Chapter 8: The Bad News

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Chapter 8: The Bad News

Viria's POV:

beep beep beep beep my alarm goes off. Why did i even choose to put an alarm today? Oh okay. Today is the day i have to go shop for the party. I watched too much Pretty Little Liars. 2 seasons to be exact.

I went down stairs and checked if the furnitures are here.

"Hey sleepy head." well Agnessa is in a good mood. For some reason there was a suitcase next to the door.

"Why hello Ms.Bogomolov" i said in a British accent

"What a lovely day isn't it Ms.Petrov?" she replied in a British accent

"Yeah. it is. anyway Ms.Bogomolov we have to go get things for our house." i reminded her.

"Oh. That." she said. she sighed. "I need to tell you something and i think this is for the best of me." Her playful face became a serious face.

"Okay..." i don't think i like how this is going

"There was a slight accident that happened yesterday. Which involves Knox. He knows where I am. I cannot stay here anymore"

"Wait. What? you are moving because of some douche that is just obviously trying to scare you away?"

"Well lets just say he almost rape me." she said. She looked like she was holding back her tears. "And threatened me too."

"What?! Rape?!" i can't believe what this Puerto Rican bastard did to my friend.

"And that was why i was drinking yesterday."

"And you were very grumpy."

"Okay. but the thing is that I will move out of this house." she said. Her eyes started to water.

"Oh okay... where? the tower opposite to here?"

"No. To Russia." a tear

"No. You cannot do that!"

"I called my mother and father and they said okay."


"I know. We shared awesome moments together in Russia. not a lot in America but still."

"well them what time is your flight?"

" In 3 hours. I am going to go now. can you send the rest of the things to Russia whenever you go the chance to?"

"Um...." i hesitated. I hate Knox. "Sure... i will send them today."

"Okay." Agnessa picked up her suitcase. "I will see you later.In Russia."

"Okay. Bye." She got out of the house and into the elevator. she wasn't even crying or anything. she just smiled.

She is gone. I felt a tear in my eye. I swear if i see Knox again, he will regret it. He will regret his mother opened her legs... oh wait. what saw i going to do again? oh yeah. To go shopping. Totally forgot. Now where should i get a dress from? Eh. I will just go to Dolce and Gabbana. They have cute dresses there. And shoes from Loubutin. I need to call Leonardo.

I picked up my phone and called Leonardo.

"Hello Viria." he sounded like he woke up now. All rusty and all. I find it hot.

"I need you to take me shopping."

"Hey umm i am so sorry but i am have guests over." he said. "I am sorry Viria." as i was about to say its okay when i heard a girls voice saying "Who are you talking to,baby?". That angered me. But why? I don't really like him... "Nothing baby. Its just Mr.Petrov's daughter." he said casually. Well i thought he is the one who loved me. "Oh. Isn't she that rich girl who lives in Russia? Oh my god I would notice Viria anywhere. She used to model. I think she still does." i still do. The last time i did was for Prada. "Hey. she is on the phone." i heard her squeal like a child who got candy. well then, that means i have fans. That thought amuses me. But i don't think i really like her... but why? its non of my business.

Unexpected: A novel by pillowavalancheWhere stories live. Discover now