me & you together | shane madej

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it was just another day for you in your job, you worked as a teacher in los angeles, where you had moved for college. it is there where you met one of your best friends, ryan bergara. he was also living in la still and was working for buzzfeed, where he hosted a show with his other best friend, shane madej. you had met shane quite a few times at parties and you both got a long really well. you would never tell ryan this, but you did find his friend very attractive, and were sure that over the years, when you two had been together that there had been some subtle flirting.

you were quite bored at work, just waiting for the end of the day when you got a phone call from ryan. you went outside to answer as he doesn't usually ring you in the middle of the day.

"so...what are you doing this weekend?" ryan asked, i could hear the excitement in his voice.

"nothing in particular, why" i asked.

"becauseeee... i have just gotten a ticket on a plane from work so you can accompany me and shane on our ghost hunt on saturday!" he replied, "in the conjuring house"

"no way!! i would love to come! thank you so much, ry", you said, happily. you and ryan shared a love for the paranormal, and he knew that the conjuring was your favourite horror movie, so this was something you were looking forward to. it also meant that you would get to spend the weekend away in rhode island with ryan and shane.

fast forward to saturday morning and you were in the airport getting ready to board the plane, your flight would be around nine hours but you knew that the boys would keep you entertained. it turned out that your seat was in the middle of shane and ryan, which you didn't complain out as it meant that you could chat to them both.

after looking through the in flight entertainment options, you settled on watching some rom coms to make you laugh during the flight. despite him initially laughing at your choices and settling on watching his own films, shane ended up hooked by me before you and was crying with you by the end.

"see i told you it was not just a stupid rom com", you laughed at your friend next to you as he wiped tears away.

"i take back my word, (y/n)! that was beautiful!" shane giggled.

ryan took off his headphones and laughed at the two of you crying over the film, he was engrossed in watching star wars. you decided to let shane pick the next thing to watch, and he chose fast and furious, as you said you'd never watched it before. however, you still couldn't say you had watched it after the flight, as about half way though, you had drifted off to sleep, subconsciously resting your head on shane's right shoulder for about half an hour. shane tried his best to stay very still so as not to wake you as he found it adorable. when ryan noticed, he smirked as he had suspicions that you liked shane, given how excited you seemed to be whenever he was around, and even when his name was mentioned in conversation.

once the flight eventually landed in rhode island, you collected your luggage and made your way to the taxis waiting outside for your group. the filming crew got in one car, and you and the boys got in the next. you were staying in a hotel around forty five minutes from the house itself... however, little did you know, you would be staying overnight in the house the next night.

as you entered the house, you, shane, and ryan introduced yourselves to the entities that were believed to be inside. ryan spoke about some of the history and you had a walk around the living room to see what it was like. you did a tour around the downstairs: chills immediately ran down your spine as you entered the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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