Chapter Nine

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Percy woke up the next morning in his bed in an empty room. He sat up, looking around the room groggily. There were no dishes and no sight of Jason. Soon, though, Hazel soon came into the room. "Good, you're awake. Get dressed. You'll find clothes in the closet. You'd better hurry. You shouldn't keep Jason waiting." Hazel said, and Percy sighed, climbing out of bed.

Hazel left, and Percy got ready relatively fast. He exited the room, and Hazel led him to wherever he was supposed to go, ignoring his questions of where he was being led. Once they stopped in front of a room and went in, Percy saw Jason standing next to a posh, grey-haired man.

Jason beckoned Percy over, which Percy gritted his teeth to and did as instructed. The man brought out a measuring utensil and used it to measure Percy's neck. Percy began freaking out, confused as to why he was measuring Percy's neck, but Jason held him tightly. Soon, it was over and the man went away.

"Take him to get something to eat." Jason ordered, and Hazel nodded. Hazel motioned for Percy to follow and exited. Percy followed, happy to get away from Jason. He may have saved his life last night, but Percy didn't forget that the only reason he was near that guard was because of Jason.

Hazel guided Percy to the dining hall and went to inform the cooks to cook something as Percy found a seat. Soon, Hazel came out with Percy's food. She sat it in front of him, standing behind his seat with a stiff posture. It was an awful lot of food, and if Percy ate it all, he might just throw up. His stomach wasn't used to all this much food in a short amount of time.

"Hazel, sit. We can share all this food." Percy said kindly, motioning to the seat beside him. "No, I couldn't. I am below your status, and I have strict orders to protect you." Hazel replied seriously. "I'm the future emperor's spoils, nothing more. I am not above you, nor do I deserve protection." Percy said sternly, hushed.

Hazel stared at him, her face revealing nothing of how she felt. "You think yourself lower than you are to him." Hazel said blankly. "Sit. Eat." Percy commanded, ignoring her comment. How was he supposed to respond to that?

She sighed and sat next to him. He split the food down the middle, both of them getting a bit of all of it, and gave her one of the eating utensils. Soon, all the food was gone and Percy felt content, sitting there with a new friend and a full stomach.

"You're an interesting character, Perseus. You seem to bounce back quickly after the scare you had last night." Hazel said, sitting back. "You know what happened?" Percy asked quietly, ashamed. He'd let his fear get the best of him last night. He could have gotten away.

"Everyone knows. No one judges you for it. He was huge and muscular. He was trained to fight, to overpower someone. Most people didn't like him anyways. He was always harassing someone. It's just now, he harassed the wrong person." Hazel replied, smiling reassuringly.

"Did he ever harass you?" Percy asked. Hazel looked down, away from Percy. "I don't want to talk about it." Hazel replied quietly. An all-consuming, powerful rage filled Percy in that moment. He didn't need words to know- Hazel had gotten harassed badly by the man. Percy wanted to kill the man, then choke him. Make him cry for mercy.

Percy quickly subdued his own thoughts, not showing any of the inner monster lurking inside him, crying out for a blood sacrifice. Hazel stood up, and Percy did the same. "Come, I will take you back to your room." Hazel said, and Percy nodded glumly, wishing he could go outside to the garden.

Hazel guided him back to the room, which he entered as Hazel went to stand beside Frank. "How did it go this morning?" Frank asked quietly once Percy was in the room.

"As expected. Jason told him nothing of it, and Percy freaked out when the tailor touched him." Hazel replied, her voice resigned. "Percy won't like Jason's 'gift' at all, will he?" Frank asked, using sarcasm when he said 'gift'. "No, he won't." Hazel shook her head.

Percy stood on his balcony once more, enjoying the wind in his hair. A bird landed on the railing, cooing softly. Soon, another bird landed beside it, cuddling into the other bird. They must be mates, Percy thought. Percy watched them cooing to each other and take off into flight, flying around each other. Percy sighed wistfully.

Percy felt a touch on his back and jumped away, frightened. He turned, seeing Jason standing there, smirking with amusement. Percy mock-glared at him. Jason laughed and slung his arm around Percy's waist, pulling the slightly smaller young man close to him.

"I have a gift for you." Jason whispered to Percy, tickling Percy's ear. Percy shivered, and he felt very wary of whatever Jason had got him. Jason pulled out a strip of dark leather, and Percy was confused for a moment.

Jason put it around Percy's neck, fastening it into place. Percy pulled at the leather, but it wouldn't budge. It was constricting around Percy's throat, yet he could still breathe. Percy knew- this was another way for Jason to strip him of his freedom.

"This will show everyone that you are mine, pet." Jason purred, tugging lightly at the leather. Percy whimpered- from want or fear, he wasn't sure. Jason smiled in satisfaction, and leaned in, kissing Percy. The kiss was everything Percy could have dreamed of. It filled Percy's soul, yet left him craving more.

"Please..." Percy whispered longingly, not sure how to verbalized what he wanted. Jason seemed to understand, though, as he began slipping Percy's clothes off gently and pushed him down on the bed. Jason took his own clothes off, and Percy stared in wonderment at the finely sculpted body. Jason planted kisses along Percy's happy trail, making shivers erupt all over his body.

They spent the night together, limbs entangled in sweet, wonderful bliss.

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