the night we met | john deacon

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it was october, 1973. you had just been to see a queen gig with your best friend, (y/f/n) and their boyfriend, (y/f/b/n). you knew lots of queen's songs, and liked them dearly. in fact, you'd probably consider them as one of, if not your favourite bands. even though they had just been on tour for their first self-titled album, this was a more intimate gig at a local (y/h/t) pub.

(y/f/b/n) had coincidentally met up with several of his friends at the bar, which meant that you and (y/f/n) were sort of lingering around behind the group of boys. you noticed from the corner of your eye one of them eyeing you up and down, taking in your appearance. you scoffed and turned round to face your friend, gesturing to go to the toilets.

once you were out, you were met with the boys, one of them claiming they knew the band, (y/f/b/n) had told them how big of a fan you were and you were very eager to meet them. you followed the boy outside to the car park at the back of the pub, instantly met with the misty october air.

as you would have expected, the band were surrounded by various girls, around the same age as you. you couldn't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy in the pit of your stomach as you saw the boys smiling along, chatting to them. of course, they were all very attractive boys, and they were in a rock band, so it was bound to happen. but, over the time you had been following the band, you developed a crush on the bassist, john deacon. (y/f/n) was the only person who knew about this, and she saw the expression on your face drop as the boys were talking to, and probably flirting with the girls.

"come on, girls!" one of your friend's boyfriend's friend beckoned you over, as he was chatting to the lead singer, freddie.

you continued talking to him, feeling so welcomed by how kind and charismatic he was. you were later joined by brian, the guitarist, who was also extremely lovely. however, you couldn't help your eyes trailing off to where john and roger were leaning against the brick wall, with the beautiful girls.

i'll never be like them you thought. your insecurities always got the better of you, causing you to shake your head, and focus on freddie and brian in front of you.

eventually, the other two members of queen came over and joined your conversation. a rosy blush made its way onto your cheeks as you saw john smile at you, shyly. you couldn't help but admire how good he looked that night: his shoulder-length wavy brown hair decorated his face, as his beautiful brown eyes glistened in the moonlight.

"(y/nnnn)" freddie dragged out as he waved a hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts "are you still with us, darling!"

"uh...yeah, sorry" you laughed, getting slightly flustered, jumping up.
the rest of the boys laughed, catching onto what you were doing. this also left a smirk growing across john's face, him still acting rather shy around you.               

you proceeded to chat all together for about twenty minutes, until your larger group started to break off into smaller ones, conveniently leaving you and john alone to one side. you were making small talk, which was kind of awkward but you both found it adorable how each other was acting.

you two were both staring directly into each other's eyes the entire time, in awe of the beauty each of you possessed. john's brown orbs travelled slowly up and down your face, mentally compiling a list of his favourite features of yours. the only time your deep gaze was broken was when roger shouted john's name, throwing him a box of cigarettes. the younger man smiled and caught them, thanking his friend.

"do you want one?" john fumbled around in his pockets before eventually finding his cigarette lighter, for some reason, not making direct eye contact with you this time.

"yeah, sure, if you don't mind" you replied, a little too quickly. little did john know, you had actually never smoked before. nor had you wanted to. in fact, the mere thought of it knocked you sick. but now you were in that moment with him, you couldn't say no.

"okay" he laughed, pulling two out of the packet. john reached over and lit the end of his cigarette, before blowing some smoke into the air. you pressed your lips together, as you found him so hot.

you had to carefully watch how john set the thing alight, so you could do the same yourself. trying your best to copy his actions, and succeeding, you internally praised yourself and put the cigarette in between your slightly parted lips, hoping to have the same effect on john as he had on you.

however, your plan failed as he started to snicker as you immediately started coughing uncontrollably, as you had breathed in on the wrong end, completely embarrassing yourself.
see, this is why i should just keep myself to myself.

"(y/n) are you okay?" john asked, actually concerned, which you found cute.

"y-yeah" you shook your head, laughing.

"something's telling me that you've never done this don't smoke do you" he asked, purposely leaning himself against his arm on the wall so he was facing you.

you couldn't utter a response due to your embarrassment, so you shook your head. if there wasn't a blush on your face before, there certainly was now.

"what were you doing then?! you could have just said no" he said softly, yet quite sexily.

" see...i was just-" he cut you off by muttering "come here" before putting his index finger gently under your chin, bringing you up to look at him before his lips captured yours in a kiss.

after a few seconds of you being shocked, you kissed back, slowly wrapping your around his neck, his snaking around your waist, pulling you closer towards him.  the kiss deepened before coming to an end, both of you smiling into it. you were the one to pull away first: you wanted him to to know that you liked him, but didn't want to give him too much too soon.

" were just trying to, what, (y/n)?" john now asked smugly, raising his eyebrows at you.

"well... i was trying to impress you, because if you haven't guessed, i do quite like you, john" you admitted, now feeling quite confident after your kiss.

"well...i quite like you too, (y/n)"

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(y/n) your name
(y/f/n) your friend's name
(y/f/b/n) your friend's boyfriend's name
(y/h/t) your home town

authors note
so, that was my first imagine! i really hope you enjoyed it, please remember to vote, comment and share if you did <3

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