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Days passed into weeks and me and Andre were back on track. God knows how much I love that boy and what I would do just to put a smile on his face. Over the course of the weeks, I've gotten to know Colby better too. I find myself staring at her, and wishing time would stop just so I could make every moment with her last forever. I get lost in her sea green eyes. Attractions are definitely getting deeper but I know I could never let this go too far. I love Andre, I'm in love with Andre, right?
I ran up the steps and rung the doorbell. After about 3 minutes the door swung open.
"Ew, what's wrong with you?" I asked stepping inside.
She shut the door behind me. "I'm sick."
"I realized that when I smelled the vapor rub, and saw the snot running down your nose. What I meant was, what is it? Is it like the flu or just a common cold?"
"I don't know." She answered.
I huffed, "Where's the kitchen?"
"Why do you need the kitchen?" she questioned.
"Dammit women just show me the kitchen, she lead me to the kitchen. She sighed, reluctant to lead me to the ."Okay now sit and watch me do my work."
"Mmm." She moaned."Shawn... This is so good. Mmmmm."
"Slow down there princess, your eating soup not having an orgasm." I laughed.
She rolled her eyes playfully, "I can't help it. It's just so good. I mean where did you learn to cook like that."
"Back when I was young my uncle used to teach all these home remedies. This was one of my favorites. He said it could cure anything from cancer to AIDS with just one sip. I make it and give it out sometimes to the children at saint Jude's." I smiled at the memory
She smiled, "I feel better already."
"See I told you, and now all you have to do is relax." I suggested.
"Okay. Relax. I can do that." She said more to herself than me.
"It was now 5:57 I had stayed the whole day with Colby. We had successfully gotten her temp down to 90.2 the closest to normal I assumed she was gone get. It was Friday night so I had about an hour or so before I would have to go for street ministry.
I checked my phone. "Hey I got to go."
"Why?" She whined
"I have to go get changed so I can go to church." I explained.
She pouted, "Please don't leave me here."
"You know your clingy when your sick." I laughed.
She scoffed , "No I'm not I just don't want to stay here alone. And your the only friend I have here."
That word hit me like a sucker punch. Friend. It was weird. She was my friend. Right? That's all I want her to be, right? That's all she could be.
I dismissed the feeling. "Okay hurry up and get dress. Wear something casual. And don't talk to people. Especially the dude in the purple suit."
"Okay." She called from the stairs probably not listening to a word I said.
I waited about half an hour.
"Hurry up! I have to get dress too, and find a way to make it there before 6:30. I yelled to where ever she was."
"Don't rush me, dammit." She yelled back.
"Girl if you don't bring your a..."
My threat was cut off when I saw her descending the stairs. She was stunning. Her raven black hair was curled and put to one side. She was wearing a flowy white button up, with form fitting slacks, and black heels.
She scrunched her eye brows together. "What."
I couldn't say what I was thinking, not after she already addressed me as her friend.
So I said the second thing that came to mind. "Don't talk to the man in the purple suit!"
"So where's hubby?" Colby asked taking a seat on my couch.
"I don't know probably visiting his parents." I answered.
"So you have to call but he can go wherever he wants?" She questioned.
"Yeah pretty much." I sighed. "Um I'm gonna be in my room. The kitchen is right there, bathrooms down the hall and I the far room to the left. Need anything holler."
After a few minutes of silence Colby broke it. "Hey Shawn."
"What." I asked.
"What happens if hubby comes home and I'm sitting on his couch." She questioned.
I put my tooth brush down. "I don't know."
"Well we're about to find out." She said.
I shot out of my room. I opened the curtain and thankfully no one was out there.
Colby busted out in hysterical laughter. "You should've seen your face. You're totally his bitch. I understand now."
"I am not his... You know what I don't have time to argue with you." I sighed.
"I don't blame him though. I would lock that up too." She said looking at my shirtless body.
I smirked heading back to my room to finish getting dressed.
When I came back into the living room, Colby was standing in the kitchen with her back turned to me. I took this as a chance to have some fun. I tiptoed up behind her and shouted, boo!
She screamed and somehow we both went tumbling to the ground. We ended up in a position with her on top of me. We stayed that way for a while just staring at each other, then her face turned a grimace.
"You made me drop my sandwich, prick."
I laughed, "Come on let's go we're already late."
"You're just gonna leave that there." She questioned.
"Andre will probably pick it up." I said walking out the door.
We got in the car and left.
"You're late." My mother frowned as soon as she saw me
"I know, but better late than never." I quoted. She just rolled her eyes.
I escorted Colby to a chair far away from the man in the purple suit and went to join the choir.
I barely even paid attention to the service. I was too busy staring at Colby. I almost missed my cue to sing. But I successfully got through church.
I had just finished greeting those who came when I saw the dude in the purple suit approach Colby. I got to her as fast as I could. I automatically wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close.
"Is this your girl, partner." The guy in the purple suit asked.
"Yeah it my girl." I answered looking him straight in the eye.
"Well you shouldn't be leaving such a lady as fine and sophisticated as she is alone. Someone just might take her." He advised
I rolled my eyes, "So I've been told."
"Okay whatever brother, tell your Pops I enjoyed the message. And to you miss pretty young thang. Here's my card if you ever want to drop that zero and get yourself a hero." He said handing her a card. "Bubbles! Bam! (His hoes) Let's blow this Popsicle stand."
I unwrapped my arm from around Colby and headed towards the car.
"Are you always gonna do that?" She asked opening the passenger door.
I started the car, "Do what?"
She rolled her eyes. "Play hero, then walk away."
"Yep." I answered briefly.
"How do you expect me to get to know people if you keep scaring them off." She questioned.
"Unless you want to be a hoe and let him'pimp you out', you don't want to talk to him."
She laughed. "Let's do something."
"I actually gotta get home, but the fair is in town next week and I'll take you then."
"I have to wait a whole week." She whined.I smiled and shook my head yes.
She turned towards me. "So hubby gets a whole week and I get a night at the fair.That's not right."
I laughed. "Your something else."
She smiled. "So I've been told."

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