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I was getting ready to go get Lincoln back, my hands moving swiftly as I packed supplies.

My heart pounded with a mix of fear and intentness. The memory of our last argument played in my mind, fueling my resolution. I couldn't leave him to the mercy of those who had captured him.

As I tightened the straps on my bag, I heard footsteps approaching. I looked up to see Jax standing there, his expression serious.

My anger flared up instantly, remembering how he had failed us during the attack that led to Daktari's death.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly, not pausing in my preparations.

Jax hesitated, his gaze dropping to the ground before meeting mine again. "I want to help. Let me join you in getting Lincoln back."

I stopped and faced him fully, my eyes narrowing. "Why should I trust you? You left us for dead, Jax. You let Daktari die."

He flinched at my words, pain flashing across his face. "I know. And I'll never forgive myself for that. But I want to make it right, Juno. Please, let me help."

I clenched my fists, the conflicting emotions warring inside me. Part of me wanted to refuse him, to make him feel the same abandonment we had felt. But I knew I couldn't rescue Lincoln on my own. I needed all the help I could get.

After a tense moment, I nodded reluctantly. "Fine. But if you screw up again, I won't hesitate to leave you behind."

Jax nodded, accepting my terms without protest. "I understand. I won't let you down."

We moved quickly, slipping through the village and into the forest. The silence between us was heavy with unspoken words and unresolved anger. As much as I wanted to lash out, I had to focus on the mission.

"Do you know where they took him?" Jax asked, his voice low.

I nodded, my eyes scanning the trees ahead. "I have a general idea. John mentioned a camp to the east. It's probably where they're holding him. I've been there before."

Jax fell silent, following my lead. We moved with purpose, our steps careful and measured. The forest was thick, the underbrush making it difficult to move quietly, but we managed.

After a while, Jax broke the silence. "Juno, I know I can't make up for what happened, but I need you to know that I'm sorry. Truly."

I didn't respond immediately, my focus on the path ahead. After a moment, I sighed. "This isn't about forgiveness, Jax. It's about survival. If you want to help, then help. But don't expect things to be the same."

He nodded, accepting my words without argument. "Understood."

As we continued our trek, my thoughts drifted to Lincoln. I hoped he was holding on, that he was safe enough for us to reach him in time. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on my shoulders, but I pushed it aside. There was no room for doubt or fear now. We had to succeed.

The sun was beginning to rise when we finally caught sight of the camp in the distance. I motioned for Jax to stop, crouching low behind a thick bush. "There it is," I whispered.

Jax nodded, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the camp. "We need a plan."

I glanced at him, appreciating his readiness to strategize. "We'll wait until it's dark. Then we'll move in quietly, find Lincoln, and get out. No unnecessary risks."

Jax agreed, and we settled in to wait, the tension between us still palpable but momentarily set aside for the sake of the mission. As night fell, I steeled myself for what lay ahead. We were going to bring Lincoln back, no matter what.

Fragments of war: Unlikely Alliances || The 100 [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now