Chapter Eighteen

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"You know what I hate? Prophecies! I can't even get a few days with my friends! Oh no, I have to be sent off on a quest!" Percy ranted while hacking away at a training dummy with Riptide. He had his helmet and shield on, getting used to them in battle.

Percy hadn't seen Riptide since the gladiator fight, and he knew that the Romans hadn't brought it along. But yet he found it in his tent when he returned to it, angry, after just receiving the prophecy. Percy took it as a sign to blow off some steam.

Annabeth sat in the grass by the training grounds, watching him attack the dummy as if it was his worst enemy. "Percy, you'll be fine. You'll come back to camp, fully intact, and it'll be like you never left." Annabeth tried to soothe him, but Percy wasn't having any of it.

"Except I will have left! You know how quests are! You come back a different person- sometimes angrier, sometimes braver, and sometimes you come back a shell, a ghost- but you always change!" Percy exclaimed, still hacking up the dummy.

Annabeth sighed and stood up, walking over to her long-time best friend. He didn't stop slashing and stabbing at the dummy, too consumed by anger to stop. "Percy, stop." Annabeth said gently, placing her hand on his shoulder. He sighed, his body seemingly caving in on itself as he dropped his sword and shield, taking off his helmet. He slouched as he dropped his helmet next to the sword and shield, and he stood there, staring down at the three objects.

"Percy, look at me." Annabeth said gently, turning Percy to her. Percy looked up slightly at her, every particle in his body exhausted. Percy had never felt so angry and yet so empty. It was like everything in him was just wanting to attack something, to make it feel pain. His pain. No other emotion could live inside him except hatred and pain. But he hid it well, not wanting his friends to see him in such a state.

"Listen to me. For as long as I've known you, you've been the greatest person I've ever known. You don't shy away from a fight, you are loyal to everyone you care for, and you put everyone above yourself. You're selfless, caring, funny, sassy, and all around a great person. But ever since you returned, you've been different. I can sense your anger. You hide it just beneath your skin. You're resentful. Bitter." Annabeth said gently, and that only seemed to fuel his anger. But a part of him knew he needed to listen to her. So he did.

"You said quests always change people. Well, maybe this one will make you happier and remind you of the things that are important." Annabeth said gently, and Percy stared at her for a long time, wondering if he really had changed that much.

"Percy, ready to go?" Nico called from behind, and Percy turned to see Jason and him walking towards Percy, their helmets, shields, and swords on them. Percy nodded, knowing he couldn't delay the quest any longer, and grabbed a hunting bow and some arrows before picking up his shield, helmet, and sword. He followed his two companions up to the two trees that made a gate.

Percy looked back at his home, which looked just like it had weeks ago, before he was captured. The smell of cooking meat wafted to him, filling the clearing. He could see Chiron teaching archery while instructing some campers on how to cook the stags that would be dinner tonight. There would be three less mouths to feed tonight- which will make it easier on Chiron. The sun was beating down on everyone now, probably making people sweaty.

He could see Leo in his forge with Tyson, crafting metal. He saw Piper washing dirty clothes by the creek, looking like she was ready to rip all the laundry to shreds. Ella was sitting by herself on a log, reading a scroll.

Annabeth was going to help Piper, but that soon ended up in the girls splashing each other in the creek and having fun while cooling off. Clarisse had gone to the training grounds, and Thalia, Frank, Hazel, and Reyna were with her. Grover was cuddling with Juniper, clearly enjoying each other's company.

Other campers were milling around, doing whatever chore they'd been assigned, and Sally stood in front of her tent, holding little Tris, as she stared up the hill at Percy. Percy waved, and Sally waved back and made Tris wave too, pointing Percy out to the little girl. Percy smiled sadly as he waved to his little sister and mother. Percy wondered if he'd ever see Tris and Sally again- quests do change people, but sometimes those people don't ever come back.

Percy turned around, following Nico and Jason into the woods, farther and farther away from everyone Percy knew and cared about. Percy heard hoofbeats and turned around to see Blackjack trotting up, two white pegasi next to him. Boss, need a lift? Blackjack said in Percy's mind.

"That'd be great, Blackjack." Percy smiled at his pegasus and climbed onto Blackjack's back. Jason and Nico slowly get on the other two pegasi, trying not to frighten the winged horses. Let's go, girls! Blackjack neighed to the other horses, and they took off.

Percy held on as the pegasi flew fast up into the sky, breaking through the thick line of trees. Nico held on tightly, burying his head in the mare's mane. Scaredy cat, you're missing the view! The mare nickered in amusement, tossing her head back slightly. Jason threw his head back, holding out his arms as the wind whipped through his hair. He seemed at home in the sky, his eyes closed as he just enjoyed the moment.

Percy smiled slightly as he held onto Blackjack's mane, petting the stallion slightly as they flew north.

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