Chapter Sixteen

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Percy sat around one of the many campfires set up with his friends. His family had one in front of their tent, and Sally was playing with little Tris while Paul watched with contentment.

Annabeth and Tyson sat on either side of him, Thalia on Annabeth's other side. Next to Thalia was Jason, next to him was Reyna, and next to her was Frank. Hazel sat next to Frank, and Nico was next to her. Piper was beside Nico, and beside her was Leo, and next to him was his girlfriend, Calypso. Beside Calypso was Rachel, and next to Rachel was Ella, the harpy, who Tyson is dating. Beside her was Tyson.

Clarisse was off somewhere, probably with her boyfriend, Chris. Percy saw Travis and Connor, old friends of Percy's, messing with Miranda and Katie, two sisters who the brothers never got along with. A few other faces Percy was familiar with were around at their own campfires with close friends. But he hadn't seen three faces he really missed.

"So, uh, today's been interesting." Annabeth said, breaking the silence. "It has been extremely frustrating." Thalia replied with a nod. "So, future ruler of Rome, huh?" Piper said, looking at Jason. "Yeah, I was raised by the senators of Rome." Jason said, shrugging, his eyes constantly glancing at Percy.

Percy pretended to not notice Jason's prying, searching glances, or Nico's heated, constant stare. They both made him want to squirm, to kiss them with abandon. But how could he? He couldn't have both. That was selfish. It was too good to be true. But how could he choose?

"So what's your position?" Annabeth asked Reyna curiously. "Jason's top adviser. If he's not in charge, I am. We were best friends as kids. Right now, the actual ruler of Rome is ruling. He usually just has Jason running it so that Jason will be prepared when he's in charge." Reyna said casually. Everyone around the circle nodded in understanding except Nico and Jason, who weren't really paying attention to anyone but Percy.

"And you two are?" Piper asked, looking at Frank and Hazel. "Jason's personal guards." Hazel replied easily. "Oh, well I'm the head of camp right now. Chiron usually is, but he's not here right now." Thalia said, shrugging.

"I'm Annabeth, the head strategist of the camp." Annabeth said, waving.

"Rachel. Oracle of the camp." Rachel waved, brushing her red hair out of her eyes.

"Piper. I'm just here to help out." Piper said, shrugging.

"I'm Leo! I build stuff!" Leo exclaimed, grinning. "I'm his girlfriend, Calypso." Calypso waved, smiling. "I'm Tyson, Percy's baby brother!" Tyson said, smiling and waving excitedly. Ella hid behind Tyson shyly. "I'm Ella." She said quietly, peeking out from over his shoulder.

"Nice to meet everyone." Reyna smiled.

"Speaking of Chiron, where is he? And Grover and Blackjack?" Percy cut in, looking at Thalia. "Well, ever since you went missing, everyone has to go in groups for hunting or anything. Chiron took a group out for hunting, and they're supposed to arrive tomorrow. Grover and Blackjack are with them. Those two probably thought they could look for you." Thalia explained. Percy sighed in relief.

"Who are they?" Jason asked, hiding the jealousy in his voice. Yet Percy felt it in Jason's suddenly burning gaze. "Chiron is my teacher, Grover is my best friend, and Blackjack is my pegasus." Percy replied, ignoring Jason's jealousy.

"I'm going for a walk." Percy said, looking at the ground. He ignored his friends protests as he stood up and walked away from the campfire, thinking. He needed to decide what to do about the two boys before he could face them. Could he really pick between those two different perfections?

Percy was walking by the trees when he suddenly was pushed up against a tree, hands on chest. "Percy." The person muttered, and Percy instantly recognized the voice. Nico. "Nico, what are you doing?" Percy asked, looking down at the shorter boy who only reached his chest.

Nico suddenly flipped their positions, Nico now pressed against the tree with Percy pressing Nico into the tree. "Giving you what Jason won't. Control." Nico whispered, staring up at Percy's sea green eyes. Percy stared down at him, struggling to process everything.

Percy's body did as it willed, and suddenly Percy was kissing Nico senseless, Nico completely submitting to Percy's skillful mouth. Percy gripped Nico's waist, his hands roaming Nico's back as Nico clung to Percy's shoulders.

"What's going on?" Jason shouted, and Percy quickly pulled away. Nico was smiling with satisfaction. "He kissed me." Nico said triumphantly. Jason glared at Nico, lunging at the boy without warning. They wrestled on the ground, punching and kicking each other every chance they got.

"Stop it, stop it!" Percy shouted, covering his ears as the two boys yelled at each other as they wrestled. Percy's eyes were shut tightly, Percy unable to watch the two boys he loved attack each other. Percy commanded the water from the sea to come to him, and he gripped the fighting boys in a fist of water, pulling the two away from each other. He made sure not to hurt them.

"Put us down, Perseus!" Jason demanded angrily, struggling within the water's grip. "Not until both of you calm down and promise not to fight." Percy said sternly, not loosening the water's grip. Finally, they both calmed down and nodded grudgingly, and Percy released them gently on the ground.

"So, who do you want? Him or me?" Jason asked, glaring at Nico. "He'll obviously pick me." Nico taunted, and it took all of Jason's willpower not to attack again. Percy looked between the two, his mind reeling as it tried to think. Submit to Jason or dominate Nico? Was that all he had to look forward to? They both hadn't offered love, cuddles, picnics, or a future. Just their bodies- no cute couple-y stuff. What kind of choice is that?

"I'm not picking either of you." Percy finally said, unable to pick between the two different boys- one, because he couldn't just pick one, making one happy and the other miserable. Two, because he wasn't offered love. He didn't want just a physical relationship. Both were apparently incapable of what Percy longed for. How cruel of Aphrodite- to let Percy fall in love with two boys that both wouldn't offer him what he really craved.

"What?" Jason asked incredulously, seeming unable to accept the words his ears heard.

"Y-you c-can't mean that!" Nico spluttered out.

"I'm not picking either of you. Neither of you offered me what I really want. Love. I love both of you too much to pick one of you and leave the other miserable, also. This way, both of you can finally find someone who will love you, and you'll love them back. Goodbye." Percy said, walking back the way he had come.

Percy's hair was messy, and he felt like his heart was breaking. Tears flooded Percy's eyes, falling down his cheeks like a dam had just broke. Percy wrapped his arms around himself, leaning against a tree. Percy began sobbing, unable to stop the heart-wrenching sound from clawing its way out of his throat.

Percy began clawing at his throat, throwing his head back against the tree as he continued to sob. He knew- there was no happy ending for him. Nico and Jason would find someone to love, to cherish, to hold at night with only happy, blissful thoughts full of love in their minds.

But Percy wouldn't. Percy wouldn't get to fall asleep in someone's arms, or with someone in his arms that he loved more than life itself. No one he could love until the end of time, to cherish as a lover, to raise a child with. To finally feel complete with. The only people he could ever be happy with like that were Jason and Nico, and they just wanted Percy's body, not his mind or his soul.

Percy finally gained control of his rampant emotions, pushing down his emotions. He couldn't feel- not now. He had to be strong. Put on a brave face. Look happy. He was with his friends. He would be happy.

Percy walked back to the campfire, a smile plastered on his face.

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