Chapter 12

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I turned off the lights making the bedroom completely black only the faint light of moonlight which was coming from the window made things able to be seen

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I turned off the lights making the bedroom completely black only the faint light of moonlight which was coming from the window made things able to be seen. I laid on the soft mattress as I closed my eyes to go in the comfort of my sleep but I can't stop thinking about the letter and the small black disk. Is it just some prank laid out by some teenagers? Or is it more than all of that...something which would change my life? Some secrets which are made to be untold? My thoughts were running wild and I couldn't stop felt weird...all of this and I couldn't wash off the feeling of being watched from the time I left the forest. Am I just being paranoid? Or someone was watching me in the forest and...still is?

I tossed and turned on the bed as I tried to shake off all the thoughts but I couldn't. Suddenly I heard something falling behind me but I was...alone. My mind was racing with thousands of thoughts as I could feel my heart beating fast in my chest. I froze on my spot without making any sounds. I held my breath to hear any kinds of strange noises indicating someone was in the room with me. That's when I heard a little click sound like a door was being closed but the door was in front of me and outside light would be seen if it was opened or closed. My mind froze when I heard slow breathings. It wasn't my breathing as I had held my breath which means someone was in my room...I am not alone.


Three light footsteps...


The person took a picture of something Then another click sound, this time it wasn't of a camera clicking a picture but of a door or a window closing. Did the person leave? Or another person came? I thought. I stayed still for some seconds until I wasn't able to hold my breath anymore. I drew in a long breath as I slowly lifted my head up and looked behind me where the window was. No one was there...The person had left. I breathed out in relief as I slumped against the soft mattress breathing heavily. I am safe...for now. I thought, I know the person will return as I remembered the memory from the alley way which led me to become friends with Annie...The person...The unknown figure from the alley...The stalker...My stalker. Was it him? Is he here? Did he stalk me till here? I thought as I slowly sat up on the bed and turned on the light.

My eyes fell on a red envelope with gold outlines and the wax seal at the center - a mix of silver and gold, the same seal which was on the black envelope I found in the forest. My stomach churned with an unsettling feeling as if it was a warning that something bad is about to happen when I open this envelope...that it was something more than the disk and the letter I found in the previous envelope. I could feel my hands trembling slightly as I opened the envelope slowly, still fighting in my mind if I should open it or not. I took a long breath to calm my nerves as I saw there were pictures in it. I took out the pictures from my trembling hands as my eyes made contact with them, making me see the thing in the picture.

A car on a highway...tumbled upside down...two people in it

One woman and one man.

The man was crawling towards the woman's body.

Blood was everywhere.

They were bleeding badly.

My mind went blank as my breathing became shallow.

"No..." These words came out barely as a whisper as pain and despair could be clearly heard in my voice. My hands trembled as the picture slipped from my hand falling on the ground. I felt that my legs would give up any time as my entire body started trembling. Images from the past came running in front of my eyes.

N-No...This can't be. I thought as I fell on the ground with a loud thud. I felt like someone was choking me when absolutely no one was there in my room. Tears ran down my eyes like a waterfall as I clutched my hand into a fist trying to calm myself. I brought my knees up till my chest as I buried my face in it breathing heavily. My tears soaked into my pants as I gripped on my hair pulling them feeling like my head was about to burst out. My whole body was tense and trembling as I cried and struggled to calm down. I was having a panic attack

Suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder as I panicked and jolted back as my back hit the wall with a thud.

Ivan's Pov,

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Ivan's Pov,

I was walking through the corridors of my pine wood cottage to get Annie's charger as I cursed her in my mind. My footsteps slowed down when I saw her room. As I stood there frozen, I was struck by the thought of her-her smile, her laughter, the way she carried herself. This unexpected warmth in my heart, stirred by the mere sight of her room.

"What are you doing to me Iris" I mumbled under my breath as I kept my hand on my chest feeling my heart rate pick up its peace. My feet seemed to be glued to the ground as I kept staring at her closed room's door. I shook my head, shaking her off of my mind as I walked past the room.

As I passed by Iris's room, an unsettling feeling washed over me. A sense of unease gnawed at my gut, and I couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that something was terribly wrong. I had a deep intuition that Iris was in trouble, and the thought sent a pang of worry through my heart. I paused for a moment, hesitating before the closed door, torn between respect for her privacy and the overpowering urge to check on her. I let out a soft sigh, Why am I worrying about her? I thought as I turned my heels towards Annie's room as I walked towards there.

"Iris would be alright...maybe I am just being paranoid" I mumbled under my breath as I held the handle to Annie's room and twisted it but stopped when a sharp noise cut through the air.


~To be continued~

Edited on : 2 September 2024

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