Chapter Thirteen

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of Drug Use

She pretended to be drawing, but her eyes remained on her roommate for the entire time. Nicky had her earbuds in and was reading a book, her foot tapping along to the beat. She didn't seem too anxious anymore, and Lacey was pissed that it was probably because she had finally gotten the heroin. She couldn't believe Nicky had been sober for three years, and she was about to throw it all away.

Lacey was counting down the minutes until Nicky got up to go to the bathroom, and when she finally did, Lacey didn't waste a second getting up and moving to Nicky's side of the room.

Nicky had gone at the worst time. Shower lines were always the shortest at this time, which meant that Lacey had only a few minutes to search for the heroin.

She just hoped that Nicky hadn't found somewhere else to hide it.

Lacey started with lifting up Nicky's mattress, running her hand along the bottom to search for the small packet. The mattress was empty, so she moved onto the pillowcase and sheets. Again, she didn't find anything.

She sighed, moving onto the cabinet, frantically searching through her stuff. She huffed again when she didn't find anything in the cabinet.

Lacey stood up, looking around the room hastily to check where to search next. Her eyes landed on the edge of Nicky's boot sticking out from under her bed, and she bent down, pulling it out.

She stuck her hand into the shoe, searching around for the heroin, when it was empty, she moved onto the next one.

Lacey was about to put the other shoe down when her fingers brushed over something.

She felt for it again, and her eyes widened when she realized she was touching a small packet. Lacey pulled it out, her breath catching when her eyes landed on the tiny baggie with white powder inside. She froze for a second, before realizing she needed to find somewhere to hide it.

She slipped it under her pillow, then lay down and pretended to go to sleep. She rested a hand under her pillow, letting it sit on top of the baggy.

When Nicky entered their cube and went into her bed, Lacey's hand tightened around the drugs.

--- --- --- ---

Lacey woke up earlier that morning, and was one of the first ones in the shower. She had woken up almost an hour before she normally did and had tried to go back to sleep, but was feeling too antsy to stay in bed.

After showering, she even had time to go on a walk in the courtyard. It was freezing cold, but she enjoyed the peace and quiet. The only sounds were the birds chirping, and it surprised her when she actually enjoyed it. Having grown up in the city, she had never been one to love nature, but she was actually appreciating the rising sun over the green hill right now.

She debated trying to get rid of the heroin now. She could bury it in the dirt or just leave it on the grass, but for some reason she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Lacey tried to tell herself that it wasn't because she had once been addicted too, but the logical part of her brain knew it was.

She even went as far as getting on her knees and taking out the baggy to bury it, but her hands refused to move.

Suddenly, she was remembering the freeness and lightness after letting herself let go to the drugs, and she could feel herself craving it. Her hands shook and her stomach turned, and Lacey's entire body filled with self-hatred.

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