Meet up

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The four of us were walking and until we hear someone shout my name. The four of us turn around to see Sam and Colby. It was Sam who shouted my name. I've talked to sam a couple of months ago because we met on insta. But i've never talked to Colby before, not even online. I just always got bad vibes from him.

"Hey guys." Colby said. We all said hi to him. "I've feel like i've seen you before?" Colby says walking up to me and pointing at me. "Yeah you probably have. I'm friends with Sam." I say giving a small smile trying not to be awkward or rude.

"Ahh I see." Colby says in reply while rubbing my shoulder. I move myself backwards a little bumping into Johnnie. "Shit sorry." I say while looking at Johnnie. "It's alright." Johnnie said responding. I find a huge difference between Johnnie and Colby. When Johnnie holds on to me or brushes against me, I feel comfort and safety. But with Colby...I feel sort of uncomfortable. I don't want to be rude though, I barely know him.

Jake wasn't filming after we heard Sam shout my name but then Jake went back to filming. "So me and Colby were thinking of filming a video of exploring an abandoned hospital later. It's probably late to ask but wanna join us later?" Sam asks me, Johnnie, Tara, and Jake. "Hell yeah! Sounds sick!" Jake says smiling. Tara punched Jake on the shoulder. "Jake I am not good with creepy shit." Tara says pretty pissed. "I don't explore places like that when it turns dark outside, usually during day." I say because with a small bit of fear. Last time I explored an abandoned building at night, I ended up peeing my pants. I'm not even joking.

"Y/n your going to be fine, I promise. I wouldn't let anything or anyone get you." Colby says while holding my hand. I started getting uncomfortable. "Not to be rude but back off..Sorry!"
I say to Colby while pulling my hand away with a disgusted look on my face. I said I wouldn't judge him but i'm going to anyway. Fucking creep.


Sam's telling us how they want us to the building with them. But Y/n and Tara don't seem interested in going so Y/n tells them. "I just don't explore those buildings at night." Y/n says. "Y/n, your going to be fine, I promise. I wouldn't let anything or anyone get to you." Colby says while grabbing Y/n's hand. I felt sort of jealous.

I felt like that should have been me holding her hand, not Colby. I was getting deep in my thoughts with a bit of rage until Y/n says something "Not to be rude but back off...sorry!" Y/n let's go of Colby's hand. She moves closer to me. I can tell that she felt uncomfortable. "Pretty rude to me." Colby says in reply with a small laugh. No one else laughed or thought it was funny.

"Whatever. We'll be there I guess. It has to be before 7pm though. Me and Y/n have a party at 9." Tara says with an un-excited voice. I see Y/n look at Tara confused but Tara pulls out her phone. I hear a ding then Y/n pulls out her phone. I could tell they were texting each other but I didn't want to say it out loud.


After Tara says that we're going to a party, I look at her confused. I see Tara pull out her phone and it looked like she was typing something. I knew that she was texting me because after a second later, I hear a ding coming from my phone. I notice Johnnie watching me as I pull my phone out.

I told you we were spending the whole day with Jake and Johnnie!

So you literally meant the whole day 😭

After I sent that message to Tara, she looked at me smiling. I smiled back at her. We put our phones down and everyone was watching us. Pretty awkward. "So uhm anyway.. Me and Sam are also going to a party tonight to. Looks like we might be going to the same one!" Colby said smirking and looking at me. I looked away and pointed my eyes to the ground. I'm praying to God that Colby isn't going to the same one.

"Well we're gonna get back to filming. So uh catch you later." Jake said awkwardly. Johnnie, Tara, and Jake all wave bye to them but I only way to Sam. "Does he always act that weird around girls?" I ask. Johnnie leans down and whispers something into my ear "I don't wanna be rude but he's kind of a hoe." "I can tell." I say quietly back to Johnnie. We both laugh

After a while of filming and ruining shit at the store, Jake starts ending the video "Well we're gonna go know but go buy my merch bye guys!" Jake says to the camera. We walk out the store and get into the car going back into the same seats we were in. Jake's about to start driving until he gets a message on his phone "Guys sam and Colby wanna know if we can go meet up with them now so we can hang out with them longer." Jake's speaks. "Yeah sure." Tara says. Johnnie says the same but I just nod. To be honest i'm not really excited.

"Y/n do you wanna go now to? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to after what happened." Johnnie asks. "It's fine i'll come I guess." I replied. Just hearing Johnnie talk to me always makes my day extra better. It just sounded like he cared for me. He's a literal sweetheart.

To be honest the car ride was pretty quiet. I just kept wondering how I really didn't want to go hang out with Sam and Colby at the moment. I wonder if everyone else is thinking the same as me. We pull up to an abandoned hospital and we see Sam and Colby waiting at the entrance of the hospital. The door looked shattered which creeped me out. Jake parked the car behind Sam and Colby's. "Hey guys!" Sam says to us as we all waved and said hi back. I had a gut feeling that something bad would happen. I just didn't know what would happen. "Well let's get going." Colby says as we all followed behind him. We're about to enter the building.

ENDS HERE:_____________________________________
Hey guys! I js found out that people proof read there chapters b4
publishing them. I don't do that n i'm pretty sure i've made a bunch of
mistakes but oh well! 😭 Idk why I was excited to write this chapter
when it literally turned out terrible again. I remember
saying I was gonna publish two chapters today but i've been out all day

~𝗔𝗺𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 = 1121~

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