Chapter 5

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Words - 1029


"Yes, he is a murder" Annie said, making my eyes widen as I froze on my spot looking at her in pure shock and fear

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"Yes, he is a murder" Annie said, making my eyes widen as I froze on my spot looking at her in pure shock and fear.

She looked at me for some time then burst out laughing.

"I was just kidding, girl" She said while whipping tears from the corner of her eyes because of laughing so much as I sighed in relief.

"You don't actually think that I am a part of some mafia gang, do you?" Annie asked as I shook my head indicating no.

"I find it stupid" I said

"Me too, and even if I am what's their problem in it?" Annie asked while I laughed at her words.

"Anyone will be scared for their life if they find out that their classmate is a part of the mafia and that also of Russian Mafia which is known as the most brutal Mafia's of all time" I said as Annie gave me surprised look making me a little confused.

"You didn't know about this?" I asked as she shook her head before saying.

"I-I do but how do you know about it?" She asked as I laughed a little as she continued "You look so innocent" after hearing this I laughed even more.

"That's a gift from God I guess" I said still laughing.

"I do know about all this and many more stuff. I watch TC you know?" I said as she looked at me confused.

"What is TC?" She asked

"True crime" I said as she again looked at me surprised or maybe shocked.

"Damn girl, you match my vibe" she said and this time I looked at her in shock.

"You watch True crime?" I asked still shocked.

"Yes, why are you so shocked? I don't even look innocent like you that you are so shocked" she uttered

"No.... it's just......this is the first time I met someone who watched True crime. That's why I am shocked I guess?" I replied to her question as she chuckled a little.

Suddenly my phone started ringing making both of us flinch a little as we smiled at each other before I reached out my hand to grab my phone which was in my pocket before picking it up.

I saw the caller id and it was Aunt Ruby.

On call
"Hello Aunt?"

"Iris, did you reach there?"

"Yea, I am with Annie
right now"

"Good! Did you give
her the cookies?"

"Oh no, I forgot to
take it
from the car"

"What? How many
times have I
reminded you
to take it?"


"Tomorrow you will
go to
her house againand
give it to her ok!"

"Ok Aunt, don't be angry
I have to go now, bye"

I said and hung up the call.

"Who was it?" Annie asked looking a little confused.

"Aunt Ruby" I replied to her question as her lips formed 'o' shape and she nodded.

"Let's go in the living room and play some games" Annie said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me with her.


"Hahahaha" Annie laughed loudly while I sat beside her with a sad pout on my face.

"Don't laugh!" I said as she laughed more.

"This is the 10th match you lost, you are so bad at this" she said and laughed more at me making me more angry.

"This is my first time playing this type of video game so don't laugh!" I said angrily when we heard a pair of footsteps approaching us.

"What's happening here?" A manly voice said making both of us look at the direction of where the voice was coming from and it was Ivan.

This cockroach again came to ruin my peaceful time I thought and rolled my eyes internally.

"None of your business, Grumpy old man" Annie said making me want to laugh but I suppress it. Not gonna lie but he deserves to be called that.

Ivan's cheeks turned crimson but he maintained a poker face 'Cute' I thought 'What the heck are you thinking iris! He is not cute' I scolded myself internally then what Annie said came in my mind. 'Even Annie said not to fall in love with him! And I will never fall in love with him' I thought.

It's just an Attraction right now so if I ignore him I won't fall in love with him, right?

"Why are you here?" Annie asked Ivan while Ivan rolled his eyes which pissed me off.

"Why can't I? This is my house I can do whatever I want in it, you just live on me. I kicked you out of this house then you will be living on the road" Ivan said making me angry.

How dare he talk to my friend like that. I get it, he is her brother still he doesn't have any rights to talk to my friend like that.

"Oh hello!" I snapped "First of all this is not your house, even if it is you can't just kick your sister out of the house" I said angrily as he smirked.

"I don't mind kicking my sister out and keeping you to accompany me, ferocious kitten" He said making mine and Annie's jaw drop.

"What did you just say brother! She is my friend for God's sake stay away from her" Annie said

"What I said is true and don't annoy me because we both know I can kick you out of the house and I can keep her to accompany me too but I don't want to force her" he said while I just stared at him not knowing what to say. Finally after finding some words I spoke

"You think I will come to accompany you? NOT EVEN IN YOUR DREAMS!" I yelled at him but he just chuckled which fueled my anger and not being able to take it anymore, I got up and walked near him before looking at his face which had that awful smirk on it which made me want to rip it off.

I took some deep breaths. I could feel Annie's looking at me with confused gaze.

I rubbed my hands and then STINGGG-


Edited on : 2 September 2024

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