nobody has to know | roger taylor

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warnings : smut

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august 1975. it was the height of summer, and you were away in america with queen, as they were currently touring for their new album sheer heart attack.

you were enjoying being away, and having a break from your monotonous day job, working in a diner. it was the same thing, day in, day out and you were longing for something to break up your routine. the only thing keeping you sane was your relationship with the boys, in particularly roger as you had been harmlessly flirting with him for quite some time.

however, the problem standing in the way was your "boyfriend" hugh, who, thankfully wasn't there with you. which he hated. well, you say boyfriend but, to be fair, you two hardly spend time with each other any more, as he's always out at nights, presumably with other girls. that's what kind of boy he was, quite flirtatious and cheeky. but if he even saw you within a two metre radius of another boy, he'd flip.

anyways, you were lying on a sun lounger next to brian as you two were chatting about the new songs he had written for the album. you were, however, slightly distracted as your eyes kept wandering off to roger and freddie, jumping in and out of the pool.

"oh rog! i can make a bigger bang than that, dear!" freddie laughed, watching as roger ran up to the edge and plummeted into the pool, making a big splash. they were having a competition as to who could splash the most. you loved how they would literally play around like children and found it so cute.

"come on then, i'd like to see you do better!" roger smiled, pushing himself up on the edge of the pool. you couldn't help but stare at his dripping wet body as he got out of the swimming pool. he caught you and locked gazes for a split second which caused you to embarrassedly look down at the song book brian was showing you.     

after about two hours, you all decided to head in for showers as you were going out for a meal with some of the boys' tour managers. you headed into your room, in a world of your own, just humming the guitar solo of brighton rock to yourself as brian had been playing it to you before. you absentmindedly took your clothes off, preparing for your shower. you went over and put on your silk dressing gown to keep you warm whilst you run the water. 

not even thinking about the door already being closed, you just opened it before, much to your surprise, were startled by the steamy air and the sound of water already on.

"excuse me!" you shouted, confusedly.

"" roger mumbled, peering round the corner of the shower door.

"hi, roger?" you said, it coming out more like a question. "w-what are you doing here?!"

"erm...john was in our shower upstairs and i just thought we were all going to be were still outside with brian so i didn't want to disturb you-" he rambled, which you found adorable.   

"roger. it's okay" you laughed, smiling a him reassuringly. despite you making jokes about it, you couldn't help but blush at the sight of him in your shower. with nothing on. you could tell that he was feeling a bit flustered, which just turned you on even more, and he could tell, giving him more confidence.

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