seventeen | gwilym lee

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✧・゚: * ✧ *:・゚✧

it was the day of your seventeenth birthday, and, most importantly for you, your party. you had invited around fifteen of your friends: including gwilym, your life-long best friend, and also crush.

you two had been friends ever since you were pretty much born, as your mums were best friends in school so you had grown up, and shared many experiences with each other. you two knew things about each other that you wouldn't dare tell anyone else. however, that was where the problem arose for you. you and gwilym were extremely close, and you'd hate for anything such as a little crush to ruin it. well, you say 'little' but, in reality, you had fancied him ever since you were thirteen.

the clock struck eight and, one by one, your guests started to arrive. your girl friends all came together, first, and then secondly some of the boys, they were shortly followed by gwilym and his two other best friends- oliver and lewis.

"hey, (y/n/n)!" gwilym smiled, embracing you in a huge hug, "happy birthday!"

"ahh thank you so much love" you said, returning the gesture. you could just feel your cheeks go warm and a blush emerging on them as you took in his appearance. he was wearing a white shirt, with the top two buttons undone, and some black trousers. he just looked gorgeous. and, little did you know, that's what he thought about you too. you wore a red dress, with a high neck and frills around the sleeves. it ended just mid way down your thigh.

"wow...erm, i-i must say, you look amazing, (y/n)" he stuttered, looking you up and down, his jaw dropping slightly as he was in awe of your beauty. you were taken slightly aback, as he had never looked at you, or complimented you in that sense before, but nevertheless, your heart fluttered at his words.

"aw, thank you gwil! you don't look too bad yourself, i guess" you smirked, yet still feeling quite shy about the situation, even though you'd known each other for seventeen years.

he followed you into the living room, where you were met with all your other friends. everyone seemed to be having a good time, as they had all helped them selves to a drink and some of the snacks available on the table.

by about nine o'clock you were all about four or five drinks down, and were all dancing to the music blasting out of your speaker. it was needless to say that you were feeling a buzz now and were quite tipsy.  throughout the whole night, you don't know if it was just the additional confidence from the alcohol, but you were trying to spend as much time around gwilym as possible: chatting with him, dancing with him, and whatever it may be.

"do you want to play a game!" you shouted, drawing the attention from all your friends.                  

"yes!!" you were met with several nods from the group.

"let's play dares!" (y/f/n) suggested, so you all gathered in a circle on the carpet, you sitting with one of your girl friends on either side, and gwilym was more or less opposite you, which was good for you so you could admire him, without him catching on to you.        

several rounds passed, where your friends were doing stupid things and downing stupid amounts of alcohol and shots, until it eventually was your turn.

"(y/n), i dare you to kiss the person you find the most attractive" one of your friends said. you hadn't told anyone about your crush on gwilym, so they genuinely had no reason to ask that, which shocked you a bit. internally, you were slightly conflicted whether to do it or not but you eventually decided to go through with it, as everyone was just drunk and you could pass it off as a 'drunk kiss' or whatever, and no one would probably remember.

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