6.What About Him

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So after I got my little buddy to go down, don't ask me how, I decided to go work early.
"Shawn. Thank goodness your here. Tristen and Pamela just called in with the flu. Its spreading like wildfire through the staff I'm gonna need you here more often until this blows over."
"Haven't you got me into enough trouble, unc." I sighed
"I'm guessing yesterday didn't go good." He smirked
"Not at all."
He sat down."Okay brief me."
"Two pairs of shoes and a bottle of Hennessey."
"Morning discussion, make up sex?" He guessed knowing that's usally how all my briefings end.
"Morning argument, make up sex, no climax."
"Oh damn nephew this time is bad."
I sighed."Your telling me."
"Don't worry you'll go home, he'll make dinner and you'll be back into each other's pants in no time." He assured
I laughed, "I hope so Unc."
"You clocking out Shawn." My uncle called from the kitchen.
"Can you cover table eight before you leave."
I stopped In my tracks."Your killing me unc."
"You know I wouldn't ask you..."
"If you didn't need me. I know." I said finishing his phrase.
"So you will?"
I gave a huff, "I'm on it."
"That's my boy." He proudly stated.
I rolled my eyes and headed towards table eight.
"Hi my name is Shawn, I'll be your server today, can I start you off with a drink."
The woman who's face was buried into the menu didn't seem to notice me.
"Excuse me ma'am." I puffed annoyed.
She removed her face from the menu, and smirked when she saw my face. "Well, well if it isn't Cinderella Dude."
Cinderella dude?
"Listen lady, I'm like two seconds away from just walking out and going home, so either order something or get out. Cause your wasting my time."
She smirked, "Is that how you talk to all your costumers."
"Only the ones who stalk me." I remarked.
She laughed. Hard. It was kinda a cute laugh. The contagious kind, that makes you want to laugh too.
"Y...you th...think I would st...stalk you?" She burst out in hysterical laughter again.
"No." She deadpanned. "Now I would like a ice tea with a buttered crosant."
"Sorry princess but we stop serving breakfast after eleven."
"Then just a ice tea. Garçon." She waved her hand in a shoo motion.
"Bitch." I mumbled walking away.
I returned with her ice tea. I sat it on the table and slid into the booth on the other side.
She raised her eyebrow at me, "What are you..."
"I'm riding a pony. What does it look I'm doing, princess?" I interrupted her.
"Okay wise ass, I know your sitting but why here?"
"Convenient." I smirked, and she rolled her eyes. We sat in silence for a while.Then I spoke up.
"You said you weren't stalking me so how'd you end up here."
"Well I just moved to town about a week ago. I thought what better way to get social than a local bar. So I went to one. But all the bars here don't get popping until around eleven o'clock. That's how I met you the first time. Then I woke up this morning decided that cooking wasn't my thing. And came to this Café that came highly recommended. Seeing you was just a coincidence.Actually I'm glad I ran into you." She reached down into her oversized teal purse. "Here. You left your phone at the bar. And you might want to check your messages cause 'hubby' has called at least 15 times." At the mention of him, my phone started to ring. I cursed myself mentally for putting his contact name hubby, with little hearts around it.
"16." she mumbled.
"Hello." I answered.
"Shawn! Where have you been?"
"When are you coming home?"
"I'll be home when I get there."
"Are you still mad?"
"Look I'm busy so unless you called to tell me something important I'm gonna hang up."
"Shawn, why are you acting like this. I already said..."
I hung up.
"Relationship problems." She smirked.
"None of your concern, princess." I countered.
"Sounded pretty serious, but then again I don't know how that works."
"What works?"
"A gay relationship."
I scoffed."It works the same as any other relationship."
She looked down at her tea. "You know, I knew I was right about something being wrong with you."
"Yeah cause every guy who's not attracted to you is a homosexual."
She smiled, "That and your ear piercing."
"What do you mean, a lot of straight dudes have piercings in there ear."
"Correct. But a straight guy has his left earlobe pierced. Yours is in your right."
"So everyone knows if you pierce only your right ear, your gay."
"Oh bull..."
My phone interrupted me.
"What do you want?" I answered.
"Is that anyway to talk to your father."
"Oh my bad Pops I thought you were someone else." I said in embarrassment.
