Chapter Twenty Three

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"So you decide to make her suffer because you suffered." Nico said, unmoving. He knew there was no way they were going to wiggle their way out of this. Khione swung her head around to deliver her icy glare onto Nico instead of Jason.

"Yes, you pathetic fool. You fought Jason because he had taken what you perceived as yours. I took what Aphrodite took from me." Khione replied frostily. Then, her gaze went to Percy. Percy shivered at the sudden blazing inferno of rage in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Now, I'll make Poseidon feel the pain I have felt. I'll take away his favored offspring as punishment for doing me wrong- raping me. I gave him my first born because I couldn't stand to look at the child and see his father, but I couldn't kill my own blood. My father's disappointment in me for letting myself be...defiled shook me to my core." She practically spit the word 'defiled'.

"But, I fell in love and had a second child. Finally, I thought I could be happy with my little girl. But my baby girl was taken from me. Poseidon will feel the pain equal to mine!" She said, the rage building in her voice until it exploded, and she was shaking with rage; Percy knew she was going to kill him.

Jason struggled harder against the air that held them to the wall, and Nico began struggling too as Percy was frozen in place, not moving. He felt sorry for this vengeful goddess, and the blood was rushing in his ears from fear.

"Listen, lady, take it up with the man himself, not his kid!" Jason growled, glaring at Khione. She turned to look at Jason, her eyes softening. "You look like my love. I think I'll keep you. You'll grow to love me eventually, and we'll have children together." She said softly, sorrow in her voice. But then she reverted back, her glare going to the son of the sea.

"But Perseus and Nico must die." She spoke harshly, her gaze unforgiving as it held the two frozen in their places. "What? Why Nico? What has he done?" Jason yelled angrily, fighting harder.

"His father hid the Fates from me, and he gets to be near my daughter when I can't be." She hissed, her narrowed gaze never leaving Nico. Nico seemed to shrink under her accusing gaze. "That's not Nico's fault!" Percy yelled at the goddess, but she took no heed of his words.

She advanced towards Percy, forming ice shards that looked like they could kill a mortal or demigod easily. She paid no attention to the two struggling boys who were begging for her to spare Percy.

She raised her hand, the ice shards ready. Nico and Jason were terrified, screaming for her to spare Percy. She spared the two a glance- it was as cold as the ice shards she wielded. Then, she plunged the ice daggers into Percy's stomach, four wounds in all. Percy screamed in pain as blood oozed out of his stomach. Two enraged yells split the air just like a huge crack of lightning split open the roof of the castle and hit Khione and the earth cracked open, skeletal soldiers climbing out and grabbing her. She collapsed to the ground, the skeletal soldiers had their swords out, and the winds instantly released the trio.

Percy collapsed onto the ground, bleeding terribly. His vision was blurred from blood loss, but he couldn't feel the pain in his stomach. Nico fell to the ground next to him, unsure of where to touch him in case he hurt him. Zethes and Calais advanced towards them, but thought better of it when Jason took his own threatening step towards the two. They halted in their advance, looking between Jason and their unconscious sister.

The skeletal soldiers grabbed onto the two winged men, letting Jason go over to the barely-conscious Percy and the worrying Nico. Jason pulled out a water canteen of sorts, causing Nico to look at him in confusion. "Just trust me." Jason said as he took out the ice weapons and poured water on Percy's wounds. It took a moment, but Percy's wounds began to heal, much to Nico's amazement. "How is that possible?" Nico asked ad Percy felt reenergized and sat up.

"He's the son of the sea god. What else would you expect?" Jason replied easily, standing back up and looking towards the two gods, still held but the skeletons clad in Greek armor or Roman armor. "Now, go look for Boreas and the guy." Jason ordered Percy and Nico, never looking away from the two winged men.

Percy and Nico scrambled up and went in search of the missing god and Aphrodite's lover, going down corridors and looking in rooms. Finally they found them, locked in frozen cages. Aphrodite's lover looked exactly like he had in Percy's dream, and Boreas had icy white hair and a matching beard.

Percy was completely confused as to why the man looked just as handsome as he had in the dream. But he could definitely see the appeal.

"Oh, thank the gods! Please tell me you're here to rescue us?" The man asked desperately, clinging to the bars of his icy cage. He looked weak and half-starved. "Yes, we're here to help." Nico said, stepping forward. He pulled out a dagger and began hacking at the ice, and it soon broke. Percy did the same for Boreas, who looked disgruntled and angry. "Thank you." Boreas grumbled, clearly not in the mood.

"Let's get you out of here." Percy said, heading back to where they had left Jason with the brothers and their sister. Jason was still glaring at them. Zethes and Calais cowered as their father stormed into the room, clearly angry and disappointed. Nico snapped his fingers and the skeletons climbed back down the crack, the crack disappearing as if it was never there in the first place.

The brothers quickly grabbed their sister, backing away from the others. "We'll be back!" Zethes shouted before they took off, carrying their sister between them. Jason was about to fly after them, but Boreas's words stopped him. "Let them go. They are young, searching for their places in the world. They are not sure where it is, but they know they do not want to stay with me." Boreas sighed sadly.

Percy, Jason, and Nico exchanged glances, unsure of what to do. Boreas seemed to notice and made the decision for them. "You better take him and get back to Aphrodite. I'm sure she's destroying the world with heartbreak. She always was melodramatic." Boreas said condescendingly, rolling his eyes with disgust.

The boys did as told and walked out of the castle, being followed by Aphrodite's lover.

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