billies good nights.

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3rd person pov
a couple minutes later of the 3 girls sitting outside marleys room the door finally unlocked.

"i'm going on a run, then the gym. ill be home later tonight"'she said stepping over them all and heading to the door.

she got out quickly before the others even processed it.
peering into the now opened bedroom the room was a mess again. although this time the bed was pushed on its side so there was a big open space in the middle.

billies pov
knowing marley would be out for a while i left their apartment and went to ikea to find her some new drawers. i sat in my car for maybe 20 minutes stalking her pinterest to see what she likes and also thought of what would fit in her room.

i finally had an idea and headed in finding the first employee i found which was this girl who looked about 18.

"hi, do you guys have anything like this" i asked showing her a couple posts.
it took her a second to look at it since she was struggling to take her eyes of my face.

"sorry, yeah yeah down isle 15 there's a few. or displays are upstairs" she explained and i thanked her throwing my hood up.

10 minutes and 400 dollars later i had a set and pushed it all the way out to my car before realising i didn't know how to fit it in there.

i laid the seats down shoving the boxes in. my car may be sexy but it ain't built for this bob the builder shit.

i stopped by the grocery store to get her some food. i know she rarely eats junk but this seems like the time for it.

i speed on back to marleys apartment knowing it would take hours to build and texted the girls to come help me with something.

they came down and were shocked. "man why can't i have a rich girlfriend" alyssa shook her head. this girl is the gayest straight girl i've ever met. and that's saying something.

anyway we got it upstairs in the elevator and had to push the boxes across the carpet but r managed.

they both had work in the morning so they went to bed.
i called finneas so he can help me cause i know i'm stupid but ikea instructions makes me feel even more dumb.

i won't admit how many hours it took me but i finished her drawers. and got them in her room.
her old drawers you couldn't even open because the bottoms had fallen out and bent and the rolling thing always got stuck.

i know she talks about how much she hates her old ones but can't justify the money but i can justify the money so now she has them.

anyway. like before i cleaned her room up for her. it wasn't bad it was more of a i can't find that one shirt i want sort of destruction.

i found some of my clothes i had been missing i figured they were stuck in my house somewhere or still at my parents.

by 1 i was finished everything and i had her lights all how she likes it.
i was just laying in her bed when i heard the front door open. in walked mars sweaty and red. it was hot but this isn't the time.

"hey bil" she said dropping her bag. i noticed as she walked to her drawers seemingly to get pyjamas when she stopped.

"i knew you didn't want to spend the money so i got them for you so you wouldn't have another thing to annoy you, i stalked your pinterest so if you don't like them i can return it but-" i stopped when she turned around to me starting to cry.

i brought her in for a hug and she sobbed and broke down in my arms. i don't think i had ever seen her cry. it took me by surprise but we sunk down to her floor i don't even care she was all sweaty.

i held her in my arms and i would for as long as she needed. "thank you billie, seriously thank you so so much" she wiped her eyes and i just smiled at her shaking my head.

"it's nothing" i smiled at her pushing her hair back. "now you go have a shower. we can watch black widow or whatever or i can go home if you'd like"

"no please, can you stay" she said immediately. i just nodded and she got up to go have a shower.

a week later.

3rd person pov
marley was doing better, she felt bad for getting over olivia so quickly but she was quickly realising her feelings were elsewhere.

"genuinely makes me gag thinking about how i met her here" she shivered. getting up as her brake was almost over.

marley waved to the blake and headed back out. but of course when she got there the devil herself was sitting at the bar.
"hey baby" she said smiling once she walked over to her.

"don't start with that" she shook her head walking away to do her job only for her wrist to be grabbed. she death stared the girl who had a devastated look in her face.

"come onnnn let's try this again, we looked good together" marley just shook her head walking away.

she was kick to loose the girl on the other side of the dance floor. luckily the place was packed tonight. to be completely honest tonight she had had a few drinks that the bartender had slipped her. so she was ready to not stand for anyone's shit.

she knows drinking on the job is bad or whatever but her shift was almost over and it was 3am.

the club closed and her and blake had gotten drunk out back. somehow they managed to catch an uber.

marley told the man her address and they started heading there. but she was too busy watching blake attempt to put his jacket on.

"you two had fun tonight didn't you" their uber driver said as they pulled up to the place. neither processed the words as the girl got out of the car.

she stumbled up the road pressing random buttons on the security door.
"hello, billie babe you in there" she said her eye getting really close to the doorbell camera.

"marley?" her tired voice came through the speaker.
"BILLIE" she laughed and the gate opened.

she was met by the singer rushing out the door. "shit what happened, and where is your shirt" she brought the girl inside her house.

the 19 year old was in her black work skirt black stockings and a red bra. she didn't know where her shirt was either.

"are you drunk?"
"what me never" she shook her head sobering slightly. "maybe a little"

billie lead the girl to her kitchen passing her a glass of water. she took it willingly. 
"who even sold you alcohol"

"blake got it, he lives really close to me actually. right over there" she attempted to point but her finger went straight into billies face.

"god what am i going to do with you"

it's midnight again.

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