Theme park pt. 2

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TW ⚠️: Hey guys! before I start the story I wanted to let y'all know that there will be s3lf h@rm at one point in the story. If you'd like you can skip it. I know that part might make people uncomfortable.

I look at Tara and nod in agreement. But before we do the plan, I see Tara texting someone. I see Johnnie and Jake walking towards us. I do Tara's plan. "God I wish I could get this but it's expensive as fuck." I say loudly enough for Johnnie to hear. Jake heard me and immediately whispered something to Johnnie. After Jake whispers to Johnnie, Johnnie nods but looks nervous. I look at Tara and she gives me a wink. 

"Poor ass." Johnnie says while laughing and grabbing the bear from my hand. "I can pay for it." Johnie speaks while fidgeting with his necklace. I give him a bright smile. I haven't had a huge smile like that in a long time.

"Oh my god I love you thank you." I blurt out. I immediately turn blank and start tapping the side of my thigh. Jake and Tara start giggling while i'm staring into space wondering how I fucked up this badly. Jake is filming Tara and they start walking off to the cash register. I'm still standing there staring at something. I didn't even know what I was staring at. All I could think about was how Johnnie wouldn't talk to me anymore and I ruined it all. During this moment the room felt like it was getting hotter. Everyone stopped talking. Nothing around me existed. It was just me alone. I was getting to deep to my thoughts. I started remembering every fucking thing that's bad about me. My arms started shaking until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I went back into reality and turned to see Johnnie standing there waiting for me. Why was he waiting for me? He should be with Tara and Jake right now, not with me. "Aren't we gonna catch up with them?" Johnnie asks me while giving me a small smile. Why is he talking to me? I just told him that I fucking loved him. I hope he thinks it was in a friend way. Just a friend way.

"Yeah let's catch up with them." I quietly said. I'm glad Johnnie didn't say anything of what just happened. As Johnnie pays for the bear I finish paying for my tank top. I thank him and give him a small smile still thinking about what just happened. I start walking with Tara while Johnnie walks with Jake. Jake's filming the four of us. "Y/n looks like she's about to shit herself." Jake says laughing while Tara also laughs. I'm holding onto Tara's arm because I know i'm zoned out while i'm walking. If i wasn't holding on to her. I'd be walking straight into a wall.

"Y/n are you okay? You look like your possessed." Jake said with a confused face. Tara tapped my shoulder and I look at her then the camera. "Oh sorry I was just looking around." I say while waving at the camera. What a lie i thought to myself. I was not looking around. After a few minutes pass, I hear tara shout excitedly "So what's the second ride gonna be?!" I know that i'm gonna be stuck with Johnnie again. I have to hold on to someone and Of course it has to be Johnnie. AGAIN.

Jake and Tara look in the same direction then look back at each other. "ZIPPER!" They both shout then run to the ride. Me and Johnnie walk behind them but don't say anything to each other. As we all get in line I hear Jake say angrily "Oh my fuck why do so many people have to be at this ride." He says while staring at the long ass line. "Patience" Johnnie speaks after Jake. I look at the people in front of us and I see two girls. One girl has blonde hair and the other black. They looked like the girls that played truth or dare with us at the party.

Probably isn't those girls. I rest my arm on the fence as we waited in line. But then I felt someone push my shoulder "What the fuck?" I say as I turned around. I looked behind me and saw fucking Brittney. "Johnieeee? What are you doing here?" I hear her say as she rubs his arm. "Fucking bitch" i mumble under my breath. I know Brittney heard me but I don't think anyone else did. Brittney looks away from Johnnie and looks at me. "So what's your name again? Who even are you?" Brittney says LOUDLY while laughing. When I say loudly, I mean so fucking loud. I notice everyone staring at me. "Oh i'm Y/n!" I say giving her a smile and pulling my hand out to shake hers. As my hand is waiting for her hand, it's shaking. Terribly.

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