Chapter Seven

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"He denied me! He denied me the right to kiss my own prize! My spoil of war! He did not kiss me back! He refused to follows orders." Jason exclaimed, grabbing a vase and throwing it against the wall. Pieces of the ornately painted vase flew everywhere, shattering like glass. Hazel flinched at the loud sound.

Jason kept grabbing things, the prettier the better, throwing them all against the wall. Jason watched them all shattered, his face blank of any emotion. Hazel wondered if that was what his heart was- shattered in a million pieces. Pieces of glass, vases, clay, and any other type of breakable material he could throw littered the ground. It was utter carnage.

Once there were no more things to throw, he sat on his bed, his sandaled feet on the bits of broken material. His body was hunched over, and he looked like the broken man Hazel knew him to be. "Did that make you feel better?" Hazel asked, tilting her head at him.

He sighed, shaking his head dejectedly. Percy made him feel smaller, lesser. Whenever Percy looked at him, Jason felt like a minuscule piece of dust. Jason wanted Perseus to look at him like Jason was his sun, his everything. Jason didn't understand his own feelings. All Jason knew was that he wanted Perseus as his own.

"Well, maybe you should try treating him nicer. I mean, no one likes being taken captive, threatened, and then put in the dungeon." She said, staring at him sassily with her hand on her hip. Jason looked up at her, actually seeming to consider it. Hazel was quite pleased with herself- if anyone else said it besides herself, Frank, and Reyna, they'd probably get beheaded.

"Maybe I should apologize." Jason said, standing up. "And take him back to his room, listen to him talk about himself, make him comfortable." Hazel provided suggestively. Jason nodded absentmindedly, thinking. Jason walked out of the room, back the way he came. Guards and servants alike watched him walking. He looked lost, yet he knew the way he was going.

He walked into the dungeon, struggling to see in the dim lighting. The guard once again bowed, but Jason ignored him. He went right up to Percy's cage, staring at the crumpled up teenage boy. Percy looked up at hearing footsteps, looking right up at Jason. Jason opened the cell door, and Percy scrambled to his feet.

The rage that overtook Percy was immeasurable. He stared at Jason, a hidden fire in him setting his whole body ablaze. He stared daggers at Jason, yet he seemed totally oblivious to Percy. What Percy would do next, even he didn't suspect.

Jason went to say something, but Percy's foot flew up to kick Jason where the Apollo doesn't shine, stopping any words Jason might've said. Jason fell to his knees, cupping his crotch in pain. Jason groaned in pain at the contact, and the guard rushed forward to help him. All the while, Percy stared with satisfaction at Jason, knowing he wouldn't be able to escape.

Once Jason regained his breath, he finally was able to stand. He waved off the guard, who went to restrain Percy. The guard hesitating went back to his post, unsure. Jason stared angrily at Percy. Percy stared at Jason confidently, unashamed.

"I was going to apologize, take you back to your room, and let you get comfortable. To enjoy the comforts of royalty. But not anymore. You're going to stay down here. But first, your punishment." Jason growled, and Percy's eyes widened at the mention of him apologizing and started cursing himself in Greek for his lack of control. Jason wasn't the type to apologize. Jason grabbed Percy by the arm, dragging him over to the guard, who quickly stood from his wooden chair respectfully.

"Leave us." Jason ordered, and the guard nodded and left. Jason sat in the chair and pulled Percy down, across his lap. Jason delivered a hard slap to Percy's left cheek. Percy yelped, not prepared for the pain. Jason smirked in his own satisfaction and delivered another slap. Percy bit his lip, holding in his cry of pain.

Jason delivered eighteen more slaps before finally stopping. Percy bit his own lip so hard that it had become bloody. Percy's butt was sore, probably red. Jason let go of Percy's arm, and Percy scrambled off his lap. Jason got up, grabbing Percy by the hair, and pulled him back into his cage, Percy scrambling after.

Jason released Percy, who immediately went into the corner of the cell. Jason scowled, shutting the cell door. He locked it once again, leaving the dungeon. Percy curled up in the cell, his back to the back wall, and rubbed his scalp in pain. His butt stung, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Guard, don't feed him unless I say to. Give him water when I say to. Don't let him out. Don't talk to him. Don't allow him any visitors but me. If I hear of anything otherwise, you will be punished severely." Jason ordered coldly to the guard who stood outside the door that he had sent out. The guard nodded, and Jason sent him back in, going back from whence he came.

Leaving Percy all alone, in the cold.

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