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That was the longest 17 days of my life!
Sam and I didn't want it to end at all!

It's funny, but we were both highly anticipating and extremely dreading going home to Thailand

We were stuck in a conundrum of sorts

To stay or to not stay, that is the question

I said that to Sam one day in the cringiest British accent I could muster, holding a non-existent mustache for added effect, and we almost shit ourselves laughing

It is exactly moments like this when you know you have found the right person

You don't even have to explain.
They just get you, you know?

It's either that or they just love you too much to burst your bubble, so they just decided to laugh at your stupid ass joke even if sometimes it's at your expense

Really, Mon? Shakespeare? Ugh! I can't believe I just did that!
Stress is really getting to me.
I could tell Tsk!

I guess it's because Sam and I both refuse to talk about the reality that is fast approaching, not wanting to voice our fears out loud in case it might become real.

Both of us knew what going home meant.

It meant no more happy and vacations spent in each others' company

No more of the carefree and lax lifestyle that have we both gotten used to over the past couple of years

There is no longer any turning back from the past that we were both desperately trying so hard to run from.

It's now or never.

I held on to my wife's hand tighter, and I took a deep, hard breath to clear my nerves.

Feeling me stiffening, Sam quickly squeezed my hand right back to let me know that she was here with me...

She quietly reminded me that I will always have her beside me...

That we were both in this together, and that made me smile sincerely... Slowly releasing my pent-up anxiety.

This was something that I hadn't done for the past day and a half, as I was dreading coming home.

She smiled back at me and gave me a quick and heartfelt kiss before pulling me softly to slowly exit our plane.

*flash flash flash*

Reporter 1: Lady Sam, how's your flight?
are you back for good?

Reporter 2: Lady Sam, where did you go all these years?
Why did you suddenly leave Thailand?
Did you know that Diversity's stocks plummeted when you disappeared?
What do you have to say to your staff and all the people who believed in you?

(Our bodyguards came in time to shield us from the overwhelming reception we have received from the paparazzi.
There were flashes everywhere.
I frowned from all the shouting and the hounding that was directed at us.

I could see Sam frowning.
Scratch that.
She wasn't frowning. She was scowling. Sam is pissed and this isn't a good sign!

Sam usually kept her emotions at bay and she was really good at regulating her nerves but today was an exception, she was more jumpy than usual and was less likely to cater and condone to the bullshit that the press was forcing on her

I know the reason for her short temper was because I was with her, and she was trying to protect me.

Otherwise, the Sam that would have shown up today was the giant ice cube that the public had grown to associate with her.

GAP 3: FOREVER STARTS NOWWhere stories live. Discover now