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Indra and I reached the cave in record time, the sounds of struggle still echoing faintly from inside. My heart pounded in my chest as we approached the entrance. I led the way in, knife in hand, prepared for anything.

"Stay close," Indra commanded, her voice low and tense. We moved quickly and quietly, slipping into the shadows.

The cave was eerily silent. Finn, Bellamy, Octavia, and Jasper were already gone, leaving only Lincoln lying on the ground, still unconscious. My relief at finding him alive was quickly overshadowed by anger and frustration.

I rushed to Lincoln's side, my hands shaking as I checked for signs of life. "Lincoln," I whispered, gently shaking him. "Lincoln, wake up."

Indra knelt beside me, her expression hard but focused. She began checking his wounds, her hands moving with practiced precision. "He's alive," she said after a moment, her voice steady. "We need to get him back to the village."

Lincoln stirred, groaning softly as he regained consciousness. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked around in confusion before focusing on me. "Juniper?" he croaked.

"Shh, it's okay," I said, relief flooding through me. "You're safe now."

But Lincoln's eyes hardened as he took in the scene. He tried to sit up, wincing in pain. "What happened?" he demanded, his voice rough.

"You were attacked," I replied, helping him sit up. "The one they call Jasper hit you."

Lincoln's gaze shifted to the entrance of the cave, his expression a mix of anger and frustration. "I told you to get her back to her people," I snapped

"I can handle this." He responds his voice gaining strength.

"Handle it?" I shot back, my own anger flaring. "Look at what they did to you, Lincoln! I was trying to do it your way, trying to help those people, but seeing how they treated you-I don't understand why you want to help that girl so badly. Even if she's nice, her people aren't!"

Lincoln's eyes blazed with anger. "It's not about them, it's about doing what's right," he retorted. "And I'm supposed to be looking out for you, not the other way around. You shouldn't be so worried."

"Well, you haven't been doing a very good job at that," I snapped, the words spilling out before I could stop them. "You're always so focused on them, on figuring them out. But what about us? What about your own clan?"

Lincoln's eyes softened, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of the brother I knew before all of this chaos began.

"June bug," he said quietly, "I understand your anger. But this isn't just about us. If we keep fighting, if we don't try to understand each other, it will only lead to more bloodshed."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside me. "I get that, Lincoln. I do. But seeing you like this-beaten, betrayed-how am I supposed to trust them?"

Indra, who had been silent up to this point, finally spoke up.

"Lincoln's right, Juno. We need to find a way to coexist, or this war will destroy us all. But," she added, her gaze shifting to Lincoln, "you also need to understand that trust is earned. And right now, it seems their trustworthiness is lacking."

Lincoln nodded, his expression somber. "I know. But we can't give up. We have to keep trying, for the sake of everyone."

I sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. "Fine," I muttered, "but we need to be more careful. Next time, we won't be so lucky."

Lincoln reached out and took my hand, squeezing it gently. "We'll figure this out, June bug. Together."

Indra stood, her eyes sharp and focused. "We need to move. It won't be long before they realize we're onto them. Let's get Lincoln back to the village and regroup."

Fragments of war: Unlikely Alliances || The 100 [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now