Chapter Fourteen

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"And who are you?" Frank asked, sounding exasperated. "Nico. The son of Hades. Her brother." The pale boy, Nico, said, causing everyone to once again gasp. Hazel looked excited and shocked at the news. Everyone once again took a step back. Hades wasn't exactly the god of good feelings.

The only people who hadn't backed away from the two kids were Sally, Paul, Tris of course, Percy, Thalia, Jason, Reyna, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Clarisse, Rachel, the three gods, Tyson, and Frank. "Nicky!" Tris shouted happily, struggling to run over to Nico. Nico smiled at the little toddler and waved to her. Silence still hung over the campers like a heavy blanket.

"Oh, come on! You all knew Nico before you found out his heritage! He's still the same guy, get over it!" Percy growled at everyone, already sick of the judgement he felt coming from everyone except those who hadn't stepped away. "And Hazel's a good person too!" Frank exclaimed, clearly mad.

"Be nwice to my Nicky!" Tris shouted, pouting, which made her little cheeks puff out adorably as she scowled at the campers and crossed her arms. Everyone's eyes softened on the little girl, held securely in her parent's arms.

"All of you can go away now." Zeus said, and the crowd scattered like mice. Sally and Paul didn't stick around long, taking Tris away. The only ones left were Nico, Jason, Thalia, Frank, Reyna, Tyson, Annabeth, Piper, Percy, Hazel, Leo, and the three gods.

"So, do I call you Lord or dad?" Thalia asked, stepping forward and breaking the awkward silence.

"You two, and only you two, can call me dad and not Lord." Zeus said grudging. "So, you're my dad." Hazel said, stepping towards Nico and Hades. "Yes. I'm sorry for claiming you. It would have been better if you hadn't known." Hades said, already sounding regretful of his decision.

"No, it's not! I had wanted to know ever since I was a kid!" Hazel replied, smiling up at her father. "It is because once my child knows, bad things start happening. Monsters come after you, just like for Poseidon's, or Zeus's, or any of the strong gods. But worst of all, my children become outcasts. No one wants to be friends with a child of death." Hades said sadly, remorsefully.

"She won't be alone. She'll have me." Frank said, stepping up next to Hazel. "She'll have me too, Father." Nico said, going to stand next to her. "She'll have all of us." Percy said, his friends behind him. Hades smiled, and Percy knew that must be a rare thing.

"I am glad, Perseus. Thank you and Frank for your kind words towards my children." Hades said. "Way to go son and Frank, my descendant! Way to represent!" Poseidon exclaimed.

"Huh? 'Way to represent' what?" Percy asked at the same time Frank said "I'm your descendant?"

"It's a future saying Percy, and yes Frank. But you're Mars's son." Poseidon answered both of them.

"Really? Cool!" Frank exclaimed.

"You're related to Clarisse." Annabeth said, completely deadpan. "Who?" Frank asked in confusion. "The girl who first threatened your life." Percy replied, watching him seem to deflate. "Oh. That's okay." Frank said, shrugging.

"Uh, Dad, can I have a word?" Jason said, and his dad nodded, and they went a few feet away from the group. "So, uh, how do you keep someone else happy? Like, in a relationship?" Jason asked.

"I usually go with flowers and chocolates. If that doesn't work, I just say I'm the king of the gods. That usually works." Zeus said, shrugging. Jason was pretty sure that wouldn't work on Percy. First off, because he wasn't the king of the gods, and secondly, Jason didn't think Percy cared about that.

"Did I hear someone asking for romantic advice?" Poseidon asked, wandering over. Jason nodded. "Yes, well, I know it's about my son." Poseidon said, and Jason practically blushed. "Hard not too see what you two were getting up to. So not what I wanted to see. But let me tell you this, Jason. You give up a little power, and you will have him forever. But one more thing- you hurt my son in any way, and I will rip out your heart, chop you up into little pieces, feed you to piranhas, and trap your soul in Tartarus." Poseidon said, his voice dark and threatening. Jason nodded frantically. "Good." Poseidon said, wandering back to his sons.

"Got to go. Angry wife at home and all." Zeus said, disappearing with a crack of thunder. Jason walked back to the group, pondering his thoughts. "I've got to go. A kingdom of fish and merpeople to run and all. Tell Sally it was good seeing her. Take care of each other." Poseidon said, disappearing in another water tornado.

Hades pulled his son aside as the others began walking away except Hazel and Frank, who waited for Nico. "Listen to me, Nico. If you still love Percy, you have to act. We both know of what the son of Jupiter did to him while Percy was in captivity, and we both know of Percy's growing feelings. But I know of Percy's feelings for you. Fight for him." Hades said, his voice quiet so only they heard. Nico looked like he just got punched in the gut, but nodded.

"Come on, Nico! We need to catch up!" Hazel said, grabbing Nico's hand and running after the group. Frank went to follow, but Hades stopped him. "Frank, we need to talk." Hades said, his voice cold. "About what, Lord?" Frank asked, his head bowed.

"I am no god of love, but I can tell when someone has feelings for someone else. You like my daughter, and she likes you." Hades said, and Frank looked up. "She does?" Frank asked hopefully, and Hades nodded.

"She does, but if you hurt my little girl in any way, I will send you to the Fields of Punishment and assign you to the worst torture imaginable after torturing you in this world. Do you understand?" Hades said, and Frank gulped and nodded.

"Good. Now go." Hades said. "Frank!" Hazel called, and Frank ran over to her as Hades got onto his chariot and rode back down the crack, the crack sealing itself back up.

"So, what happened? I just woke up one day and found a note saying you were okay, but I wouldn't see you. Were you with Dad that whole time?" Percy asked. "Yeah, I was. Daddy had come that night and said he needed me in his forge. I left you the note so you wouldn't worry like a big brother would. I got to work with some really nice people in Daddy's forge." Tyson said happily, smiling like a kid.

"Really? What did you get to make?" Percy asked, and Tyson eagerly began telling him about all the swords, daggers, shields, helmets, spears, and more that he had built. "But my favorite things to build are in our old tent. Daddy put it there for me." Tyson said with a smile, and Percy nodded. They kept talking, Tyson telling Percy about Poseidon's kingdom.

"So, uh, how have you been?" Thalia asked, kicking a rock. "Pretty good. When I turn eighteen, I'm going to become the official ruler of Rome." Jason said. "Wait, you're the future ruler?" Thalia asked in astonishment. "Yeah." Jason replied, and suddenly Thalia hit him upside the head. "Hey!" Jason shouted, rubbing the back of his head.

"You took Percy as a spoil of war?" Thalia exclaimed angrily. "I couldn't resist! He's just so handsome and dashing..." Jason said dreamily. "Jason! You can't just take people prisoner!" Thalia shouted. "I know, I know, and I wish I hadn't, but after a while... I fell in love with him. But he doesn't love me back." Jason said quietly, sounding dejected.

"Oh, you're a fool." Thalia said, shaking her head. The siblings continued talking about their lives after the separation, Thalia growing more guilty by the moment. She hadn't kept a close enough eye on him, and he had grown up without love because of it.

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