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We get on the bed "Keep a distance between us." Johnnie says. "Got it" I replied. I usually take an hour or two to fall asleep sometimes so I just laid there staring at the ceiling. After half an hour passed by, I felt an arm wrap around my waist. As my head is still staring at the ceiling I give Johnnie a quick side eye to see if he was still asleep, his eyes were shut. I felt butterflies moving around inside my stomach and they wanted to escape.


I've felt feelings for y/n ever since i've laid my eyes on her, now she's in my room. It's been a couple weeks now since we've met and i've been feeling a tension between us, I wish I could tell her how I felt without being so awkward. It's like 1 something in the morning and i'm still thinking about Y/n but i'm so tired. Without thinking, I place my hand on her waist. Fuck, what if she's awake still? I don't move a muscle.

I don't even know what i'm doing anymore. Y/n doesn't even like me so there's no point of this. I tried thinking of something else and forcing myself to fall asleep and surprisingly, it worked.


What am I supposed to do during this moment? Do I move him off of me? I mean we're still friends. I decide to just shut my eyes and I fell asleep ten minutes later.

(time skips to morning time)

I wake up and my face is facing Johnnie's face and he's still asleep. His arm is still wrapped around me, does he not move in his sleep? I try to gently pick his arm up but he starts waking up. He rubs his eyes and groans "Why does it feel so early, what time is it?" Johnnie asks still rubbing his eyes and smudging his makeup. I pick up my phone and check the time "8am, pretty early." I say as I place my phone back down.

Johnnie usually wakes up at like 1pm so i'm not suprised that 8am is early for him. He pulls his face towards his pillow "Why are we up so early? Actually why were you up so early?" He mumbled. "Because that's the time I felt like waking up." I say as I flick his shoulder, he whines. God what a fucking baby.

I get up and walk downstairs to see Tara laying on the couch with a coke in her hand, she's scrolling through her phone "Morning Y/n!" She says happily, I can tell something's up. "Morning" I say in reply. "Come sit next to me, I have some very...important questions to ask!" She says while smirking. I walk next over and sit next to her as she hands me a coke.

"So what is it?" I question as I open the bottle. "Did anything happen between you and Johnnie last night? Not being weird by the way!" She says putting one of her hands up. "Tara no, I just slept in his bed because I felt bad making him sleep on the couch." I replied, I knew something was up with her. I was trying to think if anything happened and I remembered about Johnnie holding onto me. "Actually something did happen but it wasn't that bad." I say to Tara.

"TELL ME PLEASE TELL ME." Tara says pretty loudly. I put my hand on her mouth so she doesn't get louder, I don't want Johnnie to hear me talking about him. "Whoops sorry!" She whisper shouts. I begin to tell her how Johnnie put his arm around me while he was asleep and her mouth is wide open. "Girl I don't think he was asleep. But this is insane!" She says happily. "I know but I wish I could tell him how I feel about him but it's not that easy." I explain to her.

"He doesn't really talk to girls and he's not much of a romantic so you definitely must be the one for him" Tara says. We continue talking but the subject changes. We hear steps coming from downstairs so we look up to see Jake carrying Johnnie on his shoulder. "Dude put me down!" Johnnie says trying to get out of Jake's grip. "Not until your fully awake! Mama bear is not letting you sleep until 2pm." Jake says walking towards us. "Do they do this every morning?" I ask while whispering to Tara. "Definitely" She whispers back.

Jake puts Johnnie down then walks to the fridge and grabs a Monster. I was gonna tell him how that's not healthy to have in the morning but I can't be talking with a coke in my hand. "Guys what are we gonna eat, i'm starving." Tara asks. "Something that I would slap on a bitches ass" Jake says joking around.

"I'll slap your ass if you don't get us food." Johnnie says tiredly. "I don't think that's gonna help with the rumors" I say to Johnnie.
"The rumors are true!" Tara says confidently. "Are not!" Jake reply's. "Can we get burritos, i'm craving some right now." Johnnie says. "That's not a bad choice" I say. We all agree on getting burritos and we plan our day, Jake looks hungrier than ever. He acts like he hasn't eaten in days as he eats a bag of Doritos.
Tara has a really good idea of what we all are gonna do today and i'm ready for it.

ENDS HERE:__________________________
MORE CHAPTERS 😭😭😭😭 i literally have
no clue what else to add on to this story.
Anyway, i've been so busy this week and the
BEST thing ever happened to me. I GOT

~𝗔𝗺𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 = 931~

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