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When I was seven, we were required to have a blood test. This was the way they would determine who was natblida and who wasn't.

Usually, these blood tests would be done when we are born, but the warriors aren't able to test every baby in the village at once.

"They're going to figure it out, Dad," I feared. If they cut my hand and saw nightblood, they would make me train to fight with the other nightbloods until only one of us survived.

"They won't. I have a plan," my dad said, his voice steady despite the fear in his eyes. He took a knife and cut his own hand. He winced at the sudden sting of the blade, blood welling up instantly.

He walked over to me and did the same, the knife biting into my small hand. I quivered as I saw the blood rushing out of the palm of my hand, mixing with my tears.

He quickly took a cloth, wrapping it around my hand, and wiped the remaining of his blood all over it. "This'll have to work."

We walked outside our hut, where everyone was already lined up with their children's hands cut. The soldiers moved methodically, checking which ones had the blood of a warrior.

My father squeezed my shoulder reassuringly as we got closer to the front of the line. "Remember, June Bug, stay calm. They won't suspect a thing."

I nodded, trying to steady my breathing, my heart pounding in my chest. The soldier approached us, his eyes cold and assessing.

He grabbed my hand roughly, unwrapping the cloth. My father's blood stained the fabric, and for a moment, I feared it wouldn't be enough.

The soldier inspected my hand, the red blood smeared across it. He grunted and moved on, not noticing anything unusual.

My father let out a breath he'd been holding, and so did I. We exchanged a brief, relieved glance before following the line away from the soldiers.

Once we were safely away, he knelt down to my level, his hands on my shoulders. "You did great, June bug. I'm proud of you."

I hugged him tightly, feeling a mixture of relief and lingering fear. "Thank you, Dad."

He hugged me back, his grip firm and comforting. "We'll get through this, I promise. We'll always protect you."

We walked back to our hut, the weight of what had just happened slowly sinking in. My father's plan had worked, and for now, we were safe. But I knew this was just the beginning of the many dangers we would face.


I managed to leave the cave before Bellamy and charlotte woke up. A part of me believes he let me leave but I'll never truly know. He was the enemy after all.

The fog had cleared, and I had to get back to my village before anything else happened to me. I knew that if I stayed, they would have just taken me back to their camp.

There was no knowing what they would do, so I left at the first sight of sunlight. The forest was eerily quiet as I made my way through, every rustle making me jump. But I couldn't afford to be caught. Not now, not ever.

As I neared the edge of the forest, I could see the smoke rising from the chimneys of our village huts. Relief washed over me, but it was short-lived. I knew I couldn't go back the same way I left; they'd be waiting for me.

I skirted around the outskirts of the village, sticking to the shadows, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger. Every shadow seemed to be watching me, every sound making my heart race. But I pressed on, determined to make it back home.

Fragments of war: Unlikely Alliances || The 100 [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now