"Still doesn't make it right, but never mind that, I call you for a specific reason. I need you to go pick up the cans from the church, and go drop them off at the food pantry. Then go deliver the coats and hats to St. Jude's hospital.
Then go by pet shop and drop off the donated pet food." He ordered.
"Yes sir. I'm on it."
"Good. Oh and Shawn, Love thy neighbor."
"Yes sir."
"God bless you."
With that he hung up.
I looked at... Come to think of it I never got her name.
"What's that look for?" She asked eying me suspiciously.
"I never got your name."
She took a final sip of her tea. "A lady doesn't kiss and tell."
I rolled my eyes, "Are you gonna tell me your name or do I have to keep referring to you as princess."
She smirked, "Actually I would prefer queen, but to answer your question my name is Colby."
"Well that's kind of a boyish name." I mused.
"No it's not! It's a unisex name. And for your information I've met plenty of women named Colby."
"Right." I laughed
She rolled her eyes.
"Well Colby, what do you say we get out of here." I offered.
"I knew you wanted something! No man straight or..."
"Woah princess don't flatter yourself. You said you were new to the town, I thought maybe you would like someone to show you around."
She eyed me suspiciously again.
"Plus I really need someone to help me carry these boxes." I admitted.
She looked like she was having a internal debate.
She looked up at me "What about my car?"
We were now on our way to deliver the cans after dropping off Colby's car at her enormous house and swinging by the church to pick them up.
"So where are we headed." she asked turning towards me and away from the window.
"To a food pantry."
"And what is that."
"A food pantry is were people who may be struggling to make ends meet, come and get food for free."
"Oh." Is all she said
We arrived at the food pantry.
"Shawn!" Mrs. Tilly exclaimed wrapping me in a tight hug.
"Hey Mrs.Tilley, I brought by all the can food the church collected."
"Oh thank you. I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for that church." She looked around me at Colby who had been standing fairly quiet. "Who is this beautiful young thing."
"Mrs. Tilly this is Colby. Colby this Mrs. Tilly." I introduced.
"Well Colby you are beautiful. She said also giving her a squeeze. Then she turned to me. "Don't let Brook see her with you."
I smiled, "I'll try not to."
We walked around to the back.
"Who is Brook." Colby asked.
"You don't want to find out."
I guided her to the drop off.
"Shawny!" Brook called from behind me. Colby jumped almost dropping the box of cans.
I laughed and she gave me a mean glare.
"Aww Shawny, I didn't mean to scare your pet." She sneered
"Pet?" Colby asked
"Brook this is Colby. Colby this is Brook." I introduced.
"You know your very pretty Colby." Brook complimented.
Colby squinted her eyes. "Are you being serious?"
"Totally! I mean I barely even noticed you were a man."
Colby's eyes widened. And started to approach Brook aggressively."Listen you little trashy b..."
"Woah there tiger." I said grabbing Colby by her waist. "We're pretty much done here so why don't you go sit in the car."
She shoved my hands off her. "Gladly."
"Ba-bye." Brook called after her.
Colby said nothing but gave her the finger in response.
I waited until she rounded the corner. "Brook why so hard this time."
Brook shrugged."She had a prissy look to her. I didn't know she was that feisty."
"You have no ideal." I sighed.
"I like her. If you don't nab her I will."
I shook my head."Classic Brook."
"What it's been awhile since I had some fire in my sheets."
"By awhile you mean two days."
I laughed. "Bye brook."
"Bye Shawny. And don't wait so long to come back and see me." She called after me.
I got into the car. Colby faced me with a annoyed expression.
"What." I laughed.
She huffed. "Let's just get out of here."
"Where are we headed now." Colby sighed. We had just came from delivering the donated dog food to the pet shop.
I faced her, "Well that was my last errand."
"So that's it. I thought we we're going to see the city." She complained.
I smiled, "If I didn't know any better I would say you had a good time."
"Yeah cause getting called a man and a pet by a psycho bitch, a bugger wiped on my pants, and braking a nail lifting dog food, is such a good time." She said sarcastically.
I laughed, "Just admit it you had a great time."
She rolled her eyes, "Are we going home or not."
"No." I answered.
"Then where are we going?" She questioned.
"I told you I was going to show you the city and I am."
My phone started to ring and'Hubby' popped up on the screen.
She smiled, "What about hubby?"
I picked up my phone and turned it off.
"What about him?"

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