Chapter 1

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Scorchkit wiggled around, looking up at Snowyrock, her kin. She looked away from her, her eyes narrowing and face expressionless.

Why? Scorchkit wondered, why am I so terrifying to look at? Why do they put stuff on my face? Why does it feel strange and bad?

The young kit, something around maybe a quarter moon old had many troubles, ones that such a young kit shouldn't have to worry about.

But she couldn't help but let all of her thoughts fade as Snowyrock wrapped a tail around her, and the world faded away as she finally rested, away from all her fears and questions.


Scorchkit huddled herself closer to her littermate, as he meowed loudly in response, wiggling around wildly, much to Scorchkit's dismay.

Suddenly her ear flicked towards distant, or perhaps quietly muttered words.

"Those eyes, they shouldn't exist in this clan, she shouldn't..."

"Calm down, Ș̵̝̥͒̇̒̓̊̈́̄͒̈́͠͝i̵̧̡̛̼͎͇̲̰̹͇̤͚͕̟̭͋̔͌̒͐́͋ͅļ̸̡͓̬̦̫̖̰̫̜͖͙̟͚͗̀̀͌̉̀̇͆̒͂̈́͗̌͐͒̔̿̈̕͜ę̴̧̱̰̺̳̩̘̹̰̭̼̥͍̻̊̄́̉̋̀̀ͅń̸̝̘̞̱́̌̏͛̔͌͌͑̆̾͋̕͝t̷͔͍̻͎̮͍͓̱͙̥̞̙̯̪̺̮̤̽̄̍̈́͌s̷̯̲̜̮̜͈̲̩̝̘̪̪̤͖̥̙̃̐̍͆̀͊̑͛̾̎͋̽̍̓̕ţ̷̯͔̣͔̜͂ͅͅá̷̖͓̫̋̀̿̚̕͝͠ŗ̴̠̠̥̺͙͋͗̔́̓͠, only time will tell what happens in the future."


Scorchkit opened her bleary eyes, the world around her slowly coming into focus as her brother batted at her playfully and maybe even a bit harshly.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Get up lazy Scorching eye!" The one moon old kit exclaimed loudly, and quite annoyingly.

Ugh, what's up with that nickname too? Scorching eye? Whatever it's just Houndkit being himself as always.

Snowyrock was there, which seemed to be quite a rare occurrence these days, especially as she had been kept in the medicine den ever since she could remember.

Actually why Houndkit was so excited is because it was their first time going out of the medicine den, since they both had injuries since they were very young. Although Houndkit only had a few scrapes he had always been kept by her side, and now they were being moved into the nursery.

Scorchkit never understood why everyone looked at her differently, or even why she was treated like she was on her deathbed at all times.

She stood, looking up to Snowyrock and pawing her, Snowyrock glared down, though she almost seemed to flinch upon seeing Scorchkit's face. Her expression turned odd and all mixed up, Scorchkit found it hard to tell what she was thinking, and by her look she probably found her own emotions confusing too.

Snowyrock sighed, "humph, I have no time to speak, Scorchkit. Go to the nursery."

She didn't even have any time to respond before Houndkit was eagerly dragging her out of the medicine den into the bustling camp, Silentstar discussing hunting plans with the warriors.

Scorchkit glanced towards the nursery, where there was quite a few kits and two 'queens'.

A white spotted she seemed to be comparing paws with a gray striped tom, and shouting, "my paws are bigger than yours, totally bigger! Hehehe!"

Houndkit eagerly bounds over, dragging her along, "hey what's your namesss!!"

A black and white tom with piercing blue eyes pads forward, grinning "I'm Pepperkit, that weird spotted brown one is Webkit, and the others are my littermates!" He gestured towards the other three kits.

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