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marleys pov
it's been a couple days and olivia and i have gone for a few more dates, it's going smoothly. she met the girls last night and i think it went well. i hope it did.

she's asleep right now i guess she sleeps in. willow alyssa and i are in the kitchen. "what do you think" i asked them nervously and they picked up who i meant instantly.

"she's sweet" alyssa shrugged
"you don't like her?" i asked confused knowing what she meant
"do you?" she asked back. i was offended. why would i even introduce her to them if i didnt.

"yes, i think i really do" i said taking a sip of my drink.
"then that's all that matters" she said and i looked to willow for her opinion.

"she's nice?" she said unsure. and i sighed. olivia and i got close really quickly it's like we just bonded. but i really wanted the girls to like her.

"anyway is billie coming for girls night tonight?" alyssa asked knowing if so she was going to get the gluten free pasta again. it makes no difference to us it tastes the same.

"she's been busy but i'll text her" i answered about to turn back to my room when olivia was right there.

"what's girls night?" she asked helping herself to some coffee that was in the pot still.

"just us usually. sometimes a friend or two, we eat food play board games nothing really" i shrugged. "you should come" i saïd feeling obligated to invite her now she knew.

"i'd love too" she smiled kissing my cheek.
i turn back to the girls and they had fake smiles on for olivia i could tell.

but they were going to have to get used to it because i like having her around.
willow gave me a look before going to get ready for her work.

soon everyone left and it was just me in the apartment.


hey b wanna come for girls night tonight

yea id love to
anyone else going?

just all us and olivia

olivia. got it, no orgy then


how's the jesse thing going

we're not getting back together
but he's still a good fuck. thats all though

way to be poetic about it

im a word master thank you very much

sure bil sure.

shut up
what are you doing rn

bed rotting
i don't even think i have the motivation for the gym today

my mars not going to the gym
what have you done with the real one

shut up
come over if your bored

i will be

falling back into bed i wrapped the blankets around me. i wasn't lying when i said i didn't have the motivation.
i must've fallen back asleep im not surprised since i couldn't sleep last night because olivia snores.

billies pov
jesse and i were fine without eachother and how we left things so we left it all again. well he did say he would wait for me when i told him i didn't want anything else.

anyway i got in my car and headed for marleys apartment. i hadn't seen her in a few days and i missed her.

sue me.

i knocked on her door but no one answered so i grabbed the key from under the mat. she said she was the only one home so shes probably in her room or something. plus she knows im coming. 

i walked to her bedroom and she was asleep in her sheets. i noticed the mess but i can't be one to judge. i sat beside her in bed going on my phone again.

doing nothing with company is better than doing nothing alone. with the right company that is. 20 minutes later she started to wake up.

"shit" she jumped back from me and almost fell off the bed. "hi"

"hi" i laughed at her as she calmed down from the scare.
"sorry about the mess" she said sitting up. "i've just been really busy with work and school and-" "hey mars it's fine, i get it" i brought her in for a hug.

"besides my drawers are broken so i physically cant out all my clothes away right now" she shrugged "ill get new ones eventually"

"dont you have uni? its friday?" billie said once we ventured to the kitchen.

"my class got cancelled" i said tripping over on the mat under the sink i almost face planted but caught myself before i did. billie nodded and i opened the fridge looking for anything appetizing. "sorry theres no food, lyss is doing the shopping today, its her week" 

"its alright, are you hungry?" she asked and i shook my head having another glass of water, it was only 10 am so we had the whole day to do whatever. i should probably clean my room. "hey you doing okay?" she said now looking at me differently. 

"yeah" i nodded nodding again to convince her and myself. she didnt seem convinced as she raised an eyebrow and walked over to me. 

"okay you need an outing" she decided "my plan, you just relax" 

"bil i dont have the energy to get ready" i shook my head. 

"you got the energy to put on some pants and thats it" she said looking up something on her phone. 

"whats wrong with these pants" i argued holding up my jumper so you could actually see them.

"you do you, lets go then" i shook my head quickly to go put longer pants on. she threw her head back with a laugh and once i came back we left down to her car. 

"so where are we going miss eilish" she just gave me a smile and pulled out of the car park.


its not a date guys, not yet

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