you're my best friend | taron egerton

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"are we all good to go then?" taron smiled, closing the door, whilst holding his little sister's hand in one, and his partner, (y/n)'s in the other.
you had both agreed to take taron's younger sister, chloe out for her birthday, along with his other sister, lauren.

"yep", (y/n) smiled at taron, leaning towards him, and he placed a gentle kiss on your lips, giving you butterflies in your stomach. what you loved about him was that, even though you had been together for almost four years now, each day you felt as though you fell more and more in love with him, each day brought you closer and each kiss felt like your first.

you stood at the door speaking to taron's mum for a few minutes whilst he carried his sisters and their car seats into the car. your mum and his mum had been friends for as long as they could remember, so, therefore, you and taron had been friends since you were babies. he was two years older than you, but you two had always got along so well, and always did everything together. undeniably, there was always some chemistry and attraction between the two of you but you had decided to ignore it, until you were adults.

your gaze shifted over to your boyfriend as he struggled to get the car boot open as he had his hands full of the girls' stuff. even though you were giggling along with him, you couldn't help but find it adorable how good he was with children, which just warmed your heart.

once you waved goodbye to his mum, you all got into your car, you stepping into the drivers seat, with taron next to you and the girls in the back. the midday sun glistened into the car, casting shadows around you, and gave a beautiful golden glow onto your boyfriend. additionally, the wind blew softly through taron's chestnut brown hair, making it slightly messy, but in the most adorable way, leaving you staring at him in complete awe.

once you turned the radio on, the distinctive opening bars of 'dancing queen' by abba filled the vehicle, causing an excitable smile to spread across your boyfriend's face as he turned round to the girls and started to sing to them. lauren and chloe both giggled in response at their brother singing and dancing round the car. taron got his phone out and started to record himself, and then he panned the camera over to you as you were driving, you couldn't help but smile at how goofy and cute he was. you absolutely loved his singing voice, and constantly complimented him on it, as taron was such a talented singer!

exiting the car, the familiar autumn petrichor lingered in the afternoon air, as you four wandered into the picturesque and welcoming welsh countryside. this was something you loved about coming home- that a big city couldn't offer you: an endless plethora of mountains, valleys and lakes, with quaint villages dotted throughout them. the sky was a clear canvas, it's blue hues not being disturbed by any clouds. it truly was the physical embodiment of tranquility and relaxation.

anyways, after finding the right spot, you laid down the picnic blanket, and had lunch. you and taron both sat together near the playground so you could watch the girls.

it warmed your heart to see how happy they made him, and vice versa. you admired his beautiful aura from his contagious, beaming smile to his glistening blue eyes that seemed to smile too. he really was the best brother to them, and you couldn't help but ponder the thought of you and taron having children one day in the future, immediately smiling at the thought.

"you okay, beautiful?" taron leaned into you, placing an arm behind you, around your shoulder.

"yeah" you just smiled, placing a quick yet loving kiss behind his ear.

as the day went by, you and taron had just lay talking for hours on end. that was something which you loved about him: you could talk about anything and everything and still be hanging onto every word.

however, at this point in time, there was silence. yet it was a beautiful, reflective silence. taking in the natural beauty surrounding you, you were now laying in between his legs, your head resting on his torso and his arms were securely around your waist.           

"i could just stay here forever, you know... it's're perfect", he trailed off, the last part being almost inaudible.

"huh?" you were drawn out of your dreamy gaze by his words.

"this is all i want: to be with you. this it what i love. not doing anything in particular. just being with you. sharing the sunset. admiring the landscape. watching the girls. just anything. as long as i'm with you" taron said, meaningfully. he really did have a way with words, which melted your heart.

"me too, it's the best feeling" you replied, shifting yourself so you were facing him properly, you really felt rather stupid for not being able to reply but this time you just felt lost for words, speechless. 

your irises remained fixated on his, as you leant into him. ever so softly, your cheek brushes against his: smooth upon stubble for a moment, before his lips come crashing onto yours, sending you all sorts of feelings. the kiss was driven by raw, genuine passion, affection, emotion, devotion and love.

your hands soon made their way into his hair, your fingertips gently caressing his scalp. he held you tightly yet lovingly towards him: so it felt like no-one could ever hurt, or interrupt you- to him, you were precious and special. he loved you more than anything.

freely roaming about his body, your spare hand rubbed in circles onto his back. his hand was now cupping your face; your cheeks delicately resting upon his palms. you deepened the kiss, savouring and relishing in the moment. it felt as though time had been frozen, and only you two existed in the world- your love transcended above anything else.

taron eventually pulled away, rather breathless, and whispered into your ear, still holding you close, "i love you so, so much, (y/n), more than you will ever know, you're everything i've ever dreamed of, you're the most amazing girlfriend, and also you're my best friend".

authors' note
wow i'm so sorry for the lack of updates recently, i've been so busy with revision and exams for school, but now they're finished, i should definitely be back to writing! also, i've decided to add the rocketman cast to this imagines book too because i love them all so much, and think they deserve all the love and appreciation in the world, (along with elton, queen and the borhap cast too, of course!) in all honesty, i'm not sure how i feel about this imagine because i don't feel like there's much of a story to it, just a description but i tried my best and i absolutely adore taron so wanted to write a one shot about him haha, nevertheless, i hope you enjoyed it!!!

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