sailing maybe?

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marleys pov

i went and clocked off saying a quick goodbye to blake. we both drove our cars back to my apartment but left again in billies. 

it was like 1am so nothing was open. but we got out at the beach again. "girl its too cold for this shit" billie said as she was wrapped up in a hoodie. 

"hey it was your idea" i countered as we sat on the rocks. my eyes glistened as i looked out to the ocean. billie sat behind me and wrapped her arms around me. 

"you okay?" she asked me sincerely. i nodded assuring her in fine. "you know i dont believe you" she said and i nodded again. i sighed resting my head back against her shoulder 

ill be fine. i know i will be. she linked her hands on my stomach as i held her arm. i think ive fallen for her but that scares me too much. i know shes physical with all her friends and i know she would never like me. besides shes technically my boss. 

it was so peacefully i almost fell asleep and i would have if billie didnt sneeze. "sorry baby" she said getting back to how she was. 

we sat there for a while talking every now and again but mainly watching the ocean. soon the sky started to change colour and we involuntary watched the sunset. with the tiredness catching up to us we got back in her car to head home. 

pulling up to my apartment we snuck in doing our best to keep quiet since i knew the others were still sleeping. once we were in my room i grabbed some clothes to have a shower feeling icky. 

billie sat in the bathtub facing the other way as i showered. i dont know why but it didnt bother me. something about not wanting to be alone. i put my pyjamas on and she turned back around sitting on the bathroom bench.

"whats your skincare routine" she asked me as i dug through my drawer.

"this" i said holding up a bottle of moisturizer. she shot her head forward.

"thats it?" i nodded with a laugh and we went back to my room. "what are you doing tomorrow?6"

"going to get my things from my dads" i said stretching my whole body out and accidently punching her in the face. she moves my hand from her face. "you can come if you want"

"of course i will" she smiled. we dont even have to be doing anything and billie would still come just to run erens. "what are you getting"

"the rest of my instruments, i need to sell them because i dont have room here for them" i told her and she sat up in bed. "and maybe some of my paintings they've just been sitting in my old room"

"what instruments"

"a keyboard, and drum kit" i said.

"if you want you can keep them at mine, that way you dont have to get rid of them"

"no its okay, i dont have time nowadays to keep up with my hobbies" i told her and she nodded laying back in bed. we were just laying in the dark tired enough to sleep but not tired enough to actually fall asleep. i was on my back and billie rolled over her arm laying over me.

i lifted my arm around her and she pulled me closer to her. "your the only way i can sleep anymore" she whispered. and i will admit the sleep i do get when im laying with her is the best sleep ever.

"im glad your not nocturnal anymore" i laughed as she whacked me. 

"i was never nocturnal" she argued

"when you were going to bed at like 6am, okay sure" i shook my head "im glad i met you billie" 

"im glad i hired you" she then laughed. and i rolled my eyes. 

"right then, this doesnt seem very professional between a boss and employee" i said pushing her off me and laying a pillow between us "better yet maybe ill take the couch" i said starting to stand up but she grabbed my shirt pulling my back down and sitting ontop of me so i couldnt get up. 

"your not going anywhere" she said pinning my arms down and leaning over me. i didnt know how to react. she had this smirk on her face and her body was right above mine, she had a playful glint in her eye but it quickly changed. "mars" she says in a low rasp. 

"bil" i whispered back. she let go of one of my arms and brushed the hair back from my face. she flicked her eyes between my lips and my eyes before letting out a small huff of air and getting off me.

"next time, dont run away from me" she said as i laid in her arms again. and we fell asleep like that. 


i was going to make them kiss but i think you should wait a little longer.

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