Chapter Twenty Four

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"Thank you again for saving me. My name is Kallias, by the way." Aphrodite's boy toy said, keeping pace with the three. "I'm Percy, that's Nico, and that's Jason." Percy rattled off quickly, not really paying attention to the man. He just wanted to get home and see his family and friends again. Sort out his relationship with Nico and Jason.

"So, you and Aphrodite." Jason stated, trying to end the silence. He'd had too live with silence for too long, having been surrounded by silence in his youth, wandering silent halls all through his empty childhood.

"Yes, she and I are in love." Kallias said, smiling happily. Nico rolled his eyes- excuse him if he doubted the sincerity of a woman who gets a new boyfriend just as fast as Zeus gets a girlfriend, and she changes her relationship status as much as Nico changes clothes.

"But she's married." Jason replied, disliking the thought of cheating. He wondered if Percy would do the same to him if they got married- Percy did deserve better than Jason. "Yes, I did not like the idea at first of having the affair. But the heart wants what the heart wants." Kallias replied truthfully, even slightly remorseful.

"Some would say her heart wants Ares." Nico stated plainly. "Or every man." Jason added. They both could agree on one thing- Percy deserved the best, and they both worried that they weren't the best for him.

"She does not love Hephaestus, or Ares, but it is me she loves. She has lusted for many men, but that is just it. Lust. Aphrodite is my soul mate, and I am hers." Kallias stated as if he was teaching the three a valuable lesson on life. Jason and Nico looked at him doubtfully, but Percy couldn't help but believe him.

The dream played over and over in Percy's mind. He couldn't forget the grief-stricken face of Aphrodite when Kallias was thrown off Olympus. Her desperation for him to be spared. He knew someone would not feel that sort of pain for a casual lover, or even someone you love like a friend. It would have to be such a deep-seated love that you couldn't live without that person.

They walked on in silence, no one sure of what to say anymore. Then, a strong gust of wind lifted them off their feet and into the air. Kallias seemed to love it, closing his eyes as a look of peace crossed his face. Jason looked excited, keeping his eyes wide open as they flew through the clouds. Nico's eyes were tightly shut in terror, suddenly clinging to Percy in a white-knuckled grip.

Percy's method to staying calm last time when they flew was that he just kept looking up. He never once looked down, too terrified to even dare. But this time, Percy accidentally looked down. He stared down for what seemed like forever, the distance only growing rapidly. Percy was now paralyzed with fear, barely able to breathe. They could start plummeting at any moment, landing hard on the ground, dead.

Percy shut his eyes, trying to calm his racing hard and heavy breathing. They kept going up, but then they went sideways, slowed down, and Percy felt hard ground beneath his feet.

Percy opened his eyes, confused, and saw a sprawling, beautiful city in front of him. Palaces lined a golden brick street, and beautiful people milled around. There were twelve huge palaces, several little ones, and a little, cozy cottage. The four started down the golden street, three looking around in awe as Kallias was looking around as if he was looking for someone.

One of the small palaces that caught Percy's attention was dark in color, and the scales of justice were carved in the black door, etched in gold. Another had clouds on it and depicted sleeping people. Lambs were drawing on there. It made Percy sleepy just looking at it. Then there was one covered in rainbows.

There were two right next to each other, and both had drawings depicting people cowering and terrifying. The only difference was that one was deep red and one was black. Then there was another that had a full moon and empousi drawn on it, with dark colors on it. There was also one that looked like half of it was meant for a child, while the other half was made of oak and looked like a manly man lived there.

The cozy cottage was between the big palaces and smaller ones, being dwarfed by both. It had warm colors like light brown and looked comfortable. It looked welcoming compared to all the others and made Percy want to go inside and meet the owner.

The giant palace next to the cottage was a purple wine color. It had grape vines wrapped around the pillars that lined the front. If Percy had to guess, Dionysus lived there. Across the street from that one was a light blue color. A caduceus was carved on the door, and white birds flew around it. Probably belongs to Hermes, Percy thought. The one next to the Hermes palace was a flame red color and had a forge next to it. It obviously belonged to Hephaestus.

Across from that one was a silver palace with moons carved in it at several points in the cycle and some bows and arrows. It belonged to Artemis most likely. The one next to hers was a bright yellow like the sun and had musical instruments and bows depicted on it. The boys could tell it was Apollo's.

The one across from Apollo's was pink and had images of people kissing all over the palace. Doves and swans were all around the palace, pairs cuddled in the nests, some with eggs and some without. It was obviously Aphrodite's. The one next to hers was a blood red color, human bones all over it. Weapons leaned against the building, and Percy's blood boiled just looking at it. He was positive that this one was Ares's palace.

Across from his was one that was a brown color with owls all around it. Scrolls were depicted on it, and Percy was pretty sure that one was Athena's. Next to hers was one that was green and covered in flowers and vines. The roof was made of grass, and potted plants were all around the doorway. Clearly it was Demeter's, and it smelled wonderful to the boys.

Across from hers was a deep blue palace with fish and horses all over it. Pegasi milled around this palace, and Percy could smell the salty sea breeze, and he knew it must be his father's palace. Jason and Nico exchanged glances, awed by all of these palaces. But both also knew that Percy deserved this sort of life, not the mortal life that the two could provide. How could the two demigods give him a palace in the sky?

On the other side of Athena's was a golden palace with peacocks depicted on it. Lions guarded this gleaming palace, and cuckoos were perched all around, some even on the lions. Peacocks also walked around. The boys knew it had to be Hera's, and Jason couldn't help but feel apprehensive as he stared at it in all its golden glory. Hera was known for punishing those who Zeus cheated with, and any children bore by their sin. He was a part of that category- she could easily punish Jason for Zeus's affair.

The palace across from hers was easily the largest, making all the others look like cottages compared to it. It was enormous- Percy felt it probably was to make up for something its owner lacked- with the same gold color as Hera's. A lightning bolt, colored white, was on the door. Dark clouds hung over the palace, but no rain fell, and it still shown brilliantly, as if the sun still shown on it. Eagles also flew around or were perched on the castle. It was clearly Zeus's.

But the biggest building Percy had ever seen was the massive building that was at the end of the road, a brilliant, sparkling white. Crystals and gems were encrusted in the building. There were many depictions on the building. Some the boys recognized. Heracles killing the hydra, Perseus killing Medusa, Jason on the Argo, Achilles battling in Troy- the greatest heroes were there, immortalized on this building. It even towered over Zeus's palace.

It's intimidating white stone columns supported the building, and there was a massive door that led into the whole building. The four walked through it, and it was one massive hallway. They walked down the hallway, Kallias looking as if he recognized the place. They kept walking until it opened up to the huge throne room, where sat the Twelve Olympians on their thrones, a winged man comforting a woman in pink on a pink throne as she cried, and a plain looking girl by the hearth in the center of the room, tending the fire.

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