Chapter Three

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Lacey woke up to a shaking bed and the yelling of a fight breaking out a couple rooms over.

"Hey Locke. Time to wake up if you wanna shower and eat," Nicky said, shaking Lacey's bed hard. She looked like she had woken up hours ago, and had obviously already showered. Her hair was still as unkempt and wild as always.

Lacey rubbed her eyes and sat up before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and hopping down. She looked out the window, only to find that the sun hadn't risen yet.

"You got 45 minutes until breakfast at six." Nicky walked over to her own bed and put on her khaki shirt, having only been in a tank top before.

Nicky glanced over at Lacey and looked away, before looking back and furrowing her eyebrows at her and giving her a funny look.

Lacey tilted her head. "What?"

"Did you not cry?" Nicky asked, genuinely confused. "Your eyes aren't puffy."

"No. Do most people?" Lacey wrapped her towel around herself and pulled off the white shirt and pants she had slept in. She walked out of the room, heading towards the bathroom, Nicky still following her.

"I don't think I've ever seen someone not cry before their first night here," Nicky said, still following behind Lacey.

When Lacey didn't respond, Nicky added, "You really are no joke."

Lacey turned back, "Huh?"

"You really are as tough as they say."


Nicky walked with her to the bathroom, telling her about all the inmates they passed, which ones were friendly and which ones you wanted to stay clear of at all times. When they got to the bathroom, Nicky continued walking straight towards the common room, "Meet us in the common room after you're done, yeah?"

"Okay, see ya."

The shower line wasn't too long, and Lacey assumed that Nicky had woken her up early to avoid the wait, which she was grateful for.

After she showered quickly, she stood by the sink brushing her teeth and pulling her hair up into a bun.

"Hi Locke," Vause said, joining her at the sink.

"Hey," Lacey said, putting deodorant on.

"How'd you sleep?" the tall woman asked, rubbing a cream onto her arms.

Lacey shrugged, "Pretty good."

Vause smiled, "You don't seem too upset to be in prison."

Lacey shrugged again, "I doesn't seem too bad."

Vause made a hmph sound. "I guess not." She paused, before saying, "Compared to what you've been through."

She just glanced at Vause, not wanting to get into a deep conversation about her childhood with someone she hardly knew.

Vause looked over curiously at Locke, wondering why she wasn't responding, but Lacey remained quiet as she grabbed her bathroom stuff.

Lacey was about to walk away without saying anything, but turned around before she left. "See you later then, Vause."

Vause nodded, giving Lacey a tight-lipped smile, her brows still furrowed in thought at Lacey.

After changing into her orange prison uniform inside her room and staying quiet to avoid waking up the still-sleeping Miss Rosa, Lacey checked the clock and found she still had 30 minutes until breakfast and headed out of her room to find Nicky in the common room.

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