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Colby's POV
For the past week or so I've been trying to find my around town. I mean I've been here for almost four months, you think I would know my way to the grocery store. Not having Shawn around to show me really sucks, but tonight the sky's are clear and we're supposed to be going to the fair. I'm super excited because I haven't went to a fair in years and I'm really looking forward to seeing Shawn.I probably sound so naive and childish, but I've become so attched to Shawn over these last couple of months, maybe too attached.
I put on my white tights, a leopard print crop top, and some black sandals. I put my hair up into a high pony and left my bangs out. I figured I'd try a new look tonight, just because.
I heard a knock on the door. I sprinted towards it, swung it open, and without a moments notice jumped up onto Shawn.
He stumbled backwards, "Woah, what do I owe this pleasure."
"I missed you." I said into his shoulder.
He laughed, "It's only been four days."
"I know but this city is hella hard to navigate alone." I whined.
Someone cleared their throat from behind us.
I looked up from Shawn's shoulder. Standing there with a raised eyebrow and crossed arm was Alex? Ashton? Austin? Or something like that.
I grabbed shawn by the ear and drug him into my house ignoring his whines and complaints.
"What the hell Shawn?" I started.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to bring hubby?"
"You didn't tell me you we're going to attack me." He countered.
I pouted, "Today was our day."
He sighed, "I know, but it's been a long day. I promise though I'll dial the couple thing down."
I put my face in my hands, "Fine, but don't expect me to be on my best behavior."
He laughed, "Great now I have to deal with two kids."
We went back outside. Allen? Angel? Abraham? Or whatever his name is, was pretty pissed.
Shawn walked up to Adam? Adrian? Armando? Anyway, he whispered something in his ear and introduced us. "Colby, Andre, Andre, Colby."
Andre! That's what it is!
"Oh your the one Shawn dreams about." He snarled.
I looked at Shawn in confusion.
He sighed, "Apparently I said your name in my sleep, woke up with a pillow over my face."
"No Shawn you didn't say it, you moaned it." Andre corrected.
"I was asleep!" Shawn exclaimed
"Exactly!" Andre shouted.
"Ugh, let just go." Shawn groaned.
The whole ride I listened to them bicker back and forth about anything and everything. Then we got there and they bickered about parking spaces, tickets, rides and anything else. I left there argument about waiting in line to go get some food.
I returned with cotton candy, a sprite, and a funnel cake. Andre was in the middle of a rant, occasionally throwing in a Spanish word.
Shawn, who had stopped listening, grabbed my sprite and took a swallow. Then he opened his mouth and I popped in a piece of funnel cake. He swallowed then reopened.
"No, this funnel cake cost 12.85, if you want some, walk your ass over there and get you one." I refused.
"Yeah, you ain't no damn baby quit letting her feed you." Andre agreed.
"Maybe if you fed me we wouldn't have this problem." Shawn mumbled.
Andre raised an eyebrow. "What the hell did you just say, don't piss me off here Shawn."
He wrapped his hands around his waist, "I'm just playing baby. Loosen up have some fun." He lowered his tone. "If you want I can get you loose."
I cleared my throat. "Um this is uncomfortable for me."
Shawn laughed, "Okay, you're right, I'm sorry, let's go ride a ride or something."
Andre shot me a glare, clearly upset that I interrupted his moment, "You need your own man."
"Excuse me?" I snapped.
"I mean isn't that why you're all over mine, cause you don't have one of your own."
"She doesn't need a man. And she's not all over me." Shawn spoke up, sticking his arm out infront of me before I could say anything.
"A woman?" Andre suggested sarcastically. I nearly pounced on him but shawn grabbed my waist. I huffed and fought his embrace, but would let me go until I calmed down. He covered my mouth that was spewing profanities directed at the both of them.
"I can't believe you said that." He raged at Andre finally getting me to calm down. "Now I brought you here because I thought you could behave. Apparently I was wrong. Now you could stop being so self absorbed and enjoy one of our first outings together or I could take you home and Colby and I could come back another day, and you can stay in that apartment in solitude. Cause I honestly I don't give a fuck. You will never speak to her like that again. Am I understood?"
He puffed, "I understand. I'll be good." Andre gave Shawn a short kiss and headed towards the food truck.
"Definitely not his bitch." I whispered to myself, but of course Shawn heard and gave me a smirk.
"Told you."
After that fair was pretty fun. We rode a couple of rides. Shawn won me and Andre a bear. Andre wasn't too happy about that, but I was thrilled. So as an apology Shawn promised me brunch tomorrow to make up for bringing Andre. We just pulled up to my house.
I huffed, "I don't want to walk."
"What? Do you want me to carry you?" Shawn laughed.
"Uh huh." I shook my head yes.
He sighed. "I was being sarcastic but hop on princess, Andre I'll be back."
"Yay!" I screamed jumping up onto his back.
He hoisted me up and grunted, "I never got a chance to ask you, what's up with your outfit."
I frowned, "Well we were going to a fair, so I wanted to be comfortable. Do you not like it?"
"It's not that, it's just I didn't expect the princess as formal as she is, to be showing skin." he gasped.
I smiled, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me."
"Like what?" He asked.
"You have to wait and see." I teased.
He put me on my steps. "What I don't understand is why you bought this big ole house, when you hate to be lonely."
"Bye Shawn." I said opening my door, and avoiding his question.
"See how am I supposed to 'wait and see' if you won't tell me anything?" He complained.
"I'm just tired. I'll tell you in the morning. And by the way, it doesn't mean I'm lonely because I'm alone." I closed the door.
"Yeah right." I heard him grumble through the door.
"No you don't!"
"Yes I do."
"How many?"
"Under my right boob, left thigh, and pelvis."
"Damn you let them use that needle in some interesting places." Shawn laughed.
He had picked me up from my house about 20 minutes ago. We were now at the café Shawn worked at. I don't know how we got on the topic of tattoos, but here we are, discussing them.
I rolled my eyes, the tattoo artist didn't seem to mind.
He laughed, "I bet he didn't. Are you ready to go?"
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I gotta get some gas, drop you off, go back home, get dressed then come back here to actually work."
I sighed, "Okay."
We got in the car and drove to Bunny's, a gas station five minutes away.
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna pay at the pump." Shawn said getting out. He pumped the gas.
"Well, well, well, if it ain't the preacher's boy."

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