god only knows | joe mazzello

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✧・゚: * ✧ *:・゚✧

"(y/n), you wouldn't mind helping joe with his work, would you?" your music teacher quietly asked you, as you stayed behind after the lesson.

"umm...no, not at all" you nodded your head quickly, whilst smiling, "it's not a problem!"

"ah, great, thank you, (y/n), i knew i could count on you"

"you're welcome! we'll stay behind school one night and i'll help him out" you agreed.

your classmate, joe had missed a few weeks of school recently due to him working on a new film, so obviously your teacher wanted him to catch up with what the rest of the class had been up to.

the secret reason you were so keen to do so was that you had quite the crush on him. there was something you found so endearing about him, and needless to say, you found him very attractive. but he was never to know that, you thought. you were quite a shy girl around people you didn't know too well. joe was rather the opposite: he was confident, and popular, but he was also so down to earth and was genuinely one of the sweetest and most humorous people you knew- which is why you two got along so well. because of his kind and comforting nature, you were able to come out of your shell around him, and you two shared a similar sense of humour.

anyways, after to speaking to joe, you organised that it would just be best if he came round to your house after school one night so you two could work.

after you arrived home, you immediately ran to your bedroom, and checked your appearance- redoing your natural makeup, and touching up your hair. you didn't even take into account the extra effort you were making with your appearance, but you wanted to look her best when joe came round. after making sure your piano was turned on and in tune and all your books were set out, you heard a gentle knock on your front door.

"hey, (y/n)! how're you doing?" you were greeted by joe cutely waiting outside your house. he was leaning against the side of your door.

"i'm great thanks, how are you?" you replied, taking in his appearance. he was wearing some black jeans and a grey striped t-shirt, with a darker grey cardigan. he smiled at you, looking up through his slightly ruffled light brown hair.

"wonderful, all the better for seeing you" he smiled, genuinely. joe was so charming, which is something you loved about him.

you both decided to grab a little snack before starting work- some sandwiches you made earlier on. whilst you were eating, you two talked about anything and everything. conversations between the two of you flowed so easily, and you felt as though you could always talk to joe and confide in him.

once you went upstairs to your room, you sat down at your piano, and gestured for joe to sit next to you. suddenly, as you felt his touch, you felt your cheeks grow warm and a rosy blush made its way onto your cheeks. the ease of making conversation had also vanished as you felt quite nervous, but in the best way possible. this is something that happened quite often due to your shy and naïve nature, however that was different when you were around joe: he brought out the best in you.

"um...so basically for starters...what we had to do was to choose any song, and just... ah...play it on the piano, i guess?" you told him.

"okay, sounds great! what song did you choose?"

"love of my life by queen! i think it's such a beautiful song- and the piano parts sound so delicate and soft, and, of course the vocals are gorgeous"

you decided it would be easier if joe did the same song as you, so you started to play the song for him.
joe just stared at you whilst you played, admiring your beauty. he was so awestruck by you, how well-spoken you were and he was fascinated by the nuances of your character, and how he was slowly discovering each one. 

"wow...that was absolutely beautiful" he managed to utter.

"thank you" you said, shyly, putting some hair behind your ear.

"do you mind teaching me the start?" joe asked, interrupting you both staring at each other.

"no, of course" you smiled, "here's the first note....then it just goes like this....then repeat that first bar...and go up a bit higher....and then the first verse"

you went very slowly at first for him- his eyes not leaving your hands at one point, showing how dedicated he was.
you asked him if he wanted to try, to which he nodded and shifted over to reach the keys.             

"what's that first note again, (y/n)?" he asked. you were pretty sure that he knew, but just wanted you to play it again to him.      

"just there" you smiled at him, and slowly pressed the key, his hand following quickly after yours- as though he was trying to touch you. the whole time, you ended up playing it again for him, and he mimicked what you were doing: more often than not, his hand brushing against yours, sending butterflies to your stomach.

once you two had finished, after around two hours, joe was able to play the entire song, with the sheet music you provided for him. he was actually very good- which you constantly complimented him on, and he greatly appreciated it.  

"honestly, (y/n), what would i do without you" he said, engulfing you in a soft hug, "you're the best!"

✧・゚: * ✧ *:・゚✧
(y/n) your name

authors note
i apologise for my inactivity over the past week or so, i've been on a school trip and then have had lots of work to do, nevertheless, i hope you enjoy this- it was requested by That_1_weirdo_ !

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