Chapter Three

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*3rd Person's POV*

"I don't see how that's any of your business. And why do you care, anyways?" Percy asked, a bit distrusting of this guard who was loyal to the man holding him hostage. But he also wondered if he could make a friend of her.

"Well, I was only wondering because I like to get to know the people that will be staying here a long time." Hazel said, giving the boy a friendly smile. He looked to be older than her and looked strong, but she didn't mind. She was highly ranked for a reason.

"Who says I'll be staying here a while? I have people depending on me at home. I don't belong here." Percy said, hiding his anxiety. It never ends well when you show your enemies your weaknesses, and these two aren't exactly friends to Percy.

"Well, Jason. He's had plenty of toys that haven't lasted long, but he's definitely treated you the best. The better you're treated by Jason, the longer you'll be here." She said nonchalantly, as if she wasn't talking about a person, but an object that a five year old plays with.

Percy's blood boiled at how she'd talked about him like an object. His blood boiled at the fact his life was in the hands of some Roman. His blood boiled at the mere thought of Jason. "I am not an object to be played with!" He hissed angrily, startling Hazel (but not frightening her) and making Frank become defensive. Hazel signaled Frank to calm down.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you. It's just... all his other- um- guests had been weak. Submissive. For lack of a better word, whores. But you are proving to be different." She said sincerely, calming Percy's anger. "Maybe they would have proved to be different, too. If given the chance." Percy said calmly. His words shocked Hazel, and truly made her think. She'd never thought about that before.

"They also were broken, fragile things." Hazel said, thinking long and hard about the people Jason had formally housed for his own pleasure. "Maybe that's from too many people like Jason." Percy said numbly, sitting in a cushioned chair. "Maybe you're right." Hazel said quietly so Percy could hear, but not Frank.

"Jason is a good man." Frank said, speaking for the first time. "Maybe to you." Percy sighed. Frank wasn't thinking deeply about what Percy said- not like Hazel, at least. Frank was loyal to the end, and so was Hazel. The difference was Hazel knew that Jason had a dark side. Everyone has one. Frank didn't believe that of Jason.

"He could be good to you if you obey him." Frank said. "Frank, I'd like to chat with Percy. Alone, please." Hazel said sweetly. Frank looked like he wanted to protest, but thought better of it and stepped outside the room, guarding the door.

"I'm going to be honest with you, Greek." Hazel said seriously. Percy stared at her. "No matter how obedient they were to him, they always came out more broken than ever before, each one more demoralized than the last. The last one I thought might just kill himself, he looked so shattered, fragmented. Jason sometimes brought in girls, but they lasted the shortest, and all looked so crushed. I never knew what they did behind closed doors, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know. He made them all sleep in the servants' quarters, which he didn't make you." She said, brutally honest.

"At dinner, he always would say how they should eat less, no matter how little they ate or how skinny they were. He criticized what they wore, always saying it wasn't good enough or made them look ugly, or fat, or both. He was harsh. I'd never seen a man so cold. Yet he could be sweet, kind, and nice. Just never to his lovers." Hazel continued to tell him, making him dread the man's presence.

"I don't want to stay here." Percy said quietly, holding back tears as he remembered his friends, mother, and teacher. "I'm sorry." Hazel said sympathetically, wishing she could help the poor Greek. "I can't stay here!" Percy whispered frantically. "Why not?" Hazel asked confused. "Besides the fact I have people depending on me, I wouldn't be able to return to Greece after Jason... Had his way with me." Percy shivered, wether it be from disgust or desire, Percy didn't want to know.

"What do you mean?" Hazel asked, perplexed. "I would be scorned by fellow Greeks. Spit on by Greek soldiers. I'm not even sure they'd give me a proper burial!" Percy now paced, his heart beat frantic. "Do they really hate Romans that much?" Hazel asked quietly. "Yes!" Percy exclaimed. "I'd have no where to go!" He added. "Even your mother wouldn't accept you into her home?" She asked even quieter, and Percy stopped his pacing.

He knew his mother would accept him, but could he face her? Could he look into the eyes of the woman who gave him life and tell her all that had happened to him? Could he tell her he had died on the inside? Percy believed after this experience, he'd be dead on the inside.

"I don't think I could face her. She'd still love me and accept me, but I couldn't look her in the eyes and tell her what happened." Percy told Hazel truthfully, trusting her. "It must be nice. Having a mother." Hazel said wistfully. "Don't you have one?" Percy asked. "She... Died. A long time ago." Hazel sighed.

"I'm sorry. I have a lot of friends who never knew their moms." Percy said sympathetically. "It's okay. I've learned to deal with it." Hazel shrugged. Percy let it drop. "I wonder what Jason saw..." Hazel said quietly, staring out at the balcony that held a beautiful view of a garden full of flowers.

"What do you mean?" Percy asked. Hazel turned to Percy, her eyes serious. "I wonder what Jason sees in people. What he saw in you when he picked a gladiator to take home, what he saw in all those other people he made his lovers, and...what he saw in me to take me in off the streets of Rome and make me the captain of his guard." She said quietly and quickly looked back out at the garden.

Percy stared at her for a long time, thinking. "I think he saw your potential and strength." Percy said finally. Hazel's head snapped back to him, her shocked golden eyes staring at him. Percy loved the color of her eyes because it was so unique and beautiful. Not common like Frank's brown eyes or even Percy's sea green eyes. Not many have gold eyes. Percy had never seen golden eyes before he had met Hazel.

Percy studied her for a while and then spoke. "You know, you remind me of two siblings that I know." She tilted her head. "How so?" She asked. "I'm not sure. I believe you three have that same broody behavior." Percy told her. Percy wished he didn't want to think about one of those siblings, though. Nico was the last person he wanted to think about. But not because Percy didn't like him. No, Percy liked him too much.

"Oh, okay." Hazel said. "Maybe one day you'll meet them." Percy shrugged. "I'd like that." Hazel smiled. Percy smiled back. "Would you mind if I ask you some questions?" Hazel asked. "Depends on how personal." Percy responded. "Well, how about I ask and you say if it's too personal or not?" Hazel asked. Percy nodded in agreement.

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