance, song after song. I noticed that this one guy though, didn't seem to know how to take a hint. Each of his drinks she would pour out and decline to dance. The dudes body language was looking like he was getting real irritated. So I decided to make my over to the girl.
"Sorry it took me so long." I said plopping down besides the girl. "The bathroom line was long." I casually placed my arm around her shoulders.
"Yo man, this your girl." The dude asked looking between us two.
"Yeah it's my girl. Do we have a problem?" I lied sounding tough.
He threw his hands up in submission, "Woah dude, I ain't got a problem. I was just saying you shouldn't leave a pretty girl like that alone for more than a second. Somebody might just take her."
"Nah, she got a pretty good head on her shoulders. But thanks for the advice. I disagreed.
He walked away probably to persue the next pretty young thang. I waited a good minute and attempted to leave.
"Hey, where are you going?" the girl asked. She caught up to me grabbing my arm. Shivers ran through my body. I stopped and looked down at her small hand that barely wrapped around my forearm.
She removed it, "Oh sorry. I was just wondering why you left?"
"Why would I stay?" I asked trying to find my way back through the crowd.
She rolled her eyes, "You can't just tell me you did all that out of the kindness of your heart. You must want something."
I laughed a little, "Listen lady, I've watched you shoot down at least eight guys in the last hour. I could see that the dude was giving you some problems so I just wanted to scare him off and get the show started back up."
"So you're telling me that you coming over there and doing what you did, was all for your pure enjoyment to see me reject guys." She questioned.
"Yes." I answered taking a seat at the bar.
"Oh... you're gay." She assumed correctly.
I turned to her, "What gives you that ideal."
"Any man that would pass up an opportunity with me must have something wrong with them." she confidentially stated.
"Or I know a stuck up bitch when I see one."
"Is that so?" she smirked.
I gave her that same malicious smirk. "From what I've seen."
Her eyes flicked to my lips, "Maybe you haven't seen enough."
I leaned in closer. "Show me." my voice was barely above a whisper.
"If you say so." she grabbed my shirt and crashed her lips on mine. It wasn't the sparks that invaded my body the way they do when Andre would kiss me. It was lightning, electrocuting me inside until only the feeling of desire was left. Wanting more I deepened it. She obliged but after a moment broke away for air. I opened my eyes and found her see green eyes staring into mine. Then realization struck me. These weren't the big hazel eyes that I'd fell in love with. The ones I could stare in for hours and not have the slightest desire to blink. They were green, a deep green. So out of panic I ran. No goodbyes, no explanation to the girl, I just sprinted out the door, got in my car and drove home as fast as I could.
I sat in the driveway thinking about what I had just done. I technically just cheated on Andre! She kissed me so I wasn't in the wrong, right? But I kissed back. The worst part is it felt good. No, it felt better than good, it was extraordinary. I kissed a girl and I liked it. I've never liked girls, my attraction was always, the star quarterback, the basketball MVP, even the goalie in soccer, but never a female.
I finally built up enough courage to go in the house. The glass crunched beneath my feet. Lucky for me Andre was passed out with another bottle of liquor at his side. I picked it up and sniffed it.
I took the remainder of the bottle and dumped it out into the sink. I picked him up off the couch and carried him to his room. These are the times I thank god he's so scrawny. I layed him in bed and placed some covers over him. His long brown curls spread across the pillow. I knew he would want to talk in the morning and explain himself but I honestly didn't want to hear anything he has to say. I returned to the living room and cleaned up the broken glass along with the stain on the wall and put the shoes back into the closet. Finally, I laid down, but too many things have prevented me from sleep. Who was this mystery girl and why couldn't I get her off my mind. I pressed my fingers up to my lips.
Shit shawn.
I awoke without the warmth I had grown use to over the past couple of weeks. I got out of bed slowly, not really wanting to have this conversation with Andre. I already knew what was gonna happen. I would be the real victim but take all the blamed. Then Andre would start crying, and I would comfort him cause I can't take tears. Finally we'll end up in the bedroom with him sucking the life out of me.( I don't give blow jobs.) But this time was going to be different. I hope.
I finished my morning ritual and decided to make breakfast and a home remedy shake for hangovers. (That I learned from my uncle, of course.) I didn't want any excuses as to why we couldn't have this conversation this morning.
As I was eating my breakfast, alone, there was a loud groan followed by shuffling, and finally, puking. I grabbed plate out the microwave and his drink out of the refrigerator and sat it on the table. He stumbled in shortly, holding himself up using the walls. He looked around the living room slowly.
"Was last night a dream?"
I scoffed but said nothing as I continued to eat my breakfast.
"I guess not." he mumbled under his breath. He sat down and started eating. He took a huge swallow of the special hangover drink. We sat in silence.
"Your not gonna talk to me are you, Shawn." I finished my breakfast and began washing my plate, without a word.
"I guess that's a no." He took a deep breath. "Look Shawn, I'm sorry for last night, but..."
Interrupted him by slamming my hand on the counter. "Dammit Andre! We're gonna do this again. I'm so sick and tired of you playing victim."
"Oh so you're the victim?" He countered.
"I didn't throw a glass bottle at your head!" I exclaimed.
"But you disappeared off the face of the Earth!" his tone matched mine now. "You told me you were coming home! It only takes 13 minutes. It took you 3 hours!"
"So you assume I was with somebody else!" I roared. "Un-fucking-believable."
He threw his hands up. "What else was I supposed to think! You told me you were coming home. Your phone went straight to voicemail.You don't know how fucking scared I was. I called every fucking hospital in the city!" His voice started to shake and tears rose up in his eyes. "I searched for car wrecks. I watched the news forwards and backwards. And you." He paused to take a breath and wipe his tears. "You promised."
Now I bet you have all fell for his reasoning and his tears. I mean he's been doing this for as long as we have been together and I'm still not used to it. This is usually the part where I give in. But I told you this time was gonna be different and I meant it.
"You did all that, but didn't have enough sense to call my job? I have been with you for two years! I've dedicated myself to you! I've risked everything for you! I moved in with you! I do anything and everything for you! So for you to think that I'm out, fucking some other dude is ridiculous." Andre bit his bottom lip trying to hold a full blown sob.
No shawn you said you wouldnt give in. No matter how much he cries, or how sexy he looks chewing on his bottom lip. Or the way he looks like a naughty boy who need to be punished. Don't imagine the way his ass would jiggle when your hand hits it, then you grabbing it in your hand and... Oh to hell with it being different this time.
"Damn you." I submitted devouring his face. Andre didn't question it and kissed back with the same intensity. I picked him up from the chair and carried him towards the couch without breaking contact. Slipped my hands under his shirt letting them roam around his "six pack" in all honesty it was only a outline, unlike mine which where clearly defined. We pulled away so I could take off my shirt. Once it was off, which only took three seconds to do, I pinned Andre hands above his head and kissed down his jawline. I slipped one of my hands in his pants and started rubbing his erection.
"S...Shawn." He stuttered.
"Mhm." I answered grabbing ahold to his hardness and rubbing back and forth at a steady pace.
He moaned and I began rub faster. "A..Are we c...cool." He managed to get out.
I continued to kiss him and rub his scrotum until I knew he was close to climaxing.
"No." I answered seizing my kissing and rubbing. He looked at me, his lust filled eyes now full of confusion. I got off him and grabbed my shirt and keys before heading towards the door. "No we're not cool." With that I slammed the door and hopped into my car.
Great Shawn you really showed him and controlled yourself. But now what are you gonna do with that.
I look down at my bulging pants.
Shit shawn

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