Chapter 3

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Houndkit shook himself off as he launched himself at Pepperkit, knocking them both over. Pepperkit jumped up swiftly and stood on the still knocked down Houndkit.

"Hah, I'm so much better!" Pepperkit sneered.

Houndkit felt his whole body droop, tail falling limply as Pepperkit continued his boasting.

I'm better than him anyways, I'm so much better! I'll prove it, I will!

"What's going on here?" Snowyrock questioned with a menacing tone as she strided into the nursery.

"Erm.... Houndkit just beat me in a fight!" Pepperkit cowered beneath the deputy's voice.

"Yeah, I did! I'm so much better than him!" Houndkit exclaimed, grinning proudly.

"Hm, that makes sense." Snowyrock simply nodded, "my kits are better than anyone else."

Houndkit bounded forward to his mother, oblivious to Pepperkit's obvious embarrassment.

Snowyrock lead him to their corner of the nursery before sitting down comfortably.

"Hey Snowyrock? I'll be a super powerful warrior like you, won't I?" Houndkit mewed with a slight tilt of the head.

"Yes, of course. Then you will be able to patrol with me!"

"And you will become a deputy like me." Snowyrock spoke with a sort of neutral voice.

"Then what will you be?" Houndkit looked unknowingly curious.

"I'll return to the stars." Snowyrock hesitantly meowed, quickly regretting her words at Houndkit's reaction.

"No because then you'll leave me behind..." Houdkit glared down his expression riddled with some sort of frustration.

No you won't leave me! You will never! If I become deputy it will be because you chose me to take over your role! The others will leave, I don't care. But you and Scorchkit won't ever! I won't let it happen!

"Ok, I won't." Snowyrock hurriedly said, trying to calm Houndkit.

"Good!" Houndkit mewed quickly, his voice confident.

Snowyrock smiled calmly, leaning down to lick Houndkit's pelt clean.

"Stoooppp! My furs fine!"

"You look like a disaster, if you walk around like this any other cat will think I'm a disaster too. Deal with it." Snowyrock lectured Houndkit, her tone strict with a subtle annoyance yet fondness.

Houndkit begrudgingly let her continue, after a while settling down comfortably with his mother's warmth embracing him.

He felt himself drifting off as his eyes blinked rapidly to remain awake, eventually giving into his exhaustion.

He swore he could hear Snowyrock whispering to herself.

"May the ScorchingStar bless t-"


Houndkit stood up, he was in the nursery, Snowyrock gone.

Gone? No. That's not happening. It won't. I can't let it.

"Really? But how will you?"

Houndkit turned towards the voice to find himself in an unfamiliar place, deep unsettling water beneath his paws yet not sinking into the empty depths.

Some light he had never seen before came from a rocky ledge that went upwards, glowing brightly.

"Do you really think that light is so good?"

Why not?

"That's how you will lose them." The voice said in a sickeningly teasing manner.

Who? I won't lose anyone!

"Not on your own, you'll never save anyone."

What do you mean 'on my own'?

"I'll help you save them, I can save them all."

And what do you want then?

"Nothing, just your cooperation with a few tiny things."

You won't hurt them, will you?

"No, I appreciate your care for them." The voice's tone felt genuine yet also so very wrong.

Sure, I suppose.

"Great!" The voice said, the words said in such a way he could practically see their wide grin.

So what now?

An eerie silence practically rang in Houndkit's ears, as he gazed down at the murky dark water.

The silence was suddenly interrupted as a loud whistle sounded in his head, making him jump.

He looked up to see a feather yet it didn't seem like a normal one, as it glowed with the brightness of the light that was glaring down onto some farther water.

It almost felt mesmerizing as if it belonged to him in the greatest way he couldn't help but hold a paw up, as the feather blew over to him almost deliberately as landed right on the paw.

He flinched and yowled in shock as it blew straight onto his chest, burrowing deep into his pelt, as painful shocks rippled across his whole body before a almost blissful feeling ran through his body, although he noticed a new strange white marking on his chest.


He couldn't help but blink his eyes shut, as he felt himself sinking into the depths of the bottomless water beneath him, pulling him into a dreamless sleep.


Short but epic chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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