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We are taught young to avenge those who we've lost before dwelling on their death. Jus drein jus daun -blood must have blood.

"Get your gear on," Indra scolds as she bursts into my hut. I gaze up at her, confused. Today isn't a training day. What's going on? She notices my confusion and crouches so I can hear her better.

"There's been an attack, and they captured a sky person. Aislinn is treating him for his injuries." Aislinn is one of our healers.

Panic rushes through my veins. Aislinn is one of the many children of our clan that I make sure to look after. Reapers killed her parents.

I get up immediately, grabbing my spear and the wooden knife my father made.

I walk alongside Indra. An attack on the village is rare unless it's from another clan, although there hasn't been any trouble with that for years. Our only enemies are the Reapers and the Mountain Men.

I look at Indra, who hasn't spoken a word since we left. "What happened?" She shakes her head, anger simmering just beneath the surface. "Sky people," she mutters. I shoot her another confused look. Sky people?

The day the explosion happened, I overheard her talking to Anya about the sky people, but they didn't say much.

They arrived a couple of days ago in a pod; their landing killed 14 of our men. Anya has been trying to figure out what these people want ever since.

We arrive at the village, where our people are presumed hurt. Indra and I part ways to inspect different areas.

Daktari, another healer, immediately jumps at me. "Juno, I tried to stop them. I did, but they just kept chanting jus drein jus daun."

I put my hands on his shoulders to calm him down. "Slow down. What do you mean?" He lowers his head, clearly disapproving of our motto that blood must have blood. "Where is Aislinn?" I ask.

"She's okay; nobody was hurt. It was just the only way to get you here." He takes hold of my hand and leads me toward a nearby hut.

I can tell this won't end well.

As I enter the hut, I see Aislinn, her hands covered in blood. Beside her is a boy with a spear jabbed into his chest. "What happened here?" I ask, rushing over to her.

Aislinn raises a finger to her mouth, shushing me. "Indra cannot know about this. She would tell Anya." I look back and forth between her and Daktari.

It's a little late for that.

These two are always getting into trouble, and somehow, I always end up bailing them out. "Sky person?" They both nod. I look over at the boy, curious about where he came from.

"Juno! We're leaving!" Indra yells. Daktari looks at me nervously. The poor boy is only 11.

"Heal him fast and get him back to his people. We want nothing to do with another war." I jolt up quickly, sighing at the sight of the sky boy. "Who else knows about him?" I ask hastily.

Aislinn looks down. "Almost everyone in the village," she says quietly. Everyone in the village?

I walk out of the hut, infuriated.

Indra spots me and storms over, Daktari's older brother, Jax, on her heels. "Was Aislinn in that hut?" she asks furiously. I hesitate but nod. "But Indra, there is something you must know." She shakes her head abruptly.

"I already know. Move aside, let me see the boy." I quickly step out of her way as she storms into the hut, startling Daktari and Aislinn. "What have you done?" She examines the boy, the spear still in his chest.

Jax stands close to me. "We were only messing around; we had no idea the spear would hit him." Indra takes a deep breath before walking out of the hut again.

Making it clear she wanted me to follow her. I give the kids one last look before walking after Indra.

I wait outside Anya's hut for Indra. She's inside, telling Anya about the incident with the boy, hoping a warning will scare them off.

I sit there for a few more minutes before Indra finally comes out. "She wants to speak with you." I hadn't realized I was shaking my head until Indra yanks me up and tosses me into the hut.

She means no harm; she just thinks I'm weak because I fear her. She thinks I'm weak, period. Everyone in our village thinks I'm weak.

I see Tris, Anya's second. Aislinn and she were once close before things changed. This is the first time I've seen her in days.

My eyes linger away from Tris, realizing I've been staring at her since I stepped inside. "Anya," I say lightly, ensuring I don't show any disrespect.

"Your worry is for the wrong people." Anya nods at Tris, signaling her to give me something.

Tris slowly walks up to me. "I can assure you those kids did us a favor, whether they were playing around or not. They shall be rewarded."

My eyebrows furrow at her words. This signifies war; I thought she didn't want that. "Anya, those people will come after us."

Tris smiles slightly as she stands in front of me, offering me a bow and arrow. "You've no idea what the sky people have done since they got here, Juno," Anya declares, her voice noticeably angered. Tris steps back beside Anya.

I look at her briefly before questioning why I was given a bow and arrow. "This, Juno, is for you-a bow and arrow. If you accept, you'll become one of our warriors." I squint, still as confused as when I walked in.

Anya raises her hand, motioning for me to leave. I'm not given any time to accept or deny. Is she trying to keep me from going after the people-or is she telling me to go after them?

One thing comes to mind. Lincoln.

Lincoln is never willing to kill anyone without a good reason. He says it's not right that our people seek bloodshed.

If anyone knows anything about the sky people, it has to be my brother.

He's been away from home since their arrival, observing them. I kept my distance, but now I'm more eager than ever to figure them out.

Fragments of war: Unlikely Alliances || The 100 [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now