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Anya's words echoed in my ears, her command resounding with authority. As she ordered me to release Murphy, a knot formed in my stomach, but I knew there was no room for hesitation.

The battlefield needed to be softened, and if Murphy's release could achieve that, then I had to comply.

I approached Murphy's cage, my heart pounding in my chest as I unlocked the door. His eyes widened in surprise as I met his gaze, trying to keep my expression neutral despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling within me.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm letting you go," I replied, trying to sound confident even though doubt gnawed at the edges of my resolve. I couldn't let him see my hesitation.

His disbelief was palpable. "Why?" he questioned, his voice tinged with suspicion.

I forced a smile, willing myself to believe my own words. "Because everyone deserves a second chance," I offered, though the words felt hollow on my tongue.

Turning away, I quickened my pace, eager to escape before my undertake faltered. But as I disappeared into the shadows, guilt gnawed at my conscience.

Had I made the right choice, or had I just unleashed more chaos upon our already fragile world? Only time would tell.


As I entered Anya's hut, the tense atmosphere hit me like a wave. Anya stood at one end, her expression stern as she directed her fury towards Lincoln. Indra stood nearby, her features hardened with anger.

"You betrayed us, Linkon," Anya's voice was cold, each word a sharp accusation. "We told you what would happen if this plan of yours failed."

Lincoln stood with his head bowed, his shoulders tense. "I was trying to find a way to peace," he said quietly. "Octavia-she's different. She wants the same thing we do."

Indra's eyes narrowed, her voice laced with disappointment. "And in the process, you put all of us at risk. Your actions have consequences, Lincoln. You know that."

Anya's gaze shifted to me as I stepped forward, unable to remain silent any longer. "Anya, Indra, please," I began, my voice steady but urgent. "Lincoln made a mistake, but we can't afford to let this tear us apart. We need to stay united."

Anya's expression remained hard. "Juno, you understand the gravity of this situation. If we can't trust our own, how can we face the enemy?"

"I do understand," I replied, meeting her gaze. "But punishing Lincoln won't solve our problems. We need to find a way to move forward, together."

Indra shook her head, her frustration palpable. "Lincoln's actions have shown that he can't be trusted. He has put us all in danger."

Anya's eyes were cold as she spoke again. "Lincoln, you are hereby banished from this village. You have betrayed your people, and we cannot allow you to stay."

Lincoln's face fell, the weight of Anya's words hitting him hard. "Anya, please," he started, but she cut him off.

"No, Lincoln. You have made your choice, and now you must live with the consequences," Anya said firmly. "Leave. Now."

I stepped closer to Lincoln, my heart aching for my brother. "Anya, there must be another way," I pleaded. "We need him."

Anya's gaze softened slightly as she looked at me, but her decision remained. "Juno, you must understand. Trust has been broken, and it cannot be easily repaired."

Fragments of war: Unlikely Alliances || The 100 [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now