chapter 1: escaping hell

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Finally, the last day of this hell hole. if you think that your school is hell, mine is even worse. this place teached dicipline and ettiquitte to kids who are bad or what we all like to call, "badaas"es to be boring and not interesting at all!!! Today, we will go to the grand hall where we usually do are daily assemblies where they remind us "As what Theodore Roosevelt said: Politness is a sign of dignity, not subservience." they say that over and over and over again. 

i have to get ready before they punish me... even though i have never gotten punished because i heard that it is extreme torchure. 

...... 5 hours later 

"Ladies! get up or you will be late. you musn't upset the mistresses of this school!" said Miss Ackerman. Our teacher who teaches us the etyiquites on the table. She is not a local here. that is why i like her. She is russian but lived her whole life and married in England. That is why she is different from all the other Russian teachers. Those annoying people. Especially those bloody bastards who we call professors. i started to get ready. My maid was waiting for me in my dressing room. Not everyone has a suite but my mother and father are very very wealthy and successful buisness women who can afford anything but for some reason, everyone loves my parents. even the president. Everyone has so much respevct in them... i do too but the choice they chose to put me in this school isn't a plesant experience. as i walked to the dressing room, my maid put on my corset which kills me and it is really outdated but they make us put that for good posture. on top of the corset, she helped me wear this amazing custom made dress that my mother chose for me. it was a shiny, long white dress with some cherry blossoms peaking from the side that represented me and my mom's love of japanese culture. the dress had long, sheer sleeves with a little bit of that sheer fabric shows my cleavage, but not that much ofcourse. i put on a pair of white and shiney christian loubutin high heels and head to the grand hall. its something like a graduation but more "sophisticated". 

........... in the grand hall.

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the soiree of your daughters' development to become clever and sophisticated ladies. We will start by introducing to you our ladies at the ettiquite l'ècole de Saint Petersbourg!" yes. this school is french.

We all went up on stage from the most successful people to the less successful ones who indeed... needed to stay longer to become even more polite. there were 2 rows of "Madamoiselle" which is how  they call seniors  and the "petite madams" for the juniors in this school. the best of each classes are there. so the top 6 people. i was the top 2 in senior or madamoiselle section. i could've been the top 1 but i had a fight with this girl who couldnt make it because she wasnt good enough. but my best friend Agnessa; daughter of Nastasya and Feliks Bogomolov. Successful and wealthy real estate agents and a very good friend of my parents. oh my god they started. my heart is beating so fast i cannot breathe. i am usually so confident about everything.

"Now we will annouce this year's school graduates" i feel like i am starting to sweat. "Starting with the madamoiselle" i cannot breathe well. "Madamoiselle Agnessa Bogomolov!" the whole crowd started to clap. I am not actually nervous about this. i am nervous about the speach me and Agnessa will do later. "And the n welcome" oh my god "Madamoiselle Virianna Petrov!" everyone started to clap. i started to feel dizzy. oh no. i am going to have a panic attack. And then it went all away. "Madamoiselle?" "Ah yes. I am dearly sorry Madame Fontaine." "i hope you will use this attitude outside this school too ma fille." "Ofcourse." "Now go and get your diploma from Monsieur Fortier." "Yes Madame." "Here you go Madamoiselle." "Merci Monsieur Fortier." "Your welcome ma fille." he called me his daughter. he was such a bastard when i was at school. but now, its a new start. i am going to start fresh. i wanted to live in america. so as agness. hmm. i guess i will talk to mama and papa about it. 

"Hey agness!" "Yo vir whats up!!" "remember.." "remember what? ohhh... you wanna do that?" "Yess!!!" "okay. lets go!!"

"Preveit mama, papa" i look to the side and i saw agness hugging her mom and dad. she nodded. i guess her parents aid yes. 

"Previet moy rebenok. how was it?" my papa asked. i wanted to make them happy."it was amazing papa. but i need to ask you something." "what is it dear?" my mama asked. "I want to go to university." "Of course you will. i found thi amazing university in Moscow and-" "No mama. papa. i wan to ask you if i can go to america." they looked at eachother in shock. my mom opened her mouth but before she could speak,my dad said "Of course darling but you cannot go there alone you  know?" "of course papa. i am going with agness" "But did she ask her mama and papa?" "yes. they said okay so can i go please?" "she finally learned to say please Valentin." "Ah... yes. she finally became a woman Lilia." "i feel like she was just a baby yesterday..." "Mamaa.. can i go?" "Yes. yes you can." papa smiled at mama and they kissed. even after 19 years of marriage, they still have sparks in their eyes like as if they just fell in love okay. stop fangirling. more packing. once a bad girl, forever a bad girl..






okay so this is the first chapter!! i hope you like it like, comment and follow and vote!!! sorry for the grammatical mistakes and if i spelled something wrong is your language, plz feel  free to comment the correction!! bye bye!

Unexpected: A novel by pillowavalancheWhere stories live. Discover